TinglyRobin3014's Staff Application

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Mar 15, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): gmodplayer598
How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): 1 week 9 hours 25 minutes
Age: 17 (18 on July 16th)
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: CST
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Alexis "Snowfall" Graham (Currently Ms. Graham)
Chaos name (include your rank): CIS Jaime Fernanza
Civilian name: Johanna Gutenburg
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:218006034
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Yes
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: No
Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?: No experience
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?: Yes
How many hours can you be on everyday?: It varies but usually around 6-12 hours
Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?: I believe that the staff team could just use more help whenever they're low on staff at a specific time. This server is really fun and with the reasoning of minges and stuff during the times staff are not on, I wish to help during the times when staff are not on. I also wish to get staff experience through this server as well.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?: I will look into the sits as deep as I could and I would make sure to do my job swiftly, efficiently and with a smile on my face. I have had a bit of time (vTime shows 1 week) to know what I can and can't do and I will put my all into doing my job as staff.
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Ms Graham is active on the US Server; and shows professionalism akin to Staff while in their role. Alongside they also have a fun side and consistantly switches between needing to be serious. I think they would make a good fit and I wish you the best Graham!

/+ Active
/+ Previous Experience in the Role of Professionalism in server
/+ Has shown a Willingness to learn
/+ Well known in Foundation-US Side

/- Lack of Staff Experience
/- Unsure of Rule Knowledge

/-Poor Application; Looks Rushed.


MRP War Veteran
Dec 26, 2020

I've seen you very active on the US server and on Teamspeak. My interactions with you in-game have only been positive and you seem to be a very friendly person from my convos with you. The main throwback is your application it's very lackluster and barely has any details to the questions given on the format, I recommend you fix that and ill most likely change my verdict to a +support

Good Luck...


Well-known Member
Feb 10, 2022
-/+ Nuetral Leaning +Support

No Warnings
+ Active In Game and In Teams-peak
+ Mature In Game
- Un-detailed App. Seems to have very little effort

Good Luck


Well-known Member
Mar 9, 2022
-/+ Support
+Active ig/ts
+Mature in-game
+ Very nice
-Application looks rushed
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