This is a list of various changes to SCPs that will make the new HCZ similar to the old HCZ in CC design. These were chosen to help with how SCPs breach, which I believe will make E-11 and SCPs more interesting to play. While lists aren't particularly wanted for suggestions, these changes cannot just stand alone in a change log, as that would take far too long.
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
-Make SCP-035's containment chamber airlock not close automatically, or add a keycard scanner inside the CC. The lack of this has led to some moments where, if a host resists at all, me it on accident or intentional, it becomes extremely difficult to leave the CC before it closes, leading to several breaches that never got past the door.
-Make SCP-049's containment chamber not require a keycard to open from inside the CC (Not the CC, but the door outside it) so SCP-049 can leave the CC during a breach
-Remove the acid in SCP-076's chamber, or make it more clearly acid. In it's current state, it just looks like dirty water, which has led to a joke or two about SCP-076 being unable to swim, as it instakills SCP-076. Also, I cannot see a reason for it to be there. While the water looks cool, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense
-Why is SCP-035's airlock lever based if it closes automatically? This leads to having to pull the lever twice to get the door to open. Either impliment the 2nd suggestion, or make it not lever based.
-The gas in SCP-035's CC takes a very long time to kill him, which is noticably a lot longer than the old CC's gas, as the gas in the new CC does the same damage to 035 as it would to a human.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
These are various quality of life changes, mostly design to improve SCP CC's and how they breach. This will lead to more fluent breaches, thus leading to more activity from both SCPs and E-11. It will also lead to betterment of the new HCZ.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
People might get mad that the gas doesn't treat 035 how it does a human, as well as that the new HCZ is becoming just like the old HCZ. However, I believe that some bug fixes that improve breaches should not be considered "turning HCZ back into the way it was"
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Because without it, SCP-035's CC will be broken in many ways, and SCP-049 breaches will be extremely easy to fight, considering from the start of the breach SCP-049 gets locked in a room, letting E-11 set up a firing line. This leads to less activity on those SCPs, preventing roleplay from SCPs which have a lot of RP to offer.
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
-Make SCP-035's containment chamber airlock not close automatically, or add a keycard scanner inside the CC. The lack of this has led to some moments where, if a host resists at all, me it on accident or intentional, it becomes extremely difficult to leave the CC before it closes, leading to several breaches that never got past the door.
-Make SCP-049's containment chamber not require a keycard to open from inside the CC (Not the CC, but the door outside it) so SCP-049 can leave the CC during a breach
-Remove the acid in SCP-076's chamber, or make it more clearly acid. In it's current state, it just looks like dirty water, which has led to a joke or two about SCP-076 being unable to swim, as it instakills SCP-076. Also, I cannot see a reason for it to be there. While the water looks cool, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense
-Why is SCP-035's airlock lever based if it closes automatically? This leads to having to pull the lever twice to get the door to open. Either impliment the 2nd suggestion, or make it not lever based.
-The gas in SCP-035's CC takes a very long time to kill him, which is noticably a lot longer than the old CC's gas, as the gas in the new CC does the same damage to 035 as it would to a human.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
These are various quality of life changes, mostly design to improve SCP CC's and how they breach. This will lead to more fluent breaches, thus leading to more activity from both SCPs and E-11. It will also lead to betterment of the new HCZ.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
People might get mad that the gas doesn't treat 035 how it does a human, as well as that the new HCZ is becoming just like the old HCZ. However, I believe that some bug fixes that improve breaches should not be considered "turning HCZ back into the way it was"
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Because without it, SCP-035's CC will be broken in many ways, and SCP-049 breaches will be extremely easy to fight, considering from the start of the breach SCP-049 gets locked in a room, letting E-11 set up a firing line. This leads to less activity on those SCPs, preventing roleplay from SCPs which have a lot of RP to offer.