'Thunders' Exec. Application (SCP-RP US)

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Jun 25, 2022
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
2 years (17 days. 431 hours.)


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s):
MTF Nu-7 CPL Solstice 'Thunder'
Sr. Researcher Solstice 'Thunder' [LRT-IR]
CS 'Silent'

Civilian name:

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF Nu-7 CPL(Hold)
MTF E-11 LCPL(Held)
MTF E-11 PVT(Held)

MTF O-1 LCPL(Held)
Combat Medic

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
I am applying for Executive Researcher because I have played MTF for so long, I love MTF and never thought I'd like research, but the more I played researcher, the more I like writing documents, doing test, and talking to other researchers whether that be helping them or them helping me, but in reality, I want to help others. I want to be an Exec. that is always on to help with whatever and give guidance to those who need it, to sort of be a mentor. Now, I don't know everything there possible is about every chemical, SCP, or anything like that, but just like everyone else, I am still learning too, but I feel I know enough to be able to be the Exec. some of these Jr. and normal researchers need, of course not saying our current Execs. aren't good, they've been wonderful to me in helping me become the researcher that I am, and I want to reflect that to others and be a helping hand just like they are to me.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
As stated above, I am willing to go above and beyond to help support and guide newer researchers, whether that be through lectures, 1 on 1 sessions, or hands on working. I also feel as an Exec. you have the ability to give some of these lower researchers more freedom, allowing them to guiding them to what is right and what is wrong without blatantly punishing them for something they may not know, because everyone has to start somewhere and learn. Now, I am not saying I'm not any more suitable for this position as anyone else, but I feel my qualities of work stand out differently from others, whether that be writing documents, performing test, but I am good, as stated, at helping people, something that I don't think I've seen too often. I want to be the outlier that is constantly there for assistance. I'd also like to mention, everyone is going to notice my research level is low, and it makes it seem like I have no Sr. Researcher experience, but I've been told playing jobs like Cartographer and Thaumatologist counts as Sr. Researcher experience, and I've been playing them for awhile.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
I have written 2 excellent graded documents, one on SCP-3078 and one on a crosstest between SCP-3078 and SCP-178.

What makes a document excellent:
Your document needs to look nice, neat, and orderly. Not a jumbled up mess, even if the document has good information in it, it might not get that excellent rating because of poor presentation.

The information in your document needs to be well put together, correct to the best of your ability, and in line with your experiment/test.

Be creative with the way you write/present your document, of course following a format is very good, but having a unique, well shown document will go a long way. Research is always about hard earned info, we need creativity too.

You need a good looking format, this ties in with your presentation and creativity. A format that neatly describes the contents of your document, what is in it, where to find it, and how the contents are displayed.

Having good spelling and proper punctuation to ensure your document looks as neat as it can.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
The responsibilities of an Executive Researcher are to help and guide newer Jr. Researchers, along with providing oversite to those such as Researchers and Sr. Researchers whether that be through signing a document, overseeing a crosstest/test, or overseeing a sampling procedure. The main goal and responsibility though is to be professional, be a good idol for those looking up to you, as you do hold a CL4 position, you set an example for those below you.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Thunder, whose real name is Solstice, grew up in the big city of New York, in a Middle-class family. His father was a Top of the Class Marksman, shooting a 221-marksman score as a recruit in the Military. So, growing up, Solstice always wanted to be like his father and join the military, so that's exactly what he did. As soon as he hit 18, he went to Boot camp for the US army, as he followed in his father's footsteps of wanting to be a marksman, he talked to his SGT about being a Sharpshooter/Marksman. They set him up with a private training, as per his father's legacy in the military, and he shot a 198 as a recruit.

Military Service:
After serving in multiple SPEC Ops missions in only five years, Solstice become known as Thunder, because he was mainly set up in wet rainy jungle areas to assassinate Militia Captains and leaders, and every bullet he fired, thunder would boom at the same time to make sure no one heard the shot. He went on to have 25 confirmed kills in five years, surpassing his father in confirmed kills. For this outstanding performance, Solstice achieved the rank of 2nd Lieutenant, the start of his journey as an officer. As an Officer, Solstice served with his Military best friend John 'Silver Bullet', in training countless recruits in marksman and field missions to ensure the SPEC Ops upholds the pristine reputation. These two were marked as the two most well performed Officers out of the entire US Military.

Introduction to the Foundation:
As time went on, Solstice and John were stationed in Canada to assist with exercises. Holding the reputation these two do, you are bound to catch some attention. A man in a black suit and black tie approached both of them outside of a restaurant, they thought it was just a run of the mill military contractor asking them to perform a mission for them, but the bodyguards that they could faintly make out in the car had symbols on their caps they couldn't recognize. They man introduced himself as Everette, and he asked them if they would like a job offering to work at a "Facility" at first, they hesitated at the offer, but one thing intrigued them, working with other highly skilled men like them. They had never worked with other people as skilled as themselves, so they took the strange man's offer, but first, he sent them with a task. They needed to be pronounced as MIA or KIA within the military. So, that's exactly what they did. On a long, wet night on a mission in Uganda, they were tasked with killing a local Militia leader, instead, they both cut deep into their hands leaving a puddle of blood on the mountain side they were perched at, ripping off their dog tags and leaving it in that puddle of blood. A few miles West a helicopter sent by the strange man would arrive at midnight to transport them back to Canada secretly. New spread like wildfire that two of the most Highly trained Soldiers were pronounced MIA while serving. They were men of the country and military, so they didn't have time to find a wife or have kids, so no family would worry about them besides their parents. Their parents were notified of their deaths. As they were brought to what would shortly be known to them as Site-65, and their home for the rest of their lives. The same man that greeted them at the restaurant, walked up to them and shook their hand thanking them for taking his offer. They walked up to a small shack like building, the man swiftly swiped a card over the scanner, which then unlocked the door allowing them to walk in. The man sat them at a table and said, "I thank you for giving up your reputation for this." Solstice and John looked at each other confused, then the man spoke again. "The place we are at is known as Site-65; a military base used for conducting special operations." The two almost regretted their decisions but bit their tongues as the man continued, "This is no ordinary military facility as you see, here we secure and contain monsters known to the public as Myths and Legends told to kids to make sure they're in the house before dark." Solstice proceeded to say, "What do you mean? Things like that don't exist, there's no proof of any of these things you say anywhere on the internet." The man looked at Solstice and said, "Oh, but there very well is things like this that exist. Monsters that could end all of humanity as we know it, I would love to show you these things, but you would have to sign this document." he said, while pushing two documents forward, one for each of them. At the top of the document, it read, Contract of a Life of Secrecy, Solstice was very confused at the sight of the contract, but had nothing to lose, so he signed it. John declined the offer, and the man told one of his guards, "Take him 5 miles South and Spray him." Solstice looked at John with a confused and worried look on his face but didn't say anything in fear of being sprayed with whatever chemical they had. Solstice was then taken into the Facility and given a uniform and MP5 and assigned the rank of Cadet. He frowned at the sight of starting all over.

GENSEC Security:

After getting an introduction to the facility, Solstice still hasn't seen any proof of these "Monsters", but he was assigned a mentor, Officer Michael, he was a Riot Control Officer. Michael gave him a tour of the section of the Facility known as D-Block, where death row inmates sat waiting for "testing", Solstice questioned what kind of testing was going on in the background in the rest of facility. Solstice was stationed to watch the Airlock to control "attempted escapes", Solstice thought this was more of a prison than a Military Facility, until he heard the loud intercom ring out saying "SCP containment breach. An SCP containment door has failed, all available MTF units respond accordingly." Solstice had seen the word SCP all over the facility, but didn't know what it meant, until he noticed a symbol on the back of his personal tablet reading out "Secure. Contain. Protect." His answer was right in front of him the whole time, but as the breach went on, other GENSEC shouted at researchers and D-Class, as they were known, to keep away from unauthorized areas. As Solstice thought the breach was dying down, the red lights still strobed above him, he heard what sounded like stone being dragged on the ground, he saw the door opening from D-Block to LCZ and in the blink of an eye he heard a neck snap and a tall menacing sculpture appear at the doorway as the body of a GENSEC guard dropped to the ground, at that same moment, he heard what sounded like a generator charging up and a beam hit the sculpture, and rope was then tied around the stone sculpture and he was dragged away, but he caught a glimpse of a soldier in blue, an insignia on his shoulder of a fox, with words under it that read Epsilon-11, Nine-Tailed Fox. Solstice knew what he wanted to be, he wanted to be the hero and contain these "things", so he worked hard for months as a GENSEC Security Officers, achieving the rank of Security SGT, and receiving his Riot Control License and Heavy weapons license from Captain Stevenson, hos noble and honored GENSEC Captain.

Epsilon-11 Nine-Tailed Fox:

After working very hard for many months, going through many breaches, Solstice had learned how to contain many of these SCPs as they were known. He felt it was a waste though, because he feels like his talent and effort was going unnoticed, but that's when one day, a Captain in the Nine-Tailed Fox MTF regiment pulled him to the side while he was in bunks preparing for his day of work, and said to him "Meet me outside that door over there when you get the chance." he said, pointing at the door with a yellow keypad next to it. Solstice was excited yet fearful of whether this was finally his chance, or he was in trouble. At around 1:45pm, Solstice had taken a small break next to the Security Sector armory and remember what he had be told earlier that morning, he walked over to the door and sat next to him, he heard ta faint ding then the door opened, the captain he had spoken to earlier was there waiting for him. He followed the caption to a room with the words "Epsilon-11 Bunks" written over it, he was then greeted by the captain saying, "Hey Solstice, I've been watching for a while, and I've noticed you've been watching us contain the SCPs and how we do it." Solstice proceeded to say, "Yeah, I have. I've written down on my Clipboard on how to contain all the SCPs I've seen so far, all from SCP-173, my first encounter with an SCP, to SCP-106, which was the last SCP I saw you guys contain." The captain said "Very well, son. I take it my first thought on you wasn't wrong after all." he said. "I am Captain Hartwell, lead officer of the Nine-Tailed Fox MTF regiment. I'd like to offer you a position as a private in my regiment, to pay you for all your hard work and effort controlling those inmates in there and studying how we work." Solstices eyes widened with excitement as he was finally happy all his hard work had paid off then said, "Thank you, Sir. I just do my job and so what I'm told to the best of my ability." Solstice was then given an E-11 uniform, and was assigned a bed to sleep in, the next day was the start of his new journey. After Months of experience with containing SCPs, guarding a machine known at SCP-914, and holding down the HCZ checkpoint, he was promoted to the rank of LCPL. One day, Solstice was on his tablet checking his emails, and he noticed a job opening email on his SCPINET email, he opened it and it read "Internal Security Position", He was intrigued by this, so he filled it out and thought nothing of it, a few days after this, he noticed he would spot the men in black military uniforms, like he saw that one day when Everrett approached him, would follow him, or just appear out of nowhere then walk away, he didn't think anything of it, until a week later, he radioed in a report to his fellow MTF that the doors to SCP-008 were left wide open, then the next second, he was cuffed, blind folded and gagged. After a short time of being dragged, he was unblindfolded and was in a server room, fear began rushing through him like nothing else before, there were four men in black uniforms standing before him, he has heard rumors about these men kidnapping people and them not being seen for days. A man by the name of LTCOM Johan introduced himself "I am LT Commander Johan, second in command of the Omega-1 Laws Left Hand MTF Regiment, next the me is LT Cobbs. We saw your application for Internal Security, and we kept a close eye on you, because you looked promising." Solstice shook his head. "We would like to invite you to our training course for Omega-1, but first let me explain to you what exactly we do, so you know what you're getting yourself into." Johan said. Solstice once again shook his head. Johan gave a hand motion to his LT Cobbs telling him to take lead, Cobbs began saying "My name is LT Cobbs, you've probably seen me watching you, popping up and disappearing, enough of that though. Omega-1 is a highly organized branch of security personnel in charge of protecting members and assistants of the Ethics Committee. We are in charge of upholding high morals for all staff and inmates in this building. While D-Class are on death row, they are also still humans too, we wish to treat them in the same way we wish to be treated if we were in that position, we also do the same for staff of the facility, making sure they are following our Code of Ethics. We have invited you to a special training course designed to enhance your ability in combat, but to also learn how to be secretive. Would you like to participate in this training?" Solstice shook his head yes as the men blindfolded him again.

Omega-1 "Laws Left Hand":

Solstice woke up in a strange set of bunks after meeting with the black uniformed men, Solstice was then greeted by LT Cobbs with him saying, "Solstice, you're awake. Let's get started with training." Solstice and Cobbs headed the server room he was in the day prior, Cobbs proceeded to ask him a bunch of questions such as, would you save your commander or a member of the ethics committee, Solstice answered them all quick and correctly, sweeping through the questions. Solstice was then cuffed and blindfolded, when he was unblindfolded, he noticed he was in the kill house in security sector where the GENSEC bunks are. Cobbs started by saying, "This is the kill house part of training, you just make it through this section in 18 seconds or less. You do not have to hit the moving target, as it is hard to hit, or the one at the end in the dark. You may run to the armory and take a weapon of your choosing, be quick." Solstice ran to the armory and pulled out his weapon, an AUG with the word 'Thunder' inscribed on the left side of the barrel. Solstice quickly rushed off back to the kill house to begin. Cobbs pulled out a stopwatch and said, "Again, you have 18 seconds. When you step through the door is when your time starts." Solstice quickly swept through the kill house, even hitting the moving target and the one in the dark. He ran back up the stairs to await his next orders, Cobbs began saying, "Your time was 21 seconds, but you did manage to hit the moving target and the one in the dark." LTCOM Johan appeared out of the corner motioning Cobbs to him, all Solstice could see were mouths moving, as he couldn't read their lips. Cobbs and Johan began walking towards Solstice, John started by saying, "Congratulations Solstice, you did amazing in the kill house. I'm impressed you managed to hit the moving target and the one in the shadows, I also see that is your personal rifle, you mind if I see it?" Solstice handed over his AUG, as he watched Johan inspect it, he said "Thunder. Hmm, interesting name, I know they used to call you that back in the military, how about we make that your callsign? Welcome to Omega-1, you've successfully pass tryouts." Solstice was given a black uniform just like theirs and was given a CL4 keycard with a red stripe on it, he was also given the rank of PVT. Solstice met with Cobbs and Johan in the bunks and was introduced to members of the Ethics Committee and given a rundown of daily duties and what is expected of him. Solstice was excited to start his next journey of being a member of Omega-1.

Nu-7 "Hammer Down":

After Solstice has spent many years in Omega-1, he finally decided it was time to resign and relax. Solstice began to relax, by joining the GENSEC Security Team, in charge of maintaining D-Class, "This should be a lot easier than fighting SCPs and Chaos Insurgency every week.", Solstice thought to himself. After spending around 2 weeks as a Security Response Unit, he saw on the calendar an interesting tryout being held, it read "Nu-7 'Hammer Down" tryouts.'. Solstice figured it was worth a shot, seeming how he wanted to get back into action, after being fully recovered and feeling brand new. Solstice approached the Kill House door swiping his Foundation Card, being greeted by a Nu-7 LT, the LT spoke and said, "Sit down in those chairs over there, tryouts start in 10 minutes." he said motioning to the blue chairs on the back wall. After the 10 minutes had passed, Solstice and two others had shown up for the tryouts. As tryouts started, the LT motioned us down to the start of the Kill House, where we would be timed as we complete it. "Listen up, my Command Sargent up there will hit the button, whenever this door opens, go. Complete the Kill House as fast as you can, then wait on that back wall." he said as he reached into his pocket retrieving a small gold pocket watch. Solstice was first, as he heard the ding, he sprinted through the Kill House, knocking down every target he saw, but when he approached the final 3 targets, he want to reload his trusty AUG, the magazine began to slip out of his hand, yet he caught it, knowing it would cost him time in the long run. Solstice completed the Kill House, hearing the loud ding after the Kill House being completed. He exited through the back door, being greeted by the LT, "Your time is 14.43 seconds, remember that, I will not repeat it again.". As the other finished the Kill House, Solstice pulled out a little Notepad from his uniform pocket, writing down the time given. We all met at the top of the Kill House again, this time, with a new task to complete. The LT came up the stairs holding a TE-5 Hacking tool, "This portion is the hacking portion, you will need the hack this Level 3 keypad right here, you have as much prep time as you need, you may begin whenever." he said motioning to the yellow keypad on the wall, while handing me the hacking device. I began by plugging in the long cord from the hacking device into the bottom circuit slot on the keypad, the device lit up displaying letters and numbers in boxes, Solstice knew this was going to be easy, as he had cracked countless Level 4 keypads when he was in Omega-1. Solstice looked at the device, mapping out a path in his head, mumbling "A5 to X9... to this one.". Solstice completed the hack in just under 20 seconds, seemingly impressing the LT. Solstice sat in those same blue chairs as the others finished there hack, as they all passed. "PTS will be ACTIVE during this portion, I will hand you all a handbook, you will look through it and remember as much as you can, you have 15 minutes to do so, time begins now!" Solstice opened the handbook to a seemingly short handbook, only 4 pages, but he kept quite, unlike his collogues yelling in the back asking questions to the LT. The LT had a look of annoyance on his face, "You know what, time's up. Since you guys seem to know everything, you will now begin the test." he said after only a couple minutes had passed, Solstice knew he was going to fail, as he didn't get enough time to thoroughly look through the provided booklet. "Now, you will begin the test, you will have 10 minutes to complete it, fill out each and every question to the best of your ability, after that, stand up and stand on the wall to your right." he said as he handed out a white two page sheet with questions on it. Solstice knew he was going to fail, as he didn't comprehend anything from that handbook. As about 9 minutes had passed, Solstice had answered the final question, looking up to see his colleagues were still taking the test. "10 minutes is up, submit your test to me now, and I will have my Command Sargant look over and review your answers." As the CSG looked over the test, I saw his pen flick many times, seemingly marking an X. The CSG handed back the test to the LT, he announced to us "To no surprise, you all failed! Solstice, I would like to speak with you after this." As the others left the Kill House in defeat, I reported to the Nu-7 CO Office, and sat in the chair in front of the LTs desk. The LT walks in the room with a notepad in hand, taking a seat while placing the notepad down, "So, lets talk about your tryout. I see you passed the hacking portion is one of the best times that I have seen, and just barely failed the kill house by a shear 43 milliseconds, but you did absolutely horrible on the test, getting a 12/20, but our handbook is not revised and your partners there were quite a nuisance." Solstice responded with "Yeah, hacking is very easy to me, I did it in my previous background quite frequently, but the test and kill house are a different story." he said while taking off his body armor, "I took a long time to recover after being active for so many years, my body needs a rest. When I was in the kill house, I fumbled my magazine trying to insert it into my gun, costing me about an extra second. The test, some of it was basic information, but some of it was brand new to me, stuff that of course, I wouldn't know considering I am not a Nu-7 operative." Solstice said while standing up and grabbing a paper cup, pouring water into it from the water jug dispenser in the back of the room. "Okay, so how about this, spend some time in our bunks looking at our documents and studying them while I get our new handbook revised, then tomorrow, come by the tryouts and retry, tell them I sent you." he said while walking to the door swiping his keycard on the keypad. After hours and hours Solstice spent studying, he finally went to rest in the Security bunks. When he woke, he looked at the nightstand and saw a document labeled "Nu-7 'Hammer Down' Handbook(Revised)", he immediately picked up this handbook and begin to study, digesting as much information as he could. When it came time to the tryouts, Solstice was confident in his ability to pass. Solstice walked to the Kill House once again, meeting the same Command Sargant from Yesterday, "The LT sent me for this tryout, and give it another shot." Solstice said to the CSG. "Sounds good, take a seat and we will begin." the CSG said. After he had informed us of the same stuff he had heard yesterday, we walked down to the entrance of the kill house, "When you hear the ding, you may start" the CSG said from up on the rafters. Ding, he heard come from sound system. As he ran through the kill house knocking down every target, He approached the end, not messing up, or missing a bullet. "Your time was significantly better than yesterday, you got 11.39, remember that." he said as he approached him on the top rafters, and sat down in the chairs. As everyone else finished, Solstice remembered to grab a TE-5 Hacking Device from the Dispensing terminals. "Oh, so you're already prepared." he said, seeing me with the hacking device in my hand. "Yep, I remembered to grab one from yesterday." he said as he plugged in the device just as he did yesterday, this time, he got a very hard hack. Solstice failed the hack, failure began to flow through Solstice as he had been so confident prior, remembering his past, wondering how he could possibly mess up such an easy hack. As everyone else finished, Solstice sat in the chairs awaiting the test. "You will have 15 minutes to look over this handbook, your time starts now." he said while handing us the same document he already had with me. "15 minutes is up, please hand me your handbooks and take this test. You will have 10 minutes to complete it, answer every question to the best of your ability." the CSG said as he took our handbooks, replacing them with the same test Solstice had taken prior. "Time has started, begin now." the CSG said as he clicked the stop watch in his hand. Solstice answered every question with ease, finishing in under 5 minutes, remembering nearly everything he had studied. As everyone else finished, I was motioned to stand on the wall to my right. "Time is up, please turn your test into me, and I will grade them." he said as he extended his arm to retrieve the test. As the CSG finished grading everything, he approached the 2 cadet to my left, "You have failed, please leave the Kill House and return to normal duties." he said to them sending them out. "Solstice, sadly, you passed! Congratulations, you are now a member of Nu-7, here is your uniform. Please contact one of our Corporals or Sargent to give your your basic training.


After Solstice had spend many many months in Nu-7, being apart of many raids and defending the facility, on a mission to retrieve a stolen document from the Chaos Insurgency. Solstice had been shot in the upper right thigh, passing out almost immediately from the shock. He was rushed out of the CI facility and to the Foundation where he would receive immediate medical attention. When Solstice had woken, he was laying in a Medical Bay patient area, feeling his leg in slight pain. A Nu-7 LT entered the room, "You're lucky to be alive, we're surprised we got you out of there." he said while showing him bodycam footage of what had happened. "Did we get the document? And find anything else there?" he said after scrolling through the after action report on the tablet. "Yes, we retrieved the document we were sent to get." he said taking the tablet from his hand, "We also found a particular anomaly in their Heavy Containment Zone, but we don't deal with those, we handed it off to the research team." After a spending a few days resting, Solstice was released on watch, prohibited from engaging in his normal duties. After spending sometime figuring out what to do, he approached an Executive Researcher and asked if there was anything he could help with, the Exec. responded with "Not as of right now, wait.. I recognized you, you used to be in E-11 a few years back right?" he said, seemingly pulling up a my report in his tablet. "Yes, I was a LCPL in E-11 around 7-8 years ago, did a lot of stuff, now I'm here." Solstice said as he pulled out his old patch picturing a Nine-Tailed Fox on it. "You know what, since you know a lot about SCPs and all of that, why don't you help some of Researchers? Give them a helping hand when I can't, maybe one day, you can take my spot here as an Executive." he said, writing Solstices name down on a sheet. Solstice responded with, "As much as I'd love to, I don't think I'd ever be able to, you are way more knowledgeable than me about these things, but I can help some of your Researchers out in the meantime." Solstice thought to himself, "maybe this is the start of something new, I'll try this researching thing out while I have the free time to, learn a thing or two." After Solstice had spent a few months recovering from his injury, he was along side the research team, assisting and performing test to further progress the foundations understanding of the Anomalies they held. Learning what they actually do, not just how to contain them. It was a whole new world that he was exposed to, that he was willing to dive into. Solstice was doing a test on SCP-099, in the LCZ inanimate section, when he noticed the same Executive in the peripheral, when the test was concluded, he credited both the D-Class and GENSEC, he was approached by the Exec. and he said, "You're good at this, it's like it's natural to you, why don't you speak with the Director and apply to be an Executive? I could see you making some real progress, along with helping all of these new researchers, because I'm getting old, I can't keep up with them like I used to." Solstice responded with, "Maybe I will, is he in his office right now?", "Yes, why don't you go have a word with him and see if you can pick up an application?" Solstice entered the Directors office, not seeing him. He picked up a clipboard on the Directors desk, stating he was overseeing a test in Heavy Containment. Solstice also noticed a stack of papers that read "Executive Researcher Application Format" he took one and returned back to his bunks and proceeded to fill out this application...

Edit: Forget to add my combat medic whitelist :)
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Junior Developer
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SCP-RP Staff
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Mar 6, 2023
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Throughout my time on site, I have become more familiar with Thunder. He has been extremely engaged within the research department, and has been actively running tests with D-Class almost every time I am online. I think this position would be a good step toward a bright future for Thunder.
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Records and Information Security Administration

From the Office of A. Halo

Regarding Executive Research Applicant - "Thunders"

Application Accepted
Thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of Executive Researcher.

After some careful thinking among the Executive Board, we have elected to approve your application, and elevate you to the interview process. Please contact Director Halo, along with your nearest Records and Information Security Administration office to receive your new credentials. Do not keep your old credentials.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

- Department Director A. Halo​
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