Tony Pizza's Ban appeal

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Tony pizza the 3rd

Well-known Member
Dec 1, 2023
Your in-game name: Tony Pizza
Your SteamID: 76561199056775289
Your steam community link:
Date of ban: 12/21/23
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): NITRP | Severe Toxicity
Who banned you: UNGOC-C GEN "Sierra"
Ban length?: 3 weeks
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will ensure all binds are default and none of my binds contain such fowl language.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? Banned(MRDM) Warned (FailRP?), maybe more warns.
Why should you be unbanned: This was a simple and avoidable mistake that I shouldn't have made, However I wasn't given the opportunity to try and fix the issue due to my game crashing.
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I will regularly re-read the rules and stay updated on the Discord.
Why do you want to rejoin this server?:
I would like to rejoin this server because before my ban I actually got to experience the server and its community which showed me that it was a great place for RP and not just another "half-assed" server. Additionally, I got to see how much the community was committed to RP which made me and still makes me want to experience more of it.20231221022244_1.jpg
Hello Mr Pizza,

The reason I issued the ban was that you were infobreaching inside IA Cells; Then after I brought you to tell you to cut it off; you then said no and that'd you continue doing it. At that time I said then with your history I would be issuing a 1 day NITRP ban. You then went into / ocomms; and said by itself 'N-Word' (Actual word; Not censored.) and then left / crashed out of the server.

Your LTAP had 0 reason for the ban, As you were still going to be banned. In your short time on Civil I have seen a contiuned absence of attempt to RP. Hence why the time was issued.

Alongside; Having a bind including the N-Word is a immediate red flag; as most servers do not accept that. Please ensure any binds like this are removed in future.

Have a lovely night.


Tony pizza the 3rd

Well-known Member
Dec 1, 2023
Hello Mr Pizza,

The reason I issued the ban was that you were infobreaching inside IA Cells; Then after I brought you to tell you to cut it off; you then said no and that'd you continue doing it. At that time I said then with your history I would be issuing a 1 day NITRP ban. You then went into / ocomms; and said by itself 'N-Word' (Actual word; Not censored.) and then left / crashed out of the server.

Your LTAP had 0 reason for the ban, As you were still going to be banned. In your short time on Civil I have seen a contiuned absence of attempt to RP. Hence why the time was issued.

Alongside; Having a bind including the N-Word is a immediate red flag; as most servers do not accept that. Please ensure any binds like this are removed in future.

Have a lovely night.

Mr. Starling,
I will respectfully disagree with your statement that "Your LTAP had 0 reason for the ban" due to the fact it was extended as a form as punishment for my accidental usage of the word. If I did not crash or LTAP I could have clearly explained what happen and why. Being the reasonable person you are I think you'd be more receptive to someone openly owning their mistake and apologizing for it instead of just leaving or crashing. Secondly, the accusation that " In your short time on Civil I have seen a contiuned absence of attempt to RP" I will also disagree with on the grounds that you do not allow much creative freedom for new players. For example your main options as a D-class consist of collect scrap and try to kill GENSEC, maybe start a riot. Or wait in line for the slim chance you are used in an experiment that 90% of the time gets you killed.
After achieving level 5 your options become wider, however still sparse. I will refer to my experience as a security guards because I haven't experienced much as a researcher. As a security cadet most of your time consists of hanging around D-block and maybe having the chance to escort a researcher in a low level experiment. Otherwise, you can possibly explore parts of the facility or pray for the chance of an SCP breach or similar event. With the achievement of Level 5 you are also granted access to the Chef which allows you to cook food and not much else. I do realize there are many other jobs but I do not have much experience with them but I do see quite a lot there jobs consist of mundane activities. Finally, you can go on an as SCP-035 where you wait forever to get tested . Even when being tested it is very hard to RP due to the basic and highly choreographed research that is conducted on you. If you get lucky enough to breach you immediately get TP'd to a sit and accused for RDM amongst other stuff. I do pardon if I missing something but given my experience it is extremely difficult to RP as anything you allow low levels to be. I will accept that I should have been banned for info breaching but when put into a sit regarding my confusion and irritation to being arrested I was immediately given the response "you were trespassing" without a single thought and TP'd back. When in reality I was unable to leave due to the researcher opening the lvl 2 door which I could not open prompting me to ask the MTF individual down there to let me out. They did not and instead cuffed me and wait for IA to arrest and jail me without the consideration of my rebuttal and was given a harsh sentence. To conclude I do still apologize for my accidental use of said word and did not intend for it be used here or in this circumstance. I can see how having such a bind is a red flag, in turn I have since ensured it has been removed. I am not asking for a full ban removal. Rather a reduction in the length given the attempt of me trying to join the server ASAP after my crash to explain, the Discord ticket I opened to question and explain what happened, and the effort I put into this thread/response.

Have a pleasant day,

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