Your teamspeak name: N/A
Date of ban (if known): N/A
Reason for ban (if known): NITRP MRDM?
Who banned you?: N/A
Prior to this, have you ever been banned off teamspeak?: Nope
Why should we remove your ban from teamspeak? (50 words minimal): Well I should be unbanned because I simply don't know why I got banned in the first place I only played DARKRP like once for a hour and everytime in the past I have had this issue they normally just let me into the teamspeak somehow I have never been told to come here to make a appeal until today I am very confused the most I can think of is maybe I got banned 2 years ago but even then I don't think I did anything on DarkRP to get banned? so I am not sure why it says I am banned and thus I can't link my TS
Date of ban (if known): N/A
Reason for ban (if known): NITRP MRDM?
Who banned you?: N/A
Prior to this, have you ever been banned off teamspeak?: Nope
Why should we remove your ban from teamspeak? (50 words minimal): Well I should be unbanned because I simply don't know why I got banned in the first place I only played DARKRP like once for a hour and everytime in the past I have had this issue they normally just let me into the teamspeak somehow I have never been told to come here to make a appeal until today I am very confused the most I can think of is maybe I got banned 2 years ago but even then I don't think I did anything on DarkRP to get banned? so I am not sure why it says I am banned and thus I can't link my TS