Tony's Application For Intelligence Ambassador!

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Tony Pizza

Mar 16, 2022
Steam ID:
Discord name: Just Sly
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Unknown unable to get true time but im guessing longer then a week
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: UTC
Character name(s): "Memory Loss" Tony
Civilian name: Tony Pizza
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes much to the dismay of many.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Non yet
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- The only ones I deem worth saying is the list of Pac abuses. Cant wear a bucket and blind people, Took me a while to figure that out.
Why are you applying for Intelligence Ambassador?
- Tony's moving up in the world
What makes you suitable for Intelligence Ambassador?:
- When there's no Intelligence ambassadors on at least you got tony. That's a tony guarantee
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
- Not wrote many documents but I do know one thing about them. get to the point with bullet points people love bullet points.
What are the responsibilities of the Intelligence Ambassador in RP?:
-Maintaining a good healthy relationship with other MTFs/Departments. [ Very Important ]
-Managing the Department [ who would have guessed that]
-Giving out Advice to Agents who need it as the job is very hard when you start.
-Leading Agents during Raids and Capturing as many CI as you can.
-Reviewing Documents written by Agents you work with.
Please give some lore about your Intelligence Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Tony works for the Intelligence Department and has a lot of questions such as, Why, Who hired him, Why does he have a tape player, Why is that man dead on the floor with tony pleading memory loss. Who can say but the one thing tony does well is a job he takes seriously... sometimes to seriously


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 21, 2021

I see you on intelligence a lot and you are good at what you do.
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Well-known Member
Jan 18, 2022
+Kind, Nice, Friendly
+Good RP + Interactions
+Knows the rules to IA

+I would personally say Tony is fit for the job.
-Can be annoying sometimes xD
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Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 13, 2022

+ Support

+ Active
+ Good guy
+ Good RP interactions
+ Qualified for the position
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Bush von Mann

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 12, 2022

+ Good RP
+ Active

+/- Gets complained about a lot
- Found him "experimenting" how many bullets a D-Class can take before death as an Agent...
- Quite unethical/unprofessional sometimes

Overall neutral, good luck in your intel career!
- Bush
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The Application is good in itself however i feel it is rushed i've seen you fool around and be "unethical" and to be honest i don't care as long as you don't negatively impact other people. (this is mostly about the "fooling around" part i don't care if you break ethics just make sure not to do these acts out in the public.)

I'm unethical myself and i did use to fool around as an Agent myself.
(I don't fool around now as often as i did back then)

I haven't seen you on that much and i don't really know you that well either which worries me.

I don't usually give out -Supports mostly it's on the positive side or atleast neutral but i can't give a pass here.

Here's the Summary and my Reasoning:

-You recieved a Suspension (Job Ban for Site Affairs)
-I can't comment on your Experience as an Intelligence Agent since i havent seen you on that much but that may be the issue (only 3 times if i'm not wrong)
-You don't have a good reputation from what i heard.
-Your Application is a bit rushed in my opinion, let the people in Intel get to know you before you go through with an application.

-You are a recognizable figure within the department which means that you have been on despite me not seeing you. (well atleast you're recognizable on a big scale outside of the department.)
-You do seem to care about the Department to some extent (otherwise i would have seen you just once or twice and i would have probably forgotten about you, but i didint.)

-Jack Manning
Intelligence Ambassador
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Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 23, 2021
I always see you on and I know you from other GMOD servers. Always a friendly face and very nice man. Good luck.
- Support
Literally banned from Site Affairs and the server one day after sending the application. It's not that I don't like your work, it's just that after such happenings I think you should at least wait a bit.
- Found him "experimenting" how many bullets a D-Class can take before death as an Agent...
And also this.
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Well-known Member
Feb 15, 2022
Whilst you do never fail to crack me up Tony, you have a great tendency to misbehave and turn "unethical" at times. You can listen to orders well, but the emphasis stands on can, seeing there were multiple occasions where I ordered you to do something and you found a new way to break the exact same rule just 5 minutes later. My fellow Director and I will keep an eye on you to see how you behave and perhaps to see if you improve. But for now my opinion still stands, thank your for your application.
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