Staff Rework

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Hello Civil Gamers,

As announced on Discord by Ventz, starting today we are implementing our new Staff Rework. This is the largest change we have made to the staff team in multiple years, involving multiple months of discussions and planning amongst our most senior staff members. This thread provides a more detailed explanation of the reasons for the rework, as well as the changes it makes.


We're implementing this rework because we believe it will improve the quality of staffing on our servers, with a knock-on effect to our player experience and community reputation.

We believe these changes will have a trickle-down effect into the rest of our community, causing reductions in toxicity, more players wanting to become staff, and less players quitting due to problems they experience. We think this will be a result of improved transparency, a better image for our staff team brought about by a more professional management structure, and adding more opportunities for staff to progress in the team.

We're also making these changes in preparation for the launch of upcoming servers such as SCP-RP. With these changes, we hope to bring in a strong, cohesive staff structure that can better be scaled to a large number of servers.


Almost all changes made by the Staff Rework are described in our new Staff Handbook. You can access the handbook by clicking here.

A summary of the changes are:
  • The creation of a Staff Handbook accessible to all members of our community.
  • A new staff hierarchy, with three defined rank categories: Server Staff, Server Leadership, and Network Leadership.
  • Four new staff ranks in order to better fill gaps in our rank structure (read the handbook for a full explanation).
  • Changes to the responsibilities & requirements of many staff ranks.
  • Detailed lists of policies that staff must follow at all times, that they can receive infractions for violating.
  • A fit-for-purpose infraction system, with tiers of infraction, issuing guidelines, and an appeal process.
  • A supervision system, where all staff members have a direct supervisor who monitors them, and who they can go to for help.
  • A monthly review system, where all staff members are reviewed on their performance by their supervisor.
  • A Server Team system, where staff ranked Head Moderator+ must join their server's "Event Team", "QA Team" or "Community Team".
  • New guidelines for: forum complaints and appeals, sensitive situations, staff meetings, Game Masters, Developers, and more!
This is a very condensed summary and a lot of detail has been left out. The only way to know the full picture is to read the handbook yourself - all players are welcome to read it, and we encourage you to so you know what you can expect!

Joining the Staff Team

I'd like to take this opportunity to encourage any players who have ever considered joining the staff team to apply now - with this staff rework just coming into effect, we're looking to massively improve the atmosphere of our team, and there's never been a better time to join if you want to help improve our community. With lots of projects on the cards we're hoping to make our community better than ever over the coming months, and so now is the time to join!

If you're interested, please make a Moderator application, or if appropriate, a Resignation/Demotion appeal :)

We'd like to thank all Server Leadership involved for helping to develop this staff rework. Thanks for reading!

Kind regards,
CG Leadership Team
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