[UK] Archangel DoEA App #2

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Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:


Since roughly December 8th, 2022
In what country are you located?:
Rather not say here
Time zone:
UTC +2
Character name(s):
Gabriel "Azrael" Knight
Seth "Archangel" Krueger
Alexei "Knight" Winters

James "Royal" Archer

[Chaos Insurgency]
Alexus "Graves" Priest

Civilian name:

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
Yes, i use it all the time
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

[Holding Currently]
DEA Agency Manager
(90 Days/3 Months & Counting)

Overseer Assistant
Ethics Assistant x2
Site Advisor
DEA SP Agent x2
DEA Senior Agent

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have a ban that i wont speak about here, 2 warnings, One Metagame (Inactive) One FailRP (Active)
Why are you applying for Director of External Affairs?
I Am applying for the position of Deputy Director of DEA Due to the requirement of a person who has the drive, the passion and determination to lead the Department, i have been with DEA For the longest time and arguably they've been my longest department and people within DEA And outside of it have been encouraging me and asking to when i would be Director.

Additionally the department needs someone with the skills to lead it while also giving RP to it's players, RP Which they can enjoy and look forward to having everytime they are on Agent, Lastly it is my next and latest stepping stone within the community that i hope to achieve so i can learn from it and progress personally myself

What makes you suitable for Director of External Affairs?:
Knowledge and Experience

Ever since my entry into the server Up until now i have accumulated a very large wealth of knowledge and experience in terms of Site Affairs and Management, ranging from my time as an OSA to ECA, to SP Agent, to SA, and now in Agency Manager ontop of that i had taken the time to observe Site Command and hear about how they perform and what they do and since then i had learned from them.

My experience in both Management and Leadership is vast where i have been a ECA, OSA, NU7 CSG And UNGOC 1SGT and now currently DEA Manager so as such i believe i have the most amount of experience that would render me Very Qualified for the Position

Correction of Behavior/Mistakes

No one is truly perfect, i took those words to heart and made sure to constantly try to improve on any and all mistakes i ever do while at the same time i seek the advice of others in higher positions aswell as those who especially critique me for answers on how i can improve on myself and my conduct though i am currently with a ban and two warns on my record i had regretted all three more especially the ban and so i have to try and must improve on every individual mistake.

Dedication and Activity

I Am active every single-day on the server and try to be active on the server when i have outside sources influencing my ability to be active, and when i am on the server i am seen for multiple hours at a time always performing my duties as Manager to the utmost extent while still involving myself with others giving them my time.

Roleplay & Skillset

I Believe myself to have a unique way with RP, I Always dedicate myself to the most intricate details of each interaction in the best way possible, all the way from Voice acting certain SCPs, to doing /me's that fit the current situation at hand, i always also try to involve everyone in a nice RP And to give them something to enjoy and additionally i am quite flexible and able to respond quickly and fittingly to changing situations in the RP's, to adapt so to speak


As an Agency Manager, Managing and Leading the Department is an obvious given and that involves being there for those under and around you leading them in the most stressful of situations so they can come out relatively unscathed, additionally there is the creation of rules, policies, hosting meetings and more importantly recruiting for your Department, giving advice and mentoring them while being a role-model for them

I Am aware that i have not displayed any sort of Management/Policy Creation within DEA, However i want to re-iterate that Myself and other CL4 Within DEA Have been attempting to fix it's core issues of low manpower, lack of appeal to other players, etc, all of which are out of our hands in sorts of solutions.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of External Affairs in RP?:

The responsibilities of the DoEA include but are not limited to:

Meeting with GOIs such as the Chaos Insurgency, United Nations Global Occult Coalition, MC&D aswell as The Maintenance Of Relations most notably with the UN

Communication and Cooperation inbetween all Departments that interact with DEA, Including SA And SC to make sure relations and overall teamwork inbetween Departments/MTFs is at an all-time excelelnt

The Recruitment of new Agents so that the department stays healthy with Active Agents, while also keeping Maintenance of the Department as a whole whenever a new problem would arise

Planning, Executing and giving Roleplay & Events to the Department and it's Agents Most notably with other RP-Leaders (MTF COs, Department Leaders, SA, Event Team, etc, etc)

Appointment of Special Agents and Agency Managers when they are promoted

Mentorship and Guidance to the new and experienced players so that they too can continue to improve by every passing day.

Creation of RP, Events, Trainings, Cross-Trainings.

Please give some lore about your Director of External Affairs character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Click Here for Lore!
Have you taken part in any major RP storylines or events, or created any notable RP of any sort? If so please do say.
I have participated in storylines involving Medical Departments, O5-2 Cortex and its newest reboot, the sarkic storyline by Houston, I have set up and arranged meetings more especially the MOAT meeting with UN, the Halloween event with Broda, those all enough?
I have participated in storylines involving Medical Departments, O5-2 Cortex and its newest reboot, the sarkic storyline by Houston, I have set up and arranged meetings more especially the MOAT meeting with UN, the Halloween event with Broda, those all enough?
Could you elaborate on your involvement? As a CM I haven't seen you do much with Medical other than get a very lengthy Psych Eval, and for the rest I would like to what you did.

Until then i'll give a +Support leaning towards +/-Neutral, everything you do is good, and you are by far the most active Sr CL4 DEA. Only thing I would criticise are your negotiation skills with CI (Insert you wanting to put a bomb up 939's rectum or something for CI to pick up and explode)
Could you elaborate on your involvement? As a CM I haven't seen you do much with Medical other than get a very lengthy Psych Eval, and for the rest I would like to what you did.

Until then i'll give a +Support leaning towards +/-Neutral, everything you do is good, and you are by far the most active Sr CL4 DEA. Only thing I would criticise are your negotiation skills with CI (Insert you wanting to put a bomb up 939's rectum or something for CI to pick up and explode)
Yeah, so my involvement with Medical Department storylines mostly or well, entirely revolved around treason and what not and since i am DEA, That would fall under my IC Duties, so i would be there chasing leads with A1 And O1 So we can end the treason and what not.

Additionally another storyline i wanted to establish was when i was CI-D, You know all about it since i was in your unit but as we both saw, that didnt go according to plan.

(Insert you wanting to put a bomb up 939's rectum or something for CI to pick up and explode)
That was intended to be a one last "WE WIN!" Moment for the Foundation, and in a way a stroke of genius since that way Foundation didnt have to go through the hard task of raiding a prepared CI Base to retrieve the 939s.
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After the feedback I gave you on the SC app, I'm pretty pleased with how you're doing right now and I am acutely aware of how you're doing for DoEA right now. I think you deserve this shot and it could be a pretty good springboard for you to try and then go further on Site if you want.

I am aware of your capabilities, good luck.
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