welp its the time for me. I had really much fun on Cn as well for me being a nu7 LT and staff member, and past o1 and ci. i had so much fun on this server, but over the past weeks i got really bored of the server and i have decided to step down and leave this server. i will miss this server. Really i will, i had good and the best memories out of it.
@Johnson J. Marauder Best CI COM a reason on why i joined ci in the first place. will miss ya mate.
@Niox you stink mate. Jk i legit love having rp with you and our CTs that we made together.
@AssassinsAim i had fun with you being o1 and ci mate. you were a legend.
@Cece thank you for teaching me stuff that i couldnt do part being staff and o1 ^^
@Senkai my silly CPT who i love. Will miss ya mate
@damdam31 i will miss your screams and goofy times on this server mate! <3
@Asura will miss ya shiva! been a ride with you since o1.
@Trickl ty for teaching me stuff on this server and helping me out mate. been an honor! <3
@yoru~ you are the loveliest person ive known for a while. i had a fun time being with ya and rping with you! keep up the grind and best of lucks on MAJ! <3
as for my nu7 and the server itself. You were the reason on why i stayed a bit longer on this server people. i had so much fun and made fun rp with you guys.
and for nu7. You guys are a special place to my heart. Really i love everyone and every single one of you guys!.
now i wish everyone for the best and take care cn. Goodbye.
@Johnson J. Marauder Best CI COM a reason on why i joined ci in the first place. will miss ya mate.
@Niox you stink mate. Jk i legit love having rp with you and our CTs that we made together.
@AssassinsAim i had fun with you being o1 and ci mate. you were a legend.
@Cece thank you for teaching me stuff that i couldnt do part being staff and o1 ^^
@Senkai my silly CPT who i love. Will miss ya mate
@damdam31 i will miss your screams and goofy times on this server mate! <3
@Asura will miss ya shiva! been a ride with you since o1.
@Trickl ty for teaching me stuff on this server and helping me out mate. been an honor! <3
@yoru~ you are the loveliest person ive known for a while. i had a fun time being with ya and rping with you! keep up the grind and best of lucks on MAJ! <3
as for my nu7 and the server itself. You were the reason on why i stayed a bit longer on this server people. i had so much fun and made fun rp with you guys.
and for nu7. You guys are a special place to my heart. Really i love everyone and every single one of you guys!.
now i wish everyone for the best and take care cn. Goodbye.