"TopHatLord" IA Ambassador Application

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Apr 23, 2022
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:211588459
Discord name: Drdidntask#6646
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 205 hours
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EDT
Character name(s): Maxwell "TopHatLord" Delpair AG-1
Civilian name: Brian Delpair
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA scp-rp
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- I have been a NU-7 and a CI
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have 3 warn from many weeks ago that i have moved passed and forgot about for i do not think i am the same person as before.
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
- Im applying for IA ambassador because i feel i am competent and mature enough for the job and I respect other people. All my time is in agent I have 50% of my time is on IA and 40% is on Intel the other 10% is in getting the level required for it and this is why i feel i have the required maturity and competence for the job.
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
- I think I am suitable for the role of an Ambassador because I feel like i have become more competent and mature than my previous self. I feel that i have been determined to this job as a agent and spent 90% of my time as a agent and I feel like i want to move up from the currant position that i am in and so i could help assist IA department.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
- I have typed some good document one of my favorite that i have written is the 1 labeled operation "Deep Cover". it was an operation on sneaking into the CI base as intel and taking important document to turn in but it fails and i make a story of it.
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
-the job of a IA ambassador is to maintain the ethics and perfectionism of IA department and foundation members and to turnover hidden crimes and unethical things happening behind the back of the foundation.
Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in: my story start off as a child as a orphan my parent died from a psychotic killer who it would be ok to leave a child parent less but will never think that he would become one of the best detectives in the world. When i grew up i said like millions of other children have and wanting to be a one of there dream jobs and for me it was different i wanted to become a secret agent who worked for the FBI. then and yet i didnt know how deep and good i would get at it. people in the FBI started to notice case after case detail after detail of how good i was at my job how many cases of drugs and illegal trafficking i started to uncover many cases some might say to many. I was about to be deemed one of the best detectives in the world but then i would get even more secretive then ever before I new it i was given the chance to be a IA agent and my past get erased and my life gets turned over to a new page and everything about my past get forgotten about. and that is my story now you know why im here and i enjoy being here.
+very active
+always ethical
+Excellent judge of character
+Always willing to improve

Agent Maxwell has proven many times to me throughout our time in the department that he is a person to rely upon, upon watching him through investigations and arrests I can tell he is fair and just with his sentencing and knows a lot of laws and regulations that we follow in our department. As an ambassador, I believe that he will be a great asset to the department and will bring a unique set of skills that are needed in the department.

Hollow Larry

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 19, 2022
Hello Tophat, today i will be giving -support
-constantly asking people for promotions in game

+/- ok app
+/- multiple warns
+ active

"Dirty" Dan

Active member
May 16, 2022
+ Support
+ Active
+ Good Leader
+ Knowledge

I have seen his work in IA, he is very knowledgeable of his role in the department. I believe he would be a good addition to Ambassador.

- Ambassador "Dirty" Dan
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Application Denied
Dear Agent Maxwell,

Thank you for taking the time to submit an IA Ambassador application! At this time we are not looking for any more ambassadors. When a spot opens up I will let you know!
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