Tony Stewart DOR(director of research) application USA

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Game Master
Game Master
Jan 9, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:53083048

Discord name: Deathspike123

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
throughout a few months starting playing in September 2023, and have been playing on and off since then. I have recently started playing more in-depth within the past month and putting many more hours into the server as of January and December.
Age: 23

In what country are you located?: Canada

Time zone: PST

Character name(s): Foundation Tony Stewart

Civilian name: Devin Stewart

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?:

- I do

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

ECA, executive researcher

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:

I have none.

Why are you applying for Director of Research?

I have been with research for quite some time, probably 3-4 months and I have seen the research department go from a decent organization to a split organization. Half the researchers are just doing sampling and the other half are mingeing. There is a small amount of people who are doing research and trying to grow and get research flourishing again. I have worked with these people and talked with multiple DORs to try and set up a program to get the department back together. I have found that the research is completely shattered. Everyone is just working on their own thing, there are not a lot of people working together, instead, they are working against each other either they are fighting or just mingeing. My main goal is to fix this, I have been talking with the current DOR with some ideas to fix this current situation. I have come up with a concept that I think will work and have started to implement it as the Deputy Director of BOE(Board of Education). This concept is to have a group of researchers work together, usually 3 SR researchers and 1 JR researcher, they will then work together to come up with a concept for a test or a concept of a project that they want to do. The first group I talked with about this project that I have created seemed very excited and willing to work together they came up with an interesting idea for a test. They allowed the JR researcher to speak up and pitch ideas. If we had a few of these groups working together as planned, I think this would allow the community to grow and flourish. I have also been working with other concepts that will fix these issues, I am trying to talk with the DOR and the other executives to get these concepts reviewed and hopefully brought into place.

What makes you suitable for Director of Research?:

I have been working very hard and very closely with the BOE, as well as talking with the DOR as much as possible. I have learned much and have constantly tried to come up with solutions to the problems that plague the research department. Whenever something is brought to my attention, I spend quite a lot of time carefully thinking about concepts and solutions to the problem. I have always been very serious about research. I have worked very hard to come up with interesting concepts and projects for me and the other researchers to do. I have talked with multiple researchers and either I have inspired them, or they have inspired me to do a test. I try and talk with as many researchers as possible, either asking if they need help or just checking up with them. I think I have done a good job of building the community and connections with the researchers that I have talked to. I have always been as professional as possible even with things I do not know, I always ask to double-check the information before signing off on things because I want to make sure that we are following the proper procedures. I take every chance I get to bring and teach new researchers into the research department. I try my best to be active and always available when someone asks a question. I like to scroll through the research channels and scroll through comms to see if people need help with docs or questions about doing research. While doing all this, I have also tried to implement changes or concepts to help grow the department, such as the group of researchers working together as well as other concepts. I try to inspire the JRs to get into research and bring up subjects that the SRs could get into.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Research in RP?:

  • As the head of the research department, we have the most responsibility for making sure everything is flowing correctly as well as making sure that the policies are followed. We also must make sure that the policies are up to date and constantly check that what we are doing will make the server's health flourish. We must be in contact with, SC, SI, and SA to make sure that our policies are correct and reasonable. If these policies are not, it may hurt the server's health whether that be, the research department not doing their jobs or E11 jobs being made much harder. While making sure the policies are up to date, we also must make sure that the executives are the prime example for the research department. This includes checking up with each executive to see how they are doing talking to them and learning about what they have been up to while on the job. We have weekly meetings to talk with all the executives, during these meetings we set goals for the executives to do and to get their opinions of each application for people who decide to apply for the executive position.
  • We also have the responsibility to make sure that, the researchers are doing their job, not just doing whatever they want. We want to make sure that the test concepts that we come up with and want to do are considered with deep thought and effort. As we are the pinnacle of the research department. We have to review docs, whether this be cross-tests/tests that require our approval or any docs that people want feedback on. To make both SC/SA lives easier, if we aren’t the filter they would be flooded with requests, and this would slow everything down. We should always try and check up with the researchers who are on, as well as the people talking in the research department channel. We have the goal of trying to inspire the department and make it the best that it can be.
Please give some lore about your Director of Research character and what storylines they would be involved in:

After working with ethics for a long time and putting much effort into learning as much as he can. Tony Stewart has decided to move on to learning about the research department. He has worked closely with the previous DOR’s and multiple researchers. He is constantly thinking of how to better contain and figure out the details of how the SCPs work. He has done many tests that he considers to be quite creative and talked with the intelligent SCPs to see if there is a way to make them more docile. When asked for help he has spent many hours in the classroom helping the JR researchers that have asked for help. As well as reviewing documentation, that people have asked for feedback. whenever he gets a chance Tony, loves to watch other people conduct their tests and asks the researchers about the test concept that they are doing. Once he came into this world, he became very aware of how interesting and strange this world is. He is constantly questioning everything he can, asking the questions that interest him and the things he can’t explain. Tony’s has worked together with multiple researchers, to try and grow the research department.

Brewer 2.0 / Celtic

Blacklisted Player
Dec 18, 2023
I advise spending more time progressing within Research and the Board of Education.

Otherwise, I would not mind you being a Director.

My verdict remains neutral.
Jul 25, 2022
Warning: Message Received... Processing Message.

Incoming Message from: @kennedy.inspector@scip
To: Tony Stewart

Greetings, the council have finalized a verdict when it comes to your interest as the next Deputy Director. We have ruled, that although you can be a very prominent member and potential candidate, you are still lacking the experience we want for this position. However, we do encourage you to spend some more time, learning as an Executive and re-apply when the opportunity presents itself.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact any member of the Council for any Information.

Glory to the Foundation, Signed O5-4.

Application Denied
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