What server are you applying for:
Your Username:
Your SteamID:
Discord Username:
What's your current playtime (type !time in-game):
22d 0h
VTime + Warnings
Do you have a mic:
Your characters name:
The most common is 'Io'
List all the names of the characters that you use (Foundation, Civillian, e.t.c.):
GOC - 'Io'
O-1 - 'Erebos'
OSA - Sotiris Economou
Civilian - Georgios Papanikolaou
Backup Names (for PK's and the like) - 'IRIS', 'Ignition'
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Yes it is
Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:
One for FailRP for a situation I do not remember.
VTime + Warnings
How many hours can you be on everyday:
6+ hours on most days.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community:
I do and was near an event leadership role.
Why would you like to become a Gamemaster:
As it stands, I greatly enjoy creating RP story-lines and indulging people in them. I have for quite a while, and became gamemaster in a few places to facilitate that. The reason I want to be a Gamemaster is because I've found myself quite interested by the server and I want to contribute a bit more to both others' storylines and my own, as well as also just generally wanting to provide a few events in between the grander ideas.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants:
Outside perspective, and in my opinion I would be able to help more with long-spanning storylines that themselves have decisions, consequences and the like. I will temper the expectation and say that obviously not every event can be a masterpiece that has 7 sequels and has the choices of The Walking Dead, but the goal is to give people something to look forward to. PAC3 is not quite my strong suit, but I build dupes a lot and it shows. So I'm quite convinced it makes up for it.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
So in general I'd want them to be slightly short. In essence:
Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
In my first idea for this, I didn't quite understand what was meant by map change event. Here is the updated idea!
So, everyone takes on the role of GOC operatives in GOC Forward Operating Base Verdant-092. This heavily forested area is notorious in the amount of UTE's that keep on coming from seemingly nowhere. On one occasion rifts were seen opening, with the Assessment Team in the area calling out the presence of some humanoid UTE's, but these aren't the norm. With such a wide range of unknown threats, PTOLEMY (current PTOLEMY and Research players if they wish!) is hard at work trying to understand what keeps causing these emerging threats. It seems related to just this area, and the rifts are a good lead, but nothing concrete is found yet. (I recall forested maps having churches in them, I'd likely link it to one of those, especially if they have catacombs).
Then you have a few different Strike Teams in the area. Ideally I'd want one for each MTF, but that may be extremely extra in this situation. What we'd have is:
And for the O5 and Ethics guys that love roleplaying characters at the top, the GOC has a lot of potential I can mention and I feel the jobs would allow for a lot of freedom. A 108 Council Ambassador job. What can they do with it? Well you have tens of organisations to pick from and play a character with their own interests, or you can make your own Council organisation for your character. However if we're going very hard on the UTE's always attacking bit, they can be higher-ranking generals arriving (that can still be part of the other Council organisations) so they'd be mashing UTE's together and managing the higher-up parts of requests and authorisations. Obviously they have the protection Strike Team on them, so many functions can be carried over.
As for loadouts, it would be cool if many people had energy weapons and fought these entities with them, but obviously that's not always possible. So officers and generals can get things like KBARs, maybe different special officer weapons like Ash-12s or things like the Typhoon shotgun. Meanwhile people below that get some good European-made rifles, with specialists or NCO jobs getting the better ones while enlisted get guns like various SMG's (maybe a Karma? Seemed good) or maybe some AK's (Like the AKZ). As it stands the general feel of the loadouts will be the same, but will likely feel a bit better as surface combat will be against anomalies and not other gun-toting hostiles (except I have an idea that includes the various religious GOI's, namely Sarkics because god they're amazing) and that can give them a few more human targets.
As it stands I like more unified map change events like that, but with an entire team I'm sure this can be refined into a way better form than this. This is from my standpoint which doesn't have much knowledge of GM SWEPs right now as well as the various event jobs.
List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
Your Username:
Your SteamID:
Discord Username:
What's your current playtime (type !time in-game):
22d 0h
VTime + Warnings
Do you have a mic:
Your characters name:
The most common is 'Io'
List all the names of the characters that you use (Foundation, Civillian, e.t.c.):
GOC - 'Io'
O-1 - 'Erebos'
OSA - Sotiris Economou
Civilian - Georgios Papanikolaou
Backup Names (for PK's and the like) - 'IRIS', 'Ignition'
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Yes it is
Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:
One for FailRP for a situation I do not remember.
VTime + Warnings
How many hours can you be on everyday:
6+ hours on most days.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community:
I do and was near an event leadership role.
Why would you like to become a Gamemaster:
As it stands, I greatly enjoy creating RP story-lines and indulging people in them. I have for quite a while, and became gamemaster in a few places to facilitate that. The reason I want to be a Gamemaster is because I've found myself quite interested by the server and I want to contribute a bit more to both others' storylines and my own, as well as also just generally wanting to provide a few events in between the grander ideas.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants:
Outside perspective, and in my opinion I would be able to help more with long-spanning storylines that themselves have decisions, consequences and the like. I will temper the expectation and say that obviously not every event can be a masterpiece that has 7 sequels and has the choices of The Walking Dead, but the goal is to give people something to look forward to. PAC3 is not quite my strong suit, but I build dupes a lot and it shows. So I'm quite convinced it makes up for it.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
So in general I'd want them to be slightly short. In essence:
- A possible AO event that would involve finding an HVT that is suspected of leaking information. The reason this individual would be of concern to AO is because they're a weapon engineer! They've been working on a classified project called Project NIDUS (Nanite Interdiction & Deployment of Unnatural Suppression) which targets certain anomalous readings like specifically type blues. Neat! Had its drawbacks and it took out a research wing by targetting the wrong individuals, so it's kept highly under wraps since it has the potential to be just a complete monster of a weapon. Alpha-1 and the Council want to get this guy back and interrogate him on the possible leaks, and what has been going wrong, meanwhile Ethics and Omega-1 could slowly learn of the project if they got the guy, see the damage it could wreak if it was tweaked just a little.
- The old and reliable "We have received an SCP" event that involves a cognitohazard. In this case a ritual dagger that doesn't seem to affect many of the researchers, but a lot of the armed combative staff start hearing whispers when they are in close proximity to it. As they get closer, they become clear commands that try and incite the combative staff into killing (either with the dagger or a good old gun). The solution could be that you need less hardened veterans to guard the thing, as they maybe don't have that same jaded outlook on killing. Otherwise it can be researched just fine and they can find the material and where it's from. (spoiler: I would probably choose one of the Sarkic Cults, maybe the Black Lodge).
- GOC receives an anomalous organisation's envoy or shipment, having to deal with the logistical parts of that and they get to learn about the organisation. In this event we'll choose the Alchemist's Guild but more can be done later. So: The Guild sends an Alchemist, they do a meet and greet, and he requests that PTOLEMY people assist him with his elixirs. He explains the ingredients that have gone in but he says he needs some assistance from a Thaumatologist, and some chemicals (in this case I wouldn't choose horribly expensive things, maybe 323 blood since that's in abundance most of the time). Voila! They get someone to test the elixir and it makes them larger, and get more health for a life (not more than an ADB would give). The Alchemist's Guild then could meet DEA, GOC already high on singing their praises, and that's some good set-up for the future!
Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
In my first idea for this, I didn't quite understand what was meant by map change event. Here is the updated idea!
So, everyone takes on the role of GOC operatives in GOC Forward Operating Base Verdant-092. This heavily forested area is notorious in the amount of UTE's that keep on coming from seemingly nowhere. On one occasion rifts were seen opening, with the Assessment Team in the area calling out the presence of some humanoid UTE's, but these aren't the norm. With such a wide range of unknown threats, PTOLEMY (current PTOLEMY and Research players if they wish!) is hard at work trying to understand what keeps causing these emerging threats. It seems related to just this area, and the rifts are a good lead, but nothing concrete is found yet. (I recall forested maps having churches in them, I'd likely link it to one of those, especially if they have catacombs).
Then you have a few different Strike Teams in the area. Ideally I'd want one for each MTF, but that may be extremely extra in this situation. What we'd have is:
- Strike Team 9999 "Max Damage": The Strike Team that operates and deploys UHECs (Orange Suits) which could be called in when a large amount of UTE's are about to cause some real damage to the FOB and its personnel. These would be buffed up, and a bit stronger to be true to lore, of course mechs aren't always possible.
- Strike Team 2956 "The Liquidators": The main Strike Team assigned to the area. These are operatives that have experience in liquidating threat-entities in Response Level 4 scenarios and above. They'd be given a mass of armoured vehicles (and I would like helicopters but not always possible) and it's my assumption most MTF personnel would play this.
- Strike Team 3707 "Presidential Motorcade": A close alignment to AO, these guys protect your extremely High-Value Targets. We'll get to the HVT's in a bit, but they would likely have very similar if not identical jobs, and still be able to shoot some UTE's and do some RP.
- PTOLEMY will likely be research, and while Quartermasters are a part of that, I would ask those that currently do logistics RP If they wish to do so. We could put E&TS under here or they could be under PANGAEA for some emergency repairs when needed.
- Medical is currently under PTOLEMY on the server for the most part, and it can have a very similar structure, just with model changes and combat medics getting a different loadout (we'll get to the ideas for loadouts later)
- I don't feel like DEA would have much to do there, maybe have some PSYCHE that can meet with event characters and do all that lovely roleplay with them.
- PNEUMA is a fantastic fit for ISD players, and while that will only be internal security, external security requires other groups and likely would not be added for this map change event!
And for the O5 and Ethics guys that love roleplaying characters at the top, the GOC has a lot of potential I can mention and I feel the jobs would allow for a lot of freedom. A 108 Council Ambassador job. What can they do with it? Well you have tens of organisations to pick from and play a character with their own interests, or you can make your own Council organisation for your character. However if we're going very hard on the UTE's always attacking bit, they can be higher-ranking generals arriving (that can still be part of the other Council organisations) so they'd be mashing UTE's together and managing the higher-up parts of requests and authorisations. Obviously they have the protection Strike Team on them, so many functions can be carried over.
As for loadouts, it would be cool if many people had energy weapons and fought these entities with them, but obviously that's not always possible. So officers and generals can get things like KBARs, maybe different special officer weapons like Ash-12s or things like the Typhoon shotgun. Meanwhile people below that get some good European-made rifles, with specialists or NCO jobs getting the better ones while enlisted get guns like various SMG's (maybe a Karma? Seemed good) or maybe some AK's (Like the AKZ). As it stands the general feel of the loadouts will be the same, but will likely feel a bit better as surface combat will be against anomalies and not other gun-toting hostiles (except I have an idea that includes the various religious GOI's, namely Sarkics because god they're amazing) and that can give them a few more human targets.
As it stands I like more unified map change events like that, but with an entire team I'm sure this can be refined into a way better form than this. This is from my standpoint which doesn't have much knowledge of GM SWEPs right now as well as the various event jobs.
List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
- O-1: The Ethics Committee has caught wind of a plot against them by some relatively treasonous Site Security on a different site. Omega-1 comes in and starts bagging them, with those in open hostility getting shot. After capturing one, they can interrogate them and find that the plot was planted by someone, and it's unclear if it was the Insurgency or another hostile element. This will be done either on a dupe made to look like a Foundation site, or to be a bit more unique to others here, they start at the top of a residential building and have to clear downwards and find the room where they're hiding (with guards along the way).
- A-1: So, there's this Alpha-1 informant that seems to have been removed of the shackles that kept them subservient. Whether it was Class X, or threats that are now empty due to family being killed, he's trying to get to site to speak to ISD or Omega-1 to try and gain some protection. Alpha-1 can be told his physical description, and either assassinate or bag the guy, at which point he would admit what exactly broke him off from them, and they can choose to re-introduce him (I wouldn't Class F the guy but if they would want to) or kill him to maintain secrecy. If he doesn't get dealt with? Well he was an informant on a project that involved some Serpent's Hand members assisting in the Council's assassinations. That information can't get out.
- Nu-7: A Chaos Insurgency cell needs to be completely crushed, and Nu-7 has been granted a few extra vehicles and heavy-hitters to do so. This would be done in a dupe that is made to look like a mini "facility" that the Insurgency has taken over. Some CI players will be asked to play these temporary event CI roles and fight against them, and Nu-7 can bring a lot of overwhelming firepower to steamroll it. A bit of RP in between over comms but obviously the focus is shooting things.
- E-11: So for E-11 the idea is that there is a spire growing at the bottom of atrium. It's currently unknown what it is, but it seems to be fleshy in make. E-11 of course has to set up a cordon, temporary measures to prevent contact with it. This would - more than likely - involve RSD as well since they can't just leave it there, but it can then be researched for a bit before it begins to try and lash out at people, requiring maybe some nerve gas to terminate the instance. A tiny bit will be left that E-11 can store in maybe inanimate HCZ? Their choice.
- CI: The Insurgents in the area have found that there is a relic from the Church of the Broken God that allows people to draw the truth out of people, some kind of mind control in essence. They attack a Mekhanite-controlled building to take it, intent on using the relic in the pursuit of their goals against the Foundation. This likely would not be an infinite resource, maybe it has 3 uses before it requires an unknown ritual to recharge it.
- UNGOC: The GOC finds that there is a Way to the Wanderer's Library that has been unusually stable, and are able to send personnel through it. They send a strike team with some PTOLEMY people to record some important knowledge to them and seek to burn the library after fighting through some guards or (possible, if I can make PAC3 work with me) some autonomous guardians, constructs.
- Foundation Staff: This is a staggeringly broad category, but possibly give them a research mission like mentioned earlier. New SCP arrives and it's causing issues for E&TS as the cameras and keypads in the area seem to keep going down after a while. In this case, the anomaly seems to be a small statuette of the Lovecraftian caretaker Cthulhu. While RSD is researching it, some personnel say they're seeing vivid hallucinations of the city of R'lyeh. The people that see those vivid ones? It appears to be Research and Medical personnel that see the statuette. Medical has to start giving a few ECT's, and maybe a psychology expert (or generally a learned individual) realises that it's mostly sciency types and doctoral types that get the hallucinations. E&TS working on the issues with keypads and cameras can't see them (or only see very vague messages) when observing it, D-Class get almost none from it too. They realise SCRAMBLE goggles help with the research, and it can be placed a bit further away or not outwardly affecting people that just peer in to the containment chamber like SCP-3078.
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