Tea's Ethics Assistant Application

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Brian <3

Well-known Member
May 15, 2022
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:215601623
Discord name Tea <3#3984

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 4d 03h 50m 57s
Age: 14

In what country are you located?:United States
Time zone: Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Character name(s): Tea Heart, Atlas Saxon
Civilian name: The Traveler

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: I do

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

MTF E-11 Operative "Atlas" Saxon (CURRENT)
Intelligence Ambassador "Tea" Heart (PAST)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Not that I know of, no.

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?: I do not dictate whether or not I am the best candidate for this job, only through proof can make that statement true. I would like to start out with the fact that I am not perfect, nobody is, I am a bit laid-back when I can be but during a situation that needs me to be serious I can be. I have served under Internal Affairs and the Intelligence serving as an ambassador, so I know my experience within those two cores enhance my experience within the Code Of Ethics and it's consequences for breaking such. Through Internal Affairs I have learned the Legal Codex alongside the Code Of Ethics. I would like to become and Ethics Committee Assistant as I have always tried to keep an eye out for Ethic Violations and report them to IA when I am not flagged on as an IA, and I generally want to uphold a sense of order within the facility, while also being by the Ethics Committee Member's side.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?: I believe that as an Ethics Committee Assistant your main objective is to follow all rules as listed in the Code Of Ethics, follow the orders of the Ethics Committee and Director of such. If nobody else is on it is your goal to hand out orders to the Omega-1 Regiment and ensure the facility is operating Ethically, Efficiently, and Safely.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:


Powering On . . .
FoundationOS loading . . .
FoundationOS loaded

Welcome! The date is 5/25/22

>Open File_D-1307
-Opening File_D-1307...
-Access required
-Access granted

-Real Name: Brian Miller

-D Class Designation: D-1307

-Nicknames: Atlas, Tea

-Currently at: Site 05

-Reason For D Class Status: Found abandoned after his family was killed, an act of SCP-096

-Personal Details: D-1307 was born in 2001 in [Redacted], Los Angeles. D-1307 was a normal being of society, working at a local fast food restaurant, Chick Fil A. During a contact with SCP-096 his family was killed, he could not tell if the SCP was going to kill him, but after hearing the screams he ran to a Janitors closet in the back. Next thing he heard was the sounds of choppers overhead, they had taken the damn thing away. He had interacted with an [REDACTED] and he was offered a position as a D-Class within the facility. During his years of being a D-Class he was exemplary, influencing other Class D and stopping riots by his hand, after seeing this. Site Administration offered him a position within a military unit called "GENSEC" Security training was hard for him but he managed to pull through, but without him there, D Class started to Riot and cause a bunch of problems with GENSEC, he saw his closest friends die to the hand of those he used to mentor and teach. He was pulled aside by Department Director of Intelligence [REDACTED] and offered a job within Intelligence, he had accepted. Made it his sole goal to become the best of the best within Intelligence, making his way to Intelligence Ambassador and CL4 Clearance, doing just the same as he did with his former friends and teaching them within the tasks and goals of intelligence. Until one day, D-1307, now known as "Atlas" Saxon, saw one of his friends from way back D-11092 murdered by the hands of GENSEC with no prior implications or problems, no intent, just murdered him with his cold heart. The "Atlas' decided from now on he would make it his sole goal as a member of the Site Affairs that he would never let that happen again, not to a single D Class. When he found out about the Code of Ethics he sought out to follow those rules and make sure those were enforced within the facility, and people he saw break such, he reported to the Internal Affairs. He had moved on to an application for a position within the Ethics Committee regarding an Assistant Position, he had decided that he would move on to higher priorities to enforce the COE.

D-1307 "The Atlas" was killed during an encounter with SCP-682 but his legacy still echoes throughout the facility walls.

>End of file D-1307...
>Logging off...
>Shutting down...​
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Well-known Member
Apr 29, 2022
I will be giving Tea......
+ Support
+ Great docs
+ Takes initiative
+ embraces roles
+ good RP

I must say, tea is well spoken for his age. Seeing the work that he has done in Intel and across the board he fits the bill for a employee of ethics. He could of course use more CL4 experience but he is applying for the right position to get just that and then some. He follows the rules but is creative in what he does! Keep up the good work tea!

Sincerely and respectfully,
Assistant Zulu
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Reactions: Brian <3

Brian <3

Well-known Member
May 15, 2022
I will be giving Tea......
+ Support
+ Great docs
+ Takes initiative
+ embraces roles
+ good RP

I must say, tea is well spoken for his age. Seeing the work that he has done in Intel and across the board he fits the bill for a employee of ethics. He could of course use more CL4 experience but he is applying for the right position to get just that and then some. He follows the rules but is creative in what he does! Keep up the good work tea!

Sincerely and respectfully,
Assistant Zulu
Thanks! I try my hardest within roleplay :)


Well-known Member
Apr 28, 2022
I will be giving Tea......
+ Support
+ Great docs
+ Takes initiative
+ embraces roles
+ good RP

I must say, tea is well spoken for his age. Seeing the work that he has done in Intel and across the board he fits the bill for a employee of ethics. He could of course use more CL4 experience but he is applying for the right position to get just that and then some. He follows the rules but is creative in what he does! Keep up the good work tea!

Sincerely and respectfully,
Assistant Zulu
Apr 12, 2022
Untitled (3) (5).png

The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Tea's application for a position as Ethics Committee Assistant.
Thank you for showing your interest in the position of Ethics Committee Assistant, the committee is in agreement that you are ready to be suited as an Assistant. Please Contact me on TeamSpeak for your interview, whenever you are open.

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Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 13, 2022
Untitled (3) (5).png

The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Tea's application for a position as Ethics Committee Assistant.
Thank you for showing your interest in the position of Ethics Committee Assistant, the committee is in agreement that you are ready to be suited as an Assistant. Please Contact me or Tea on TeamSpeak for your interview, whenever you are open.

. Please Contact me or Tea on TeamSpeak for your interview, whenever you are open.
" might wanna change that
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