[UK] Archangel's SA App #5

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Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:



In what country are you located?:
Prefer not to say here

Time zone: UTC +2

Character name(s):
James "Royal" Archer [UNGOC]
"Graves" [Chaos Insurgency]
Seth "Archangel" Krueger / Gabriel "Azrael" Knight / Alexei "Knight" Graves [Foundation]

Civilian name:

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Overseer Assistant
Ethics Assistant x2
Site Advisor
DEA SP Agent x2
DEA Senior Agent


DEA Manager (5 weeks 4 days in as of writing)


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I Currently have a ban which i wont divulge in much information about, aswell as an Active Metagame warn from the 22nd of April (goes inactive tomorrow)

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
I Am applying for Site Advisor to advance into the next stage of my Foundation Career, to step up that stepping stone and to be in a more meaningful position in which i can do a lot for the Foundation in terms of Management and Leadership, additionally i was in this position before and i had resigned due to quite frankly stupid reasons.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:

Knowledge and Experience

Up until now i have accumulated a very large wealth of knowledge and experience in terms of Site Affairs and Management, ranging from my time as an OSA to ECA, to SP Agent, to SA, And other positions, in every position i have been witnessing Site Management and how they perform and from them, i had learned from them eventually becoming one myself back in October-November of 2023

My experience in both Management and Leadership is vast where i have been a ECA, OSA, NU7 CSG And UNGOC 1SGT and now currently DEA Manager so as such i believe i have the most amount of experience that would render me overqualified

Improving on Mistakes and my Past

No one is truly perfect and has their flaws, i took those words to heart and made sure to improve on any and all mistakes and flaws i may have or may have done in the past and in that endeavor i sought the advice of others in higher positions that can offer the wisdom i seek, Every flaw and mistake i have ever done i have thus far gotten rid of, though i am currently with a ban and a warn on my record i had regretted both more especially the ban and so i put it up to myself to continue improving from every mistake, no matter what and prevent any future ones.

Dedication and Activity

No matter the task at hand or job i was doing or given, i had always seen to do it in the best way possible with the best potential results in mind, Even in the worst times i kept going and that trait is crucial And apart of my skillset, Additionally Despite how busy i may be with multiple responsibilities are important tasks i am active on a daily basis, and if not on a daily basis then at least for most of the week for as many hours as possible despite the circumstances.

Roleplay & Skillset

I Believe myself to have a unique way with RP, I Always dedicate myself to the most intricate details of each interaction in the best way possible, all the way from Voice acting certain SCPs, to doing /me's that fit the current situation at hand, i always also try to involve everyone in a nice RP And to give them something to enjoy and additionally i am quite flexible and able to respond quickly and fittingly to changing situations in the RP's, to adapt so to speak

Diplomacy and Strength

The Pen and the Sword of every agreement, I Can do both! being Diplomat is to reach agreements and conclusions to problems that require constant conversation and discussion but when that fails, Strength is required to solve a problem and Strength is what i also can display in terms of crisis, to never break in the face of harsh odds.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:

The Responsibilities of SA In-game and in RP Are as follows but not limited to:

Meeting with Groups of Interest

Conducting Ethical Reviews

Acting as SA Liaison to Foundation Departments and MTFs

Managing and Leading the Site in any and all aspects

Acting as Role models for others to follow and to learn from

To help and guide those in need of assistance

Authorization of Advanced Armory in case of Emergencies

Communication in between Colleagues and reporting to Site Director as well as SC

Cooperation in between MTF CO's and Department Leaders

Creation of Policies and Documentation for the Foundation as a whole

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Time, and time again he was doubted, Time and time again controversy and scandals stuck to him like a Disease stuck to a Medieval Peasant with no way to acquire medical attention.

Would he break? Would he consider surrendering and just completely resigning himself from all the troubles that followed him by leaving the Foundation?
No, he wouldn't. Not by a long shot. Why would he anyway? he always was stuck with stressful times and yet came out alright in the end... The date was the 27th of May and He was in Core-Sector at 6-AM In the morning when the site was still awakening from their sleep and this time he would prove people wrong again by rising above hardship, Rising above doubt and the bog that was the dislike of others around him.

He walked up the steps of the stairs and then the next set and made his way to the door of the Site-Director.

Knock, Knock.

"Who is it?"

Rang the voice of Site Director Pennington, an old friend, a trusted man to Alexei.

"It's me Pennington, I Came to talk."

The door opened slowly and he walked in looking to his right finding Pennington at his desk, signing off more paperwork.


"Good Morning."

He went over and sat down infront of him adjusting his tie and suit.

"I'm here to apply for Site Advisor."

The Door slowly closed... He would emerge from that office few hours later with a new Assignment beginning the next day.


Twist of Fate
(The once Fanatically Loyal Alexei turning Mysteriously Rogue after an Incident involving a relatively unknown GOI Like the Church of the Broken God, his mission? Unknown to all except to his new "Handlers")

The Hydra's Final Head
(Having enough of the Insurgency's Operations within Pinewood, Foundation Command sanctions an Operation that directly targets the Leadership of the Insurgency, the Foundation begins a manhunt eventually leading up to the Engineer himself with the manhunt spanning across various Personnel and Locations)

Remember, Remember the 5th of November...
(After many transgressions between Omega-1 and DEA, and a Tribunal that quite frankly was a Kangaroo Court, A Furious Alexei finally takes matters into his own hands, Taking inspiration from Guy Fawkes he aims for the complete Destruction of the Ethics Committee and their Offices with a display of explosives and fireworks)


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Oct 20, 2023
- Support
Previously as a Site Advisor was really cool. Had good interactions, but since becoming DEA, it has been mostly bad interactions and some power tripping here and there.


Active member
Feb 19, 2024
probably shouldnt be gaming in this position regarding his power tripping, department manager power tripping is already too much


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Oct 20, 2023
Hi Kayla, thank you for the response but I want to ask you for examples on when I power tripped and how, alongside evidence of such accusations, thanks.
I have some clips and screenshots I can provide, however I'm not going to be that person who shows them to everyone - that's not fair. I will send them over to the Site Director should he wish to see them tho.
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