Tortoise's Security Captain Application [USA]

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Aug 5, 2023
Steam ID: 76561199533593242
Discord name: Tortoise#7329
For how long have you played on CG SCP: about 1 month now
Age: 13
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s):Tortoise
Civilian name: i dont have a civilian character I mainly focus my time on Gensec.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP - USA
Do you have a mic?:Yes! it is my primary form of communication
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: None as said before i put my time and focus into Gensec.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:None my sate is clean and i intend to keep it that way.
Why are you applying for Security Captain? Because there is no captains on my time zone
t further enhance my role in Gensec
i can help new players in the way of Gensec and be a great role model
Boost spirits in Gensec and to make playing Gensec more memorable and fun.
To help in Gensec and make our voice louder and strengthen the ones beside us
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?: As a General Security Enjoyer I have come to notice my communication skills help the environment and effectiveness of the people around me. radio, or generally in person. Communication Is important as a leader, as a leader the people around you require communication. I have been able to provide this as well as be around to speak in person alongside in comms.I truely think if i am in a leader position i can help and strengthen gensec with discipline and leadership
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
Being a role model helping the future of Gensec.Cadets and officers and seargents as a captain you should always be helping fellow gensec to boost there abilities and effectiveness
Hosting Try-outs and Trainings as a gensec captain i need to hold try-outs to give opportunities to Gensec to improve the fighting force and keep d-block protected
Being active having a presence that will always be there is a true help to improve the fighting force
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Name: Jake flint lived in Luton with his dad dying before he was born he had to be the man of the house luton was a rough place so at a young age he learned boxing to protect his mom and three young sisters he was the man of the house.

when he turned 16 he enrolled into the British army he had precise aim and mastered boxing he was a fighting force he gradually went up the ranks inspiring the future of the British army always ready and heavily disciplined always waking up at at 6 o clock on the dot he never missed a day

one day he got approached by a man in a suit ( a recruiter) he offered Jake flint code name Tortoise a job in general security he was ecstatic he immediately said yes and accepted the mans offer there he was in the foundation looking for his next promotion.

Turtle II

Well-known Member
Mar 2, 2023
+Support Has been Always Active, And Been doing The job right and nice As a Gensec
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