The Odyssey Cartel

The Odyssey Cartel
Our Ranks And Members:

@Zeus (Retired)




Elite Falcons:




Definition of each rank:

Founder: The founder will be developing and maintaining the gang to make sure it's in order.

Leaders: As a leader, your job is to make sure the gang is running smoothly and sort out any issues within the gang. As well, this role will be allowed to recruit new members into the gang and kick members if they've broken any of our rules.

Lieutenants: As a Lieutenant, your role is to support your members with heavy weaponry during combat, and since you're a lieutenant you can hire 1 member to work for you directly.

Drug lords: As a drug lord, your job is to oversee operations in a territory we control.

Elite Falcons: As an elite falcon, you now have the ability to do warehouse missions. As well, your job is to help lower ranks make sure they know what they're doing etc.

Falcons: This rank means you're officially in the gang and off a trail, your role is to help the gang make money and support the higher ups during raids and defending bases.

Trials: As a trial, you're not officially in the gang but your job is to show the higher-ups what you can do and demonstrate your skills during RP situations. As well, you will be on trial for 3-5 days depending on how good you do.

How to get promoted?:
If you want to be promoted to a higher rank, you must show good teamwork during RP and help out other members. As well, you must show you're committed to the gang by helping out with whatever you can.


Who Are We?

The Odyssey Cartel is a group of people who launder money and transfer drugs, we aim to be the most notorious drug lords throughout the world. At this moment of time, we’re starting small, raiding banks, printing money, raiding other gangs for their money. But as time goes on, we’ll do more challenging stuff such as moving shipments across the city to make more money.


Gang Rules:

1) Don’t argue with other gang members or allies.
2) Don’t steal from anyone within the gang, if you’re caught stealing, you’ll be talked to and possibly kicked and blacklisted from our gang.
3) When we’re raiding or defending, help each other out. Teamwork is key to doing something successful as a gang.
4) If you receive more than 2 server warnings in 1 month, you'll be possibly kicked from our gang for a period of time.
5) If you want to sell cargo in a warehouse then contact an OC higher-up, failing to do so might result in a strike and will be classed as stealing.
6) If you are going on a break inform a leader+.


Allies of OC:

Enemies of OC:

If you have a question about the gang, feel free to poke me or Altunan on teamspeak3 (
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