Tadgh "Guilt" Morrison's / Cain Morris's 2nd IA Ambassador Application. [UK]

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Aug 27, 2023

Steam ID:


Discord name:


For how long have you played on CG SCP:

Since September 2023



In what country are you located?:


Time zone:


Character name(s):

Cain "Irishman" Morris / Tadhg "Guilt" Morrison

Civilian name:

Cain Morris

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Do you have a mic?:



List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

I don't currently hold any whitelisted roles but I have held;
IA AgentHolding
DEA AgentHolding
CI-A x2Held
MTF E-11 CPL x 2Held

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

2024-06-09 (1).png


Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?

I am applying for the Internal Affairs Ambassador job position because I believe I have spent enough of time on the IA Agent position and that I have matured enough to where I can be trusted as an IA Ambassador, I am also applying as because of recently I have seen a lot of power abusing and minging and if I get the rank of Ambassador I can hopefully help with this situation, I can give lots of good idea's for the Department of Internal Affairs as well.


What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:

I believe I am a lot more mature, reliable, helpful, trustworthy, professional and active these are what makes me suitable for the position, maturity and professionality are very important for the department as it sets a standard of the department, being reliable and trustworthy is very important as the higher ups in the foundation need to trust the person they assign a job to and know they will get it done, helpful is a necessity when it comes to a job like this as well for example, IA Agents have began power abusing and the CL4 of IA needs an idea to reduce this so they ask ambassadors if they have idea's to stop this and they help come up with idea's and finally activity, being active is important as from what I have seen IA Agents start to act very immature and power trip A LOT so because of my activity I can catch these Agents and hopefully stop this, every thing I listed is what makes me suitable for the position of the IA Ambassador job.


How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:

I don't know the exact number of documents I have written but it probably is from 20-25 documents and what makes a good document involves good formatting and grammar, this makes a good document as a good formatting can make it easier to read and good grammar is more professional making documents better.


What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:

The responsibility's of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP is to do as the following
- Do IA Trainings to recruit new Agents or retrain Agents.
- Go to Interrogation when requested.
- Arrest anyone below Site Administration.
- Arresting Agents .
- Investigating departments if reported violating the FLC.
- Defuse situations/ arguments.
- Job denying/ Banning.


Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:


Merrick Travolta

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Oct 18, 2023

Application In review

Good day, Agent Morrison.

Your Application has been seen and will be reviewed by the Directors and Ambassadors. Please be patient whilst we work on this.

Kindest Regards and congratulations,
Dpt. Director of Internal Affairs Merrick Travolta
Dpt. Director of Internal Affairs Broda Kagen
Jul 22, 2023
-/+ Support
Leaving a neutral support due my bias of disliking children.
+Behaves Professionally When Dealing With Arrests, ignoring a few slip ups such as kidnapping me.
+Good at Noticing when Someone Is Violating the FLC
+Genuine Attempt to improve Self.
+Very Active, I see him on almost always, Ranging from around mid day- sometimes late at night such as 1 Am.
-Okay Lore (Checked for AI use, came back clean)
-Has written plenty of documents.

-Gets Offended / Triggered easily, this is bad for a member of the ambassadorial team as they will have to deal with people such as minges, attempting to aggravate them,
An example to this, I have noticed him arresting people for very minor things such as someone mention he's bad at cuffing and then he will arrest them for slander 1.
-Can act childish at times, this is only due to his age.
-A concerning amount of warnings and bans, Although the last incident was a little under 3 months ago.
-Short Application

Cain Morris / Tadgh Morrison
I wish you the best of luck with this application.

Merrick Travolta

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Oct 18, 2023


Interview Required

Good day, Agent Morrisons.

After seeing your hard work through the last weeks and getting positive feedback from the Ambassador team, we've come to the conclusion that you're capable of performing the duties of an Ambassador. The next step in the application process will be an Interview. Please contact me on teamspeak or discord once you are ready for the Interview.

Kindest Regards,
Dpt. Director of Internal Affairs Merrick Travolta
Dpt. Director of Internal Affairs Broda Kagen
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