Denied Swap the CC locations of 457 and TG-B

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I know this suggestion might seem like a huge shake-up at first; but before you instantly go to the reply section to leave your thoughts, peep the positives & negatives so you're well informed. ?


❔What does this suggestion change/add/remove?❔

This suggestion, if accepted, would do the following ?

? ? SCP maintenance teams move SCP-457 to the CC where TG-B currently resides, and do some maintenance on it, changing 457 into an SCP that resides in the Heavy Containment Zone due to the hazard his lethal breaches bring to LCZ's structural stability, and the reports of 4th Degree Burns dealt to crucial LCZ staff, such as doctors, research staff, and new GENSEC recruits.

?? SCP maintenance teams will move TG-B to the CC where 457 currently resides, changing TG-B into an SCP that resides in the Light Containment zone due to his calm and mostly cooperative nature with doctorate staff, researchers, and MTF during testing. This is done in the hopes that with the higher level of testing from Sr. Researchers, TG-B will be satisfied with the interaction and breach containment significantly less.

(Lore wise TG-B will still be escorted daily to visit his egomaniacal brother to have time to hang out and make sure the other is safe as to not piss both of them off and separate them fully. TG-B would definitely be able to convince TG-A to not go apeshit, as easier access to testing on them means the potential of unlocking their full powers).

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:


Possible Positives of the suggestion:

giphy (1).gif[EASE] TG-B and SCP-457 dev wise would be significantly easier to swap CCs than almost any SCP in HCZ besides 049, and that's a no-go due to balance reasons (049 kinda OP in LCZ). All that is needed is the sprinkler system, particle entities, and water lever to be moved, same with his containment blocker and box. TG-B, his containment blocker & box can kinda just be plopped in 457's old CC since it's mostly just a generalized CC with windows. 8826-vega-left-arrow.gif

giphy (1).gif[ROLEPLAY] TG-B and SCP-457 just feel like they should reside in the opposite zones they do. TG-B is mostly cooperative with tests ?, and is picked for cross testing significantly more than TG-A is, while 457 is an entirely hostile entity that is constantly on fire and has explosion.gifBLOWN UP HIS CCexplosion.gif SCP-457 has very few special interactions with anything in LCZ for cross-testing, can barely be interviewed, and additionally just overall leaves a bad impression on roleplay for new research players. Considering most will be testing on 457 as a first test; wouldn't it be preferable to have that SCP being something like TG-B, who is far more conversational, cooperative and fully original to Civil Networks? There is not currently any SCP in LCZ that is a Civil Networks original. 8826-vega-left-arrow.gif

giphy (1).gif[MORE TG DONORS] During the community meeting that brought the announcement of 082 & Space Man, one of the points brought up about TG was that CN wished TG's donation benefits had more on launch. This is why TGs were split into two SCPs; so that people would be satisfied with the donation reward of the TGs. This worked; but there are still many people that have not bought TGs due to the fact it only opens up 2 SCPs that are basically the same SCP and a few GOC / Research / CI jobs. Well; here's a thought: What could possibly be better than to make the TG VIP be the only VIP to unlock SCPs in both LCZ & HCZ, allowing for a far different breaching / RP experience with each TG job? Additionally; this won't make TG any less fun, as TG players still have the option of playing TG-A in HCZ if they desire. 8826-vega-left-arrow.gif

giphy (1).gif[MORE FUN FOR MTF] Tell me, does anyone that actively plays Foundation combative jobs enjoy fighting against both Type-Greens at the same time, especially compacted with other SCPs? TGs were originally supposed to be one SCP, but were split into two SCPs. This had balance repercussions. Together, they can easily insta kill almost an entire firing squad in the span of 1 minutes time just barely peeking, even entirely ignoring all the other SCPs that might be out at the same time. It is relatively easy to breach both TGs at the same time, and it leads to one of the most unfun experiences you can have as MTF. Headpop after vaporize after headpop after vaporize, with a few restrains & ignites thrown in if they're feeling fancy to it. With this change, MTF will have to deal with this type of breach 100x less often.

giphy (1).gif[457 BALANCE] Compared to the titan that is duo TG, 457 is at the very least a manageable threat. Like TG, 457's mostly a DPS over survivability kinda deal, but 457 doesn't have any special moves to block bullets or insta kill people. He just makes up for it with an overall higher health pool. His main deal is crowd control, which is hard to use right in LCZ since he gets swarmed rather quick. Most of the time 457 is forced to breach tool SCP-912 specifically, and can't even get into 173 due to the massive bulkhead ???. This is not a problem for TG-B whatsoever, and unlike 457, TG-B can still reach HCZ if the bulkhead is closed. In HCZ, 457 will be far more fun to play as and against and will add more variety to breaches.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

giphy (1).gif[DEV TIME] Dev time / resources aren't exactly infinite. This definitely also isn't the smallest change, so that doesn't do it any favors. Still though, I believe this is worth it due to the RP gain & combat fun brought from such a change. 8826-vega-left-arrow.gif

giphy (1).gif[Balance] Despite me unironically being unable to find any balancing concerns to a change like this, it's still important to bring up. TG-B specifically moving to LCZ wouldn't really change much, since two of his major abilities are defensive and lets him get past secondary and primary checkpoint without losing a lick of HP; even more so if he brings friends w/ him like 682 or 939s. SCP-457 going to HCZ would be the only thing that could possibly alter balance significantly, but again compared to 682 / 076-2 / 035 / TG-A and even something like 049 he's very well balanced.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

I think for roleplay, the overall health of the server, and for balance, this has nothing but positive results if implemented. More RP for researchers, more RP for medical doing check-ups, more RP for Site Command, O5 & Ethics to conduct interviews, and pretty decent balance wise, pseudo removing one of the most unfun breach combinations.


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-support of a TG in LCZ but if you were to put 457 into the spare HCZ non spec cell

Not a bad alternative. Cross testing is always available, is right next to non-spec, and can used instead of non-specs empty cell for sampling. I did consult a few E-11 about that 2-3 hours prior to making this suggestion; but they prefered TG-B getting out of HCZ due to how unfun it is when used w/ TG-A.

If this is something people don't like, I can alter my suggestion to just moving 457 to HCZ. But I do genuinely believe the RP potential is insane with newer researchers who might just be starting the server, and would definitely lead to newer players buying Type-Green VIP after a test. A lot of players don't really get to experience the reality benders; so why would they buy them if they've never seen them in action?

Moving 457 to HCZ seems fine, however it's quite unnecessary as it's quite a weak SCP and easy to combat, as for Type Green-B being placed in LCZ... NAH

This kinda feedback always confuses me, already covered the reasons as to why 457 moving to HCZ would be good for balance and lore reasons. The second sentence has zero elaboration-

Would rather be
-support spammed w/ good explanations than have zero feedback to work with when making future suggestions.

If it's an incredibly large issue balance wise, CN already discussed during the community meeting that announce Space Man that they were interested in adding a signature ability for both TG-B and TG-A. Perhaps they could replace the instakill moves on TG-B w/ more defensive but fun abilities like a teleport, temporary invisibility, animating dead into mutants, etc.
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John Schneider

Active member
Sep 25, 2023

100% agree, but lore aside, anyone who plays TG is most likely going to be uncooperative due to how fun reality bending is.

Jonas Enry

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Mar 4, 2023
Not a bad alternative. Cross testing is always available, is right next to non-spec, and can used instead of non-specs empty cell for sampling. I did consult a few E-11 about that 2-3 hours prior to making this suggestion; but they prefered TG-B getting out of HCZ due to how unfun it is when used w/ TG-A.

If this is something people don't like, I can alter my suggestion to just moving 457 to HCZ. But I do genuinely believe the RP potential is insane with newer researchers who might just be starting the server, and would definitely lead to newer players buying Type-Green VIP after a test. A lot of players don't really get to experience the reality benders; so why would they buy them if they've never seen them in action?
Idk what its like on the US server but from the UK server E-11 are primarily in HCZ due to its size. I think TG is fine in the position it is due to it being more deadly and harder to contain than other SCPs that are in LCZ. for balance it makes sense to keep TG in HCZ IMO if they move the TG apart that could help.
Jun 18, 2023
+ / - Support

This suggestion seems really good, everything RP wise seems good, but the fact that a TG can bullet freeze from his CC almost to EZ, I feel like it would lead to far more surface TG breaches.

But, regardless, if you move a TG anywhere in LCZ, it would be a extremely high target for CI raids due to the fact that it is a very high threat SCP, having it in LCZ may lead to way more catastrophic situations for the Foundation.

But, I would + support if :

SCP-457 was moved down, would just make sense based on how in RP he would be a very lethal SCP to have breached, though he isn’t that big of a threat on this server. Moving him down could make SCP-457 a scarier breach due to the fact that he could breach tool a higher threat SCP that could work with him. But, I don’t feel like TG should be immediately in LCZ when breaching, I feel like this would be too unbalanced. ALTHOUGH… Behind the secondary HCZ bulkhead is a door that can’t be opened next to the elevator on the left, maybe you could put a TG CC right there, that would still lead to him having to go through a bulkhead and a turret or with the possibility to go down and free his brother. Would also be more balanced for raiding due to the fact that CI would still have to go past a level 4 bulkhead to breach a extremely high value SCP.
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But, regardless, if you move a TG anywhere in LCZ, it would be a extremely high target for CI raids due to the fact that it is a very high threat SCP, having it in LCZ may lead to way more catastrophic situations for the Foundation.
I do just want to mention that TG is a CL5 hack, making it much harder, and that since it would be in LCZ it would be quicker to respond too (With SS Elevator being right next to it)
ALTHOUGH… Behind the secondary HCZ bulkhead is a door that can’t be opened next to the elevator on the left, maybe you could put a TG CC right there, that would still lead to him having to go through a bulkhead and a turret or with the possibility to go down and free his brother. Would also be more balanced for raiding due to the fact that CI would still have to go past a level 4 bulkhead to breach a extremely high value SCP.

I love this idea! ❤️

While I can't really see how TG-B would be able to surface breach at 100+ pop w/o going deeper into HCZ to get more useful friends than 912 / 173, since he needs to break down EZ bulkhead which is right next to SS spawn, this is definitely a good route to go if this is an option for devs!
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Feb 27, 2023
Suggestion Denied
Hi @Caesar Kuznetsov ,Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion because we believe the current containment cell locations are fine as is.
Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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