Spector's Ban Appeal

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Mar 23, 2023
Your in-game name: 'Sweet'
Your SteamID: 76561199245651628
Your steam community link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199245651628/
Date of ban: Thursday, August 24, 2023
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): My exact ban reason is for Mass RDM (MRDM), No Intent To Role Play (NITRP), Stacked Bans X
Who banned you: 'Red'
Ban length?: 26 Weeks (ban length today is 2 weeks)
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url): What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will try to intentionally role-play in the game as different teams to keep up the pace in roleplaying and not breaking NLR or NITRP, and I will try to not break RDM, as I ALWAYS get bored, because there's no interesting stuff happening so I then k!ll players in the server without hesitasion. I wanna also want to be very honest about some of the rule breaks I did back in the time, I was k!lling people in 106's pocket dimension with a knife as the Engineer role, which I completely regret doing because that got me warned and probably banned. I also want to share that I've been actually getting revenge on the players by breaking 2 of the rules NLR and KOS which also got me warned, but not exactly kicked or banned. I am sharing all these incidents with the staff today, so they could reconsider into letting me back in the server by seeing me be honest and not lying. I've lied to staff a few times, but now whenever I join a DarkRP server, I'm always saying the truth to the staff. Because I know if I lie, I get banned for lying to staff. These are some of the things and bans that I've done in the previous months, when I wasn't banned for 26 weeks. I'm being honest today for a better future tomorrow. I am very sorry that I've done all these actions in my presence on the server. I'm always trying to tell the staff that, I have anger issues with players, which gets me to a way different step, and it causes me to be banned for KOS and RDM. Yes...I have anger issues, which kind of sucks, because it keeps making me get into more trouble in sits, or in conversations with other players, that I've accidently caused some complications to. I am very sorry for my past-actions, for what I have done, for what I committed, and what I've told. I will try to not engage myself to k!ll other players or ruin their RP, so I can get banned over and over again.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? I've been actually warned and banned for RDM a few times, but I cannot tell the exact date of those warns or bans or even causes, because I've forgotten them a long time ago since I was banned from the server for 26 weeks.
Why should you be unbanned: I will try to not break the rules that are very known to me, especially NLR or RDM, because those rules are the ones, I break very often in the time I join the server or start my journey towards the ranks of the server. I already know, that the first thing that MIGHT happen is me just having another warn or ban for RDM in-game. I have been strictly told to before to NOT break the rules of RDM, and that's gonna be my goal to prevent from happening for the day I get unbanned. I've been very honest towards other staff in DarkRP and other servers associated within DarkRP servers. Because I know that if I try to complain with the staff about the issue, they will probably catch me out of the situation. I would realize soon that some of my proof would not be valid for the sit, and with that I would hopefully get banned from the server for Lying to Staff. That's why whenever I join a DarkRP server, I get teleported to a sit, I say "Yeah, it was me, I was the one that k!lled him there.", which at this point makes the sit way quicker into ending and for me to not get into further trouble.
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I will try to make myself to stay calm in the sits as possible, because sometimes I get a little bit out of hand and say some silly nonsense, which causes me to get gagged by the staff, and warned. I am trying to ensure that I won't break any other rule in the game, if I follow the rules of SCP-RP server, and keep myself away from my anger. RDM and NLR are going to be probably the least challenging ones to break, because that's like what I do almost everyday, when I get bored. I will read the SCP-RP Rules, to learn about new warns and ban reasons, that you can get in-game by the staff. Reading the rules is going to improve my point of understanding and not breaking a rule, that I've learned in the rules section of the SCP-RP server.
Why do you want to rejoin this server?: I want to rejoin this server, because I want to see what it's like in the server today, since I've never been in the server from last year's ban. I also want to rejoin the server to continue my progress in the levels and abilities within them. I want to re-continue my work and my roles into improving to a way better future. I just want to see the server in the new year of 2024, so I could explore and reconsider myself, into staying polite and calm. I want to rejoin the server, to see what it's like today, the buildings, the structure, the complex, everything. I cannot resist myself into waiting another 2 weeks for my ban to end. I want to get back to the server today, and spend my holidays next week for playing in the server. If you could be kind to make me rejoin this server, I will promise to my heart of glory, I will try to make myself reconsider my choices, and problems, to make them end once more.

Sven Sky

Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Feb 8, 2022
Appeal Accepted

Hi @Diamondcookie69 ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

Apologize for the long wait. I believe after now 25 weeks I can say that you are welcome to join our SCP-RP Community on the Server again. From now on though make sure to follow the rules and try not to get into any more trouble. You will be unbanned shortly.

Sven Sky​
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