Tony Stewart's Third Site Administration Application [USA]

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Jan 9, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:53083048

Discord name: Deathspike123

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
throughout a few months starting playing in September 2023, and have been playing on and off since then. I have been playing actively for around 6 months now. Since around January, I have been active since then.

Age: 24

In what country are you located?: Canada

Time zone: PST

Character name(s): Foundation Tony Stewart

Civilian name: Devin Stewart

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?:

- I do

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

ECA Cordantior, executive researcher, MTF E-11 SGT

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:

I have none.

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?

I want to be able to help the foundation in a more senior role of the foundation as compared to my ECA role and MTF role. While I am an ECA coordinator which means I take on much more responsibility, It doesn’t necessarily allow me to do the proper things to help the site, unless I seek approval through the ethics committee. I wish to help create roleplay and help with things the foundations require help with. Whether this be with ethics oriented, or whoever needs help. I have always put myself out there, I have always checked in with people making sure they are good or if they needed help. This position, I think would allow me to help the foundation and the different groups more easily.
I have been working on a project within SC mainly ethics on improving the site. I have been working on this project with the ethics committee and assistants. This senior role will allow me to be able to more easily be able to implement and improve the site with this project.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:

I have worked with almost every single foundation department, taking notes and asking if anyone needs assistance from me. I have always tried my hardest to be professional and help where help is needed. If I do not understand something I will ask or figure it out by working it out with others. I will seek assistance if I am lost or confused. I am willing to take criticism when it is brought up.
I usually go out of my way to check up on how each of the departments is going and if there is anything I can do to help them. I also have quite a creative mind which allows me to come up with interesting roleplay situations. As well I tend to think outside of the box, which allows me to look at different perspectives and situations differently than the rest of the people. Wither this be to come up with different types of training for the MTF roles I hold, or if this were to come up with projects for ECA’s or the research department.
I always like to hear both sides before jumping to conclusions. I do tend to be calmer in stressful situations, so if something happens, I will tend to act out in a calm and collective thought process not acting out in anger or emotion. As well I have had plenty of experience with coming and helping host roleplay situations as a game master.
I have also been introducing orders for both ECA’s and Projects for the research department to do. As a coordinator, I have spent a bunch of time trying to help the ethics committee with whatever they require, and when they are not available,
I try my best to step up and lead the ECAs under me and any that want jobs to do, I have created a few orders which has given ECAs something to do in their spare time. This sometimes allows the committee more time to come up with bigger projects while the small projects we as coordinators come up with are completed.
Now with the research projects and The BOE, currently I have come up with research projects that are related to some SCPs on-site (some of them have been custom and have storylines, as these are event SCPs) for example I have ordered projects to come up with a way to counteract memetic effects some SCP’s have. This project's goal is to create a portable device that allows us to cancel out memetic effects as well as cognitohazards in an area of the field.
Relating to the BOE(Board of Education) with the other department head leaving, I am going to be working with the current department head, to come up with a better solution to what is currently happening with BOE. As it is in disarray, this is due in part to me being busy with other projects, to focus on BOE completely why I was having the other department head focus on the details. However, with him gone, I will be going over it and reworking a lot of the details.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
One of the things that SA does is create and do active roleplay. This sometimes involves talking with GOIs and other departments and creating roleplay situations. SA can contact GOI’s groups if it is required, whether it be allowing them on site or helping negotiate with the GOIs to either repair relationships or to ask for assistance with a breach that may be heading to the surface or something that the current site is not able to contain.
We as SA have the responsibility of approving tests that require our approval. We have to make sure that these tests are reasonable and not a waste of resources. We also have to make sure it is approved and signed by an executive researcher before the test is brought to us. If the test is reasonable, we will sign it and approve it, or let the researcher know they can bring this test to site command.
SA has the responsibility to authorize AA(advanced armory) during code 5. We need to have constant updates when it comes to the breaches, and what SCPs are breached so we can lead the noncombative personnel to safety and worst case have them evacuate. With these constant updates, we can approve the correct AA for the right members of the foundation.
SA needs to talk with the different department heads and conduct interviews with these departments to make sure that they have been following the COE and COC. As well as making sure that if these departments need help with anything. It is your responsibility to help them and assist them. As SA you must understand and be able to apply the COE and COC. We as SA also have the responsibility of dealing with tribunals and such court cases, when they are brought up.
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Tony Stewart, after working with the foundation for a few months worked his up from D-class ambassador to ECA, as well as working very closely with researchers. Learning their craft on how they conduct experiments, and even sometimes conduct his experiments. He has always kept the COE and COC in mind when doing this.
Always asking for second opinions and double-checking the guidelines on how to conduct proper and creative experiments. Tony usually spent his time doing half research experiments and half Ethics assistant stuff that required his attention. He worked very hard with both of his jobs, contacting the right departments, and making sure the site was running smoothly.
While he worked at ECA for long hours, the research department allowed him to have a breath of fresh air. He was constantly on-site doing things, always active working his way up within ECA’s to be a coordinator and having a chance to talk with SA. He came up with many projects and sought to help the site with anything that needed to be done. He decided to go through each department and see what needed to be improved upon. He worked very closely with Site administration as he did this. While tony has worked with site administration he grew very close to them as required in his job.
While he grew closer to site administration, he learned how their jobs and what exactly their responsibility are. This was explained to him that he could approve permits or double-check research docs.
he was active within his duties. Even when remembering his past of the other world he hopes one day, he might be able to help the foundation to save the world from destroying itself and bringing the world into a place where everyone is flourishing.
While working on this major project Tony Stewart had in mind, Site administration has set their eyes on him for his dedication to the foundation and its flourishment They allowed him to take an interview where he talked about his previous activities and previous leadership interactions he had in his universe. Where he leads the rebels to help sort out the world war that is going on between the AI/human hybrids and the humans. He was very close to ending it when he was taken to the foundation’s universe by SCP-507. They saw what he was capable of and were willing to give him a chance to be a Site Administrator
May 30, 2023
From: @Skyfire1355
To: @deathspike123

Subject: Site Advisor Application Verdict

Greetings Tony,

We thank you for showing interest into the Site Advisor position by taking your time to submit an application for the position. Unfortunately, I must relay to you that you have not been accepted as a Site Advisor.

Should you have any inquires please reach out to me at (Skyfire1355).

You may re-apply in two weeks should there be an opening position.

Best Regards,

Site Director "Skyfire"

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