Tony's Medical PAC Request

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SCP-RP Staff
Jul 24, 2023
Character Name: Tony 'Bogos' Binted
Job: Consultant
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:200979585

Reason for PAC Approval:
I will be utilizing this pac while on the Consultant job. My character is built off of a more relaxed work environment while also containing RP elements to my character.

Tony was always a strange kid. He always had a fascination with how the human body worked and would often ask neighborhood kids if he could do tests on them. His thirst for medical knowledge grew and soon he grew tired of patching up scrapes and bruises. At the age [REDACTED] he began to study the effects of the human body. From his time assisting in mending broken bones to saving those in serious crashes he began to fall in love. He attended and graduated from the University of [REDACTED] on 13 May, [REDACTED]. From there he began his work at St. Logan's Hospital serving as a surgical trainee he was able to blossom in his field. However not all were rainbows; on 19 January, [REDACTED] he lost his first patient. Doubt began to spew through his mind. How did countless years of study and practice allow this to happen? Maybe he wasn't meant for this field. Then like an angel a mysterious man contacted him with an offer. Due to his meticulous work and unparalleled drive he was offered a second chance. The mysterious figure, now known as Agent [REDACTED] told him his knowledge would be useful. Tony was given a cover story and had died due to a plane crash. He was given his credentials and subsequently sent to Site-65 to continue his work. During his tenure he quickly rose through the ranks of Site-65's medical staff. Although human patients brought trials and tribulations with replacing and arm here or installing cybernetic enhancements there; Tony grew bored of the day to day grind. Tony always sought to expand his knowledge and on 2 February, [REDACTED] he was officially promoted to Consultant. From there he was assigned to the Anomaly Specialist division within the Medical Department. With this new assignment, he could finally expand his knowledge into the more supernatural. He began medical tests on all SCPs housed within Site-65. The work was very difficult; not only because of the complexity of some of the patients but also the dangers that lurked within. During a routine checkup of SCP-682 Tony got a little too close to his containment chamber and 682 instantly latched on to his legs. Tony's entire lower body was crushed in an instant. Luckily SCP-682 already had his meal and spit the Consultant out. Emergency surgery was conducted trying to repair the poor mans body. An experimental life support device known as [REDACTED] was installed into his chest to help maintain basic life functions. With this being experimental tech unforeseen anomalies began to surface. The Consultant was able to bend medical objects at will and fix patients; both of the human and SCP categories; with great ease. However the surgery was not a complete success and due to a crushed L1 vertebra the Consultant was bound to use a cane for the rest of his days.



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Aug 27, 2022
Request Denied

Hey @BogosBinted ,
Thanks for taking the time to make a PAC request.
We have decided to deny your request due to the following reasons:

We believe that your PAC does not resemble either the Medical Department or a Medical Consultant. We recommend making further changes to enhance its recognition as a medical consultant.

Your request will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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