Tony Stewart/informant Character lore

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Jan 9, 2024
Name Tony Stewart

Sex: Male

Age: 24

Height: 5'11"

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Nationality: Canadian

Reason for Incarceration:

Tony Stewart was captured with SCP-507 they were walking back to the foundation. While Tony Stewart was captured and detained he was questioned about his home [see Addendum l-1]. when the information was fully captured he was Amnesticized while it worked for a while it [redacted] [see Addendum l-2] now a d-class 9240 he was experimented on and did multiple tests where he always seemed to manage to survive multiple tvariousentually [redacted]. tony then decided at that moment to work with the foundation and help out with whatever they needed. at the same time, working his way up in the foundation. he has worked with the foundation multiple times. helping them detect riots from other d-class, helping them see unethical things happening to d-class and other foundation personnel. he has seen many things whether that be chefs and other foundation members giving D-class weapons to start riots. to scps escaping and murdering everyone around him, while he is left to live his life and help contain them. he has had his escorts gunned down multiple times by people who oppose the foundation, however even when offered a gun he refused to help them with their cause. constantly gaining trust in the foundation. He has done many jobs, he has been a chef many times, probably over 20 times. he has made sure to always feed as many foundation members as possible. tony has never asked for money to do his job, he was always happy just to help out where needed. eventually, after working as a chef he was offered other positions and learned of the D-class work program. he decided at that moment to work his way up through the program. he became a d-class receptionist multiple times, to help with medical and ethics, as well as dblock. he has in his eyes earned the trust of many foundation personnel. after his receptionist days, he started working as a Research Assistant where he helped conduct certain research on a few different scps. while he finished with the research Assistant he became a Medical Assistant. he helped make cures and helped with diagnosing people with their diseases. he helped conduct many different diagnoses and make the correct cures. after working with multiple consultants, he decided to work with IA(internal affairs). While doing this job he has learned many things and has dealt with many crimes that he has seen committed against the COC[code of conduct] and COE[code of ethics]. he saw many things and has always done his best to adhere to the COC and COE. After so many jobs and permits as a D-class, he was able to get the ambassador permit. this is one of the most trusted permits that are allowed for d-class. now as a d-class ambassador, he helped make sure the COC and COE were followed and had the responsibility to help other d-class get into the work program. working very closely with ethics to make sure that ethical procedures are being followed relating to d-class. as well as talking with escaped d-class to see if we could negotiate a peaceful option. tony has done this quite a few times where he has helped many D-class get into the permit system and help sort out riots and other ethical problems. eventually, tony was authorised to do the Infiltrator which has rarely been approved. he didn't get the chance to do anything currently as the foundation is at peace with the other factions. overall tony has gained the foundation's trust to the point where he has done certain activities most other D-class would probably never have done. he has done gun training and certain tests as a D-class. having finally done almost everything a D-class could do, he has decided to move up in the foundation.

clearance level 2 required to see this

Addendum l-1

scp-507 landed on his chest with a big thud. looking around he sees gunfire and hears explosions. suddenly someone grabs his arm and pulls him up. before 507 has a chance to speak he is pulled into a house as bullets fly by his head. As soon as they enter the house the man slams a cabinet down to block the door, after the cabinet falls the man takes a second to just take a breath. the man asks 507 if he was alright if he got hurt at all. 507 confirmed he was fine and asked what was happening. the man said right now we need to get a more secure location and I will answer your questions, as I also have a few of my own. The man says my name is Tony Stewart by the way, 507 says John. tony and 507 slowly move through the house and find the tunnel in the kitchen that tony was looking for. tony and scp-507 wander down the tunnel for quite a few hours until eventually reaching a safe house. tony leads 507 inside where they seem to have just missed the other people. tony grabs some rations from the fridge that they hooked up and sits down on a chair in the living room of the safe house, he motions 507 to sit down. 507 obliges and sits, tony hands him some food, starting a conversation. "who are you and where did you come from? because I am damn sure everyone in this forsaken world knows what's happening. as well I noticed you appeared out of thin air just crashing down into the ground". 507 just kinda stares for a second where he doesn't know if he should say all he knows if the man who just saved his life would think he's crazy. 507 decides that the truth is the best option as if he were to try and lie in this situation it could lead to death or the situation spiraling down. 507 told tony that he is an anomalous person who jumps into different dimensions. this was just dumb luck he landed here, he also mentions the foundation that studies and tries to save the world from these anomalous objects. tony just laughs, " I wish we had someone to save our world from the current situation".

507 looked puzzled, and then he just remembered that he wanted to know what happened to this world. he asks tony what happened and why he is on a war ground. tony looks at him with a perplexed look, " You don't know what's going on here?" 507 shakes his head no. tony looks down and shakes his head, " At this point, I am glad someone is saved from all this needless violence. some researchers decided that it would be a good idea to improve the human body. they did all this research on how if only we could edit our DNA, we could become unstoppable. well they did it, they cracked the code." tony shudders for a moment and just stares into the distance. 507 looks very concerned and asks what happened? tony after a few minutes regains his composure. "they cracked the code but whenever they did the procedure, the person would lose their mind. their mind would split in two and they would start attacking random people and couldn't communicate. all they knew was rage and anger. the only way to stop this was to put them down out of their misery.

but of course, as science is always improving they found a solution that would make the procedure work but at a cost." what was the cost? "they ended up putting an Ai in the minds of the people they did the procedures, not none of that fake shit. like a true AI one that can think for itself and has emotions, it can also make decisions and handle a lot more information than a human mind can. but the AI mind was put to sleep where it could share the burden of the procedures but eventually one woke up. took control of the body and put the human mind to sleep. then the war happened. They started kidnapping normal people and putting the AIs in control. doing the procedures and forcing these innocent people into a life that they didn't want to have." 507 notices that Tony's eye color changes. His voice changes as well. "They had no right to do this but in the mind of the leader, he was saving his brothers. eventually, enough of the AIs learned what truly happened and not the bullshit they were fed by the leader Ted Hubbard. ted fed them that the humans were trying to punish them and make them slaves while they just used us for their benefit. his story is always changing making it seem like humans are the devil and that the AI are the true victim. when in the case the true victims are the people who are dying every day and are being forced into the depths of their minds by a corrupted leader."

507 sheepishly asks if tony had the procedure done to him. tony replies "Yes but I made peace with my demon" and for a quick second his eye changes color again "Oh I am a demon now?" he laughs, this time his eye color seems to have two distant colors. "No We made peace a few other rebels have made peace with themselves and have worked with their human counterpart. we are just trying to stop the war from escalating more than it already has. we are trying to keep the innocents alive and left out of this but that mission seems harder and harder to do.". 507 was curious about what happened after the procedure happened and asked tony to give some more information. tony gave a brief description of what he could do. "I can alter my DNA at its core, so I can make myself stronger, regrow limbs that I have lost, or even grow extra limbs if need be. Diseases and drugs are much easier to deal with as my body adapts and I can filter out the drugs and poisons people try and inject me with. it is a hell of a thing to be able to do, but at the cost of never having any more privacy is it worth it? eh, I think so.

Anyhow While you are here maybe you can help us with trying to create a peaceful option as an outsider who has no side in this war maybe they will be willing to listen to you." 507 agrees to help as this man saved his life. he spends the next week and a half helping defend and try to create a truce meeting. surprisingly they listened to him and set a date on when the truce meeting would happen. at this meeting one of Teddy's henchmen came in a started gunning toward 507, tony jumped in front of him and pushed him aside. As soon as he touched 507 they shifted back into the foundation reality. tony passed out with 507 once again being saved by him. eventually waking up and looking around to realize that he is no longer in his home. he decided that the foundation may be able to help him sort out this and maybe send him home. tony and 507 start walking toward the foundation site. where the foundation picked both of them up, and they questioned who tony was and he explained a little. where they stopped and said let's have the conversation when we get back to base. they interviewed him and confirmed his case by 507s account of the actions and events of his recent shift. it was decided he be Amnesticized and put in the D-class program, as he might make a great asset for the foundation.

clearance level 4 required to see this

Addendum l-2

While Tony was Amnesticized, the process was slowly worked out in his body and the backup brain of the AI was slowly able to process what was happening and was able to build a failsafe. this failsafe protects his mind and will let all the memories be restored, this process is very slow and sometimes seems inconsistent. if the subject seems to start to remember he should be Amnesticized again. it was decided by the Ethics Committee that he be moved to site-65. this is where he will spend the rest of his days unless something were to happen.

He worked through many tests being able to survive many of the tests, no matter how dangerous the test was, he was somehow able to survive it. He was able to hack into the network and access some of the research folders to find information about the SCP however, he didn’t have the clearance to a lot of the folders so he, wasn’t able to learn too much information. He spent a lot of time, working the system and found an interesting SCP that required the highest clearance available, scp-892 as soon as he hacked it opened he was supplied a memetic agent. He applied his DNA change to allow him to survive, he was able to download the most recent forum on this scp and all the info including a file called ESO%HF-V6.31.01.xls that was available. Before closing the link and cleaning it up to make it look like nothing happened. However, with his surviving many tests, he was able to work his way to gain some trust within site 65. He started working in the work program and slowly worked his way through the program. He started working as a cook and working. He worked quite hard and ended up serving tons of food to the foundation as a whole. Every day he worked as a chef after many weeks of working until he found out he could work his way up the program to get better permits.

He worked as a research assistant as well as an IA assistant, working very closely with the foundation, gaining their trust and somewhat earning his place. He ended up getting to the point where he could be escorted out of d-block and could roam the site freely. He was trusted to the point where he was told things that most D-class should never know such as clearance of 4 things and wasn’t Amnesticized so he kept all the knowledge. He eventually got the chance to apply to become ECA. He applied and got accepted, and after working his way through the system he was able to help the foundation as an ECA. It was a very special experience as no other ECA from site 65 has ever come from a D-class.

after observing many tests as an ECA, he became quite interested in the research and containment of these SCPs. He decided to help the research department with research and education as he is often thinking about how exactly these anomalous creatures function and work. So he vowed to think outside of the box and create a way to explain and better understand each of these creatures. With the help of the “informant” personality, he was able to come up with and study many of the scps.
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Harold Hawks

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Mar 12, 2023
Request Denied

Hi @deathspike123 ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a lore request.
I have decided to deny your request due to the following reasons.

After reading through everything I've got quite a few notes.

At the start of Addendum l-1, some of the conversational text is jumbled in so it's a bit of a nuisance recognizing what's informational and what's speech.

The story of your rise from D-Class to Assistant is solid but then you've thrown in something of a prequel describing your existence before the Foundation. Note that you would not be allowed to use powergaming-esque abilities such as the whole filtering out drugs and poisons, regrowing limbs, and what with the whole AI backup memory thing what seems to be a protection against amnestication that gives you your memory back later in bits and pieces. If that is the case it wouldn't be allowed either, though if I have that wrong and it's just a backup memory of your time as a freedom fighter, I don't know if I could allow that either as amnestication is supposed to hold a permanence. Allowing players to sidestep amnestication through any routes may undermine its RP potential.

This AI prequel is also smacked right in the middle of two identical stories so you'll need to either remove the top D-Class story or the bottom one as it seems you may have just copied and pasted or reworded them as a reminder.

In summary, keep an eye on grammar, remove the backup memory portion as it's just not viable due to how memory is utilized on this server, and remember that if you are going to keep the other abilities of limb regrowth, increased strength and drug filtration (which may not include amnestics) then instances in which you are trying to do so in RP will need to be approved/assisted by SL and consented to by the other players around you. The approval by SL part is just to make sure you are not gaining any unfair advantages.

Your request will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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