Sven Eriksson's Game Master Application. UK

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Dec 18, 2023
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): tables

For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP:

Age: 16, 12 Decemeber

In what country are you located?: Sweden

Time zone: ECT

Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Sven Eriksson

Chaos name (include your rank):
CI-A Alex Eriksson

Civilian name: Johan Eriksson

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:452574746

Do you have a mic?: Yes, and I am willing to use it in-game to talk in-roleplay, and outside, to communicate with other people participating in the event.

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
- 1715548134114.png

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
Yes, But not in CNRP.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
I have spent time outside of Garry's Mod in other serious roleplay servers, including 3 Arma 3 units.
I would say that overall I've spent over 200 hours in a Serious RP community of some sort.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
Though it may fluctuate, it can be for as long as 10 hours, but it can be as little as 2.
I am currently in Sixth Form (College, basically) and I do have to spend some time studying as this is my final year.

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
I'm very experienced and familiar with the SCP Universe. I have spent countless hours reading, watching and overall interacting with the SCP Universe. I believe that my genuine interest in the SCPU along with other games of previous experience in other SCP communities can help attract more attention and keep the people in our community engaged.

I've been hesitating whether or not to put even more time on the server, and under my own decision, I believe that assisting the community with events is one of the ways I could spend more time and provide more entertainment for the people on the server. So far, nobody has taken the step forward to become a Gamemaster, and I believe that me taking that first step forward shows that I can take initiative and risks alike.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
Keeping the people on the server entertained and engaged, and give us more regular players. Events shouldn't be a 'one off' occurrence, it should be remembered and people should make some memories with it, and with that idea, I believe that I could grow the community and maintain our numbers in the future.

As of this current moment, I have 200+ sad hours under Garry's Mod, my experience with moderation, taking criticism, leading, creating ideas, communicating, etcetera is quite unique in my honest opinion. ( Also on other games. )

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

Event NameDescription
The Church of the Broken and Site-65After CU-!12 (the previous containment unit of SCP-271) was attacked by the Church, it has been temporarily relocated to Site-65. SCP-271 is a golden plate that has been marked Keter and is believed to be an essential part of the formation of the diety that the Church worships.
Intelligence operatives embedded into the Church has announced that the Church's attack on the Site will be 'imminent'.

Event Method:
SCP-271 will be a prop that can be carried using the Gravity Gun and will be hidden somewhere in Site-65. A large group of participants will be modelled as worshippers of the Church and attack the facility, including those undercover as site personnel.

The event will conclude once SCP-271 reaches the surface, or once all members of the church has been neutralised or retreated.
SCP-001: OUROBOROS - THE WAY IT ENDSThis is one of the four parts of this proposal, and in summary, this part explains in detail how the entirety of the O5 council is wiped out by the Chaos Insurgency. This event does not reflect how the proposal actually goes.

Event Method:
CI will have as many O5 council members as we have to assassinate the council. If they fail to do so, the event ends. If they complete all assassinations, CI wins.
Example opportunities:
- Deep Cover personnel infiltrating a council member meeting.
- An O5 member is returning from a different site in an armed convoy. Etcetera.
- (The hardest one): A few MTF operatives have been called to take control of a possible Cognitohazard breach in Pinewood (small village). During this time, the CI must infiltrate the base and kill the final O5 member.
SCP-354 . . . ?A frozen lake located near Site-65 has recently slowly been defrosting due to climate change. However, the lake seems to be similar to that of SCP-354: periodically and randomly, it seems to release random anomalous entities to escape the area and cause chaos.

A temporary Foundation Area has been constructed around the lake, but how long will it take for the SCPs to breach until a permanent area is formed?

Event Method:
A red floor (made from props) will be covering the lake's surface.
Medium-sized defences around the lake is provided.
There will be three waves of which the lake will produce anomalous entities.
- Wave 1 (easy): a handful of what seems to be SCP-049-2's climbs out of the red pool.
- Wave 2 (medium): a pillar rises from the lake that seems to be emitting a radio frequency similar to that used by the Chaos Insurgency. CI personnel attack the lake.
- Wave 3 (hard): a miniature, weaker version of SCP-682 climbs from the lake. Containment seems to be impossible, but termination may be the only option.

Please List a Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
Where did Site-65 Go? (MAP LINK)
On a regular Tuesday afternoon, all personnel from Site-65 seems to have disappeared. According to the most recent log created by an AIC, a singularity formed roughly 100 meters above the site.

Everyone, including Class Ds, SCPs, even the CI attacking the facility through the vents seemingly teleported to an alternative past: returning to before the Soviet Union's collapse, in a dead, empty, irradiated town.

Interestingly, the places where they've been deployed seem to have been according to their previous position on the Site.
(Class D's will spawn in one corner, CI in one, SCPs in one, Foundation in one).

SCPsSCPs can only be played with one life, including containment - once terminated or captured, you cannot be breached.

Only the listed SCPs should be present in the event:
Your chamber walls have collapsed. Plague the city, but be careful, once you've fallen, you're bound to be caught by the Foundation once more.

Wander through the city. Any poor fellow that crosses your path is most likely going to be incinerated. But do mind the open spaces, you're bound to be a sightseeing attraction. But, due to the radiation, you seem to thrive in this condition, you feel stronger (extra HP)

SCP-939-19 & SCP-939-53
You wander through the streets and forage the dead buildings for prey. Cause mayhem before you're terminated. But be careful, the open streets will be a dead zone for you.

Stalk the Foundation personnel through the dead city, picking them off one by one. However, due to the radiation, your agility and health seem to be diminishing at an alarming rate - be quick but efficient, every bullet reduces your timespan. Attack when it's right, hide when it's best.
The SCP FoundationMTFs
: The O5 council seems to have been prepared for this scenario, they have reality anchors that can bring them back to the normal dimension at any time - they may choose to stay and assist the Foundation, or return to normality (change jobs).

O-1: Any Ethics Committee members brought to the event will be undoubtedly a key prize for the CI to capture. Protect them and follow their orders.

Nu-7: You are the main battalion! Assist E-11 with containment and capture any D-Class you see. The Chaos Insurgency must be destroyed before things return to normal.

E-11: Recontain or neutralise all SCPs, if any SCPs survive after reality returns, they will most likely cause a site-wide containment breach. Any CI you see must be terminated.
Chaos InsurgencyThis perfect opportunity! Capture as many SCPs as possible and return them to your temporary headquarters. MTFs will be looking for you undoubtedly, and any D-Class you see, assist them, arm them with your weapons and overpower the Foundation.
CI Juggernaut is only available if they are underpowered or have been fully overwhelmed by MTF operatives.
D-ClassYou're free. For the first time since what feels like forever, you have a choice: hide from the Foundation, evade the SCPs, or, find the Chaos Insurgency and assist them.
OtherMC&D, civilians, rangers, etcetera will be unavailable for the event.

This event will be happening over the span of a few hours (depending on the player count, etcetera).
A different, more suitable map, may be used, and if so, the lore and context behind may change.

List an example mission for each of the following:
An EC member has gone AWOL, likely defecting to a GOI, probably the Chaos Insurgency. Recapture them at all costs, their limitless knowledge of the Foundation and its contents are worth more than Earth itself.

Find the defecting EC member and capture them. Their termination will undoubtedly ruin the reputation of the Committee.

A-1: The O5 Council is once again at an unstable status: they've been divided by the choice of negotiating with the CI for an SCP trade. Choose an O5 Council member and follow their orders, whatever it may be, even if it means the death of what once was your fellow colleagues. The event ends after a time set: the remaining O5 Council Members will once again vote for the negotiation.

Protect the O5s, make those that oppose your selected Council member disappear. All orders to kill friendlies must have a fully valid reason, this is both for the A-1 operative and the O5.

Nu-7: It seems like a small outbreak of SCP-008 has occurred on the surface. Can you use all of the tools you have to demolish every last trace of the virus, or will you succumb to the outbreak?

Neutralise and terminate all counts of SCP-008 from the surface.

E-11: An unidentified anomaly has appeared in a lonely cabin on top of a hill...?

Approach the Cabin, but once you're close, it is in fact a trap created by the Chaos Insurgency. SCP-939-0█ appears. Recontain or terminate, but whatever you do, do not let it escape into the wild.

CI: SCP-035 is required to be present in the Insurgency's hands for this event.
Escort SCP-035 to SCP-682's containment cell: this could possibly be the most catastrophic disaster Site-65 will see, and a Code Black may occur if 035 is placed on 682. But be careful, the facility may be anticipating an attack.

Successfully plant SCP-035 or SCP-035-1 into SCP-682's containment cell, if this occurs, all MTF members must recontain a much more lethal SCP-682.

Foundation Staff: An O5 Council Member seems to have been directly linked to the breach of a few SCPs in the past. However, you are the only sector of people that knows this, and if the Foundation as a whole catches you talking about them, your murder and disappearance will most likely be justified. Terminate, poison, do whatever it takes to kill the O5 member - but be careful, A-1 is always on their tail: act too suspiciously and they may throw you into SCP-682's containment chamber.

Silently terminate the O5 Council Member within a timespan before they're sent off to a different facility.

Thanks for taking the time to read my application. I know my past have been not so good and that I have 4 warnings but trust me. I will not make you guys disappointed ⚡


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Cheetah / RustyOsprey2

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Group Moderator
Nov 24, 2023
Application Denied

Hi @Sven Eriksson

Thanks for taking the time to make a gamemaster application.

Unfortunately, we have decided to deny your gamemaster application.

You have accumulated quite a few warnings within the past month, you are even in staff jail while taking the picture of your warnings. If you have been caught breaking the rules it is generally good to wait before applying for any position within the staff or GM team.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks​
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