Sprucer's Exec Application [USA] #3

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Mar 30, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:68641183
Discord name: traemast
For how long have you played on CG SCP: For a year (900h~)
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: Spain
Time zone: CET
Character name(s): Sprucer "RECEPTIONIST"
Civilian name: "doctorman" [AWCY]
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
E-11 PVT

Currently Held Licenses:
- Medical

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have not received any bans or warnings in recent times, and the ones i had received are long since expired.

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
I wish to improve the department and organize good rp for everyone involved, i believe that there is much that could be done to improve in this regard even if rp has gotten quite a lot better within the time i have spent here. I wish to be able to conduct tests on cl4 scps, as well as be able to authorise tests for my fellow researchers, which on the hours i play is quite needed, given most of the exec roster is us based. I would also love to help other researchers in getting to their goals, understanding their tests and giving proper guidance as a cl4 researcher should do. On that note, I want to create a positive environment for interesting and rp heavy tests that are fun and involved.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
I have spent many hours helping researchers to the best of my ability, and spent just as many hours creating documents of varying quality, but nonetheless creating them and experimenting plenty, i have guided juniors, seniors and cl2 researchers alike in all kinds of endeavors whenever possible, helping them with formatting, test ideas, or giving directions, helping with chemistry, clearance, and overall all types of guidance. I believe i have the experience required to conduct all types of cl4 tests and im able to help generally wherever im needed, with plenty of availability on my end.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
I have written 10 excellent graded documents. I have over 5 pending uploading and about 25 total documents. (I will input the same as in my last application seeing as it is perfectly valid still.) For all documents you should have a bunch of notes, and use drafts whenever needed to assist you. Documents can be long or short but make sure to be creative and utilise proper rp, proper formatting and do tests with the best goals in mind, while utilising procedures properly, and so goes for personnel. This is a format to be followed for an excellent document, and the more detail you add to your document the better it will be, and the higher the chances of obtaining an excellent grade on it.

< Index >
Detailing which page contains which information and so on.
SCP description, including a description of the scp that can be copied from the wiki itself, plus an image if you can manage to properly attach one.
< Hypothesis >
Detailing what you expect to happen during the test, and in which way could things go; explore possiblities and present different conclusions, it is a hypothesis, so it is important to speak your ideas for what is, your own test.
< Goal of study >
An important section where you will elaborate upon what you hope to accomplish / find out through this study, as well as what your study brings to the foundation as a whole.
< Participant section >
That is a list of the personnel involved with your test.
< Methodology >
Including with detail all the steps you will follow, preferably in order to complete the test. Through it, it is also best to detail all safety precautions for personnel involved, especially for more dangerous tests.
< Findings >
In this part you will detail what happened during the testing, and what results your test produced in general, as well as a timeline of the events if you wish.
< Conclusion >
This is arguably the most important part of the testing, since here you will elaborate on what the results part tells you, and what the conclusion indeed, of this test is. Was there a reaction? Is the test conclusive? Do you need further testing? Sum up your study and using the data you gathered, close the study with an educated conclusion.
< Authorisation >
This can go at the end or begginning, but in case you are doing something requiring clearance above your level, include a signature box for the authorising part, and a signature box for yourself, and indicate which is which clearly.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
We must guide other researchers in different tests, and we must assure that all tests are compliant to the ethics procedures to make sure all our tests are proper. We must also help other researchers when they need it and assist the DPT director in all endeavors as they come up. We have to ensure quality of tests, and make sure we give the green light to tests that are worth making while also ensuring if this is not the case, all that would be needed to meet criteria for a proper test. We should always be there to help and give guidance, as well as to make sure everything runs smoothly, and all personnel are fulfilling their duties.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Sprucer was just a normal Physics undergrad, chugging along, you know. Never excelling too much, thats for sure. He did seem to never put much effort into anything he did, but things did go well regardless. And go well they did until one day, they didn't. He was on campus, about to go eat lunch, when he heard something weird. A looming voice, deep, and rasp, seemed to come from everywhere. It was unlike anything he had ever heard before, a strange sound is all he could make it out to be, really. In just a second however, the voice seemed to focus, and emit from one direction only. That direction was a research lab, about 60 feet from him, on the other side of the corridor on which he was now standing.

The voice may have changed origin, but it was certainly quite the imposing sound. He had never been one for getting scared, mostly, but this voice was starting to get... unnerving. He set foot towards the voice, towards the lab, as it grew louder, speaking in a language he could not ascertain, which seemed odd to him, because he was quite the fan of human speech. As he approached the door, a white light emanated from its glass pane. It was so bright and pure, he thought he was hallucinating. Of course this had to be a dream. What else could explain all of this. When he opened the door, the flash was blinding. All this time, he did not notice, but, there was nobody in campus. Not a single soul. When his eyes got confortable, what he saw, was a mask. A white one to be precise. It was there, inside the fume hood. It was a sleek mask, as far as he knew it seemed to be one of those medieval carnival masks. It looked elegant, thin, blue eyes, pointy nose, small eyebrows, and a pointy chin, scoring a small relaxed mouth, seeming to be a tranquil face, quite calm. The voice became less loud then, and it seemed to say things in a softer tone. He picked it up slowly, looking at it. From behind, its eyes seemed like holes, unlike their solid front, and it gave off no light from this side. Then it spoke. Not in a weird tongue. But in english. And it said, "It seems you are who he spoke of. Tread carefully child. Your mission, your purpose, is still unclear. Yet... I feel... You will bring about something... Lead your own fate, child. Farewell."

The mask stopped speaking altogether, leaving him confused and bewildered, not for long however, as through the door, came storming a group of heavily armed soldiers, of some military, it seemed, which quickly surrounded him with rifles pointed at his head. "WHERE IS IT?", one of them shouted. "THE BLACK MASK" he continued, seeming agitated, and desperate. Before he could begin speaking again, a soldier fell to the ground, seemingly unconscious. Another followed. And another. In the end, of the 20 or so soldiers that came, only one remained standing, the one who spoke. It quickly reached out to a communications device, and said, "Pho-1845 unit is down. Suspect seems passive, awaiting ord-" before collapsing on the ground like the rest. Sprucer noticed, that the mask that spoke to him, was somehow gone, vanished out of thin air. But then, he felt dizzy, and his vision started to black out, as he realized his fate would be that of the soldiers. As he fainted, he felt his body fall to the ground, like dead meat.

As he woke up, he looked around, to see a place like a medical area, with beds, and a couple of doctors, tending to people that looked like prisoners, others with suits, and a couple armored people, with black padded combat suits. One doctor spoke to him, and said, "You are safe now. You will work here, with them. Good luck." As he looked up, confused, and walked up to another patient. Since then, he was told he was hired as a trainee to be a researcher in that facility, that place, what they called the SCP Foundation. Weird things were there. Monsters, weird objects, paranormal things, and death. Nothing his physics degree could explain. "Well, im done." He thought, as he was led to the research break room of the facility, where his training would begin. 4 years have passed since he started there being 21, and he is now a Senior in the research department. He is respected by his peers, and those with less experience, all of which he treats nicely. The reason he agreed to all of this, was that mask. Up until now he has only found one link to it. SCP-035, the black mask. The first time he saw it, months after joining as a junior, he knew, it had something to do with the mask he encountered. He had to uncover this. He needed to know what all the white mask said meant. And so he began, a study in which he would discover the link between the two, and what he heard, if it was the last thing he did. He was never this serious, but he felt he had... a role? he does not know yet, but he was always goofy and unserious. When it comes to the black mask, though, he seems to change. When he is around 035, he is different. Composed. Focused. Almost... scary. Up until recently, he did not make any discoveries, but his research finally proved fruitful. The mask spoke of a host, His first one. He knows, this, is merely the beginning.
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Harold Hawks

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Mar 12, 2023
Greetings, Sprucer.

On behalf of Ivy I am responding to your application in her place with this outcome being her choice.

Unfortunately your application was denied. Please contact me or (after the 19th) Ivy Pickett over discord for more information on why your application was denied.

You may reapply in two weeks.
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