[UK] Aurelius' 2nd Site Advisor Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:500186374
Discord name: Pasta-Forever
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 year
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: Italy
Time zone: GMT+1
Character name(s): F: Aurelius "Fusilli" CI: "Pizza" Civilian: Amedeus
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Ethics Committee Assistant [Holding] MTF Epsilon-11 LTCOM [Held] CI-B [Held] Nu-7 LCPL [Held]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
1x NLR
1x FearRP

Site Director Pennington allowed me to make a second application before the 2 weeks passed, reason why I am posting this earlier than that mark.

-Why are you applying for Site Advisor?

I am applying for the position of Site Advisor as I'd like to see a change in the way the site looks at our most important department: Site Administration. You see, from my perspective, Site Administration seemed a not very powerful department, like just an extra step to getting Site Command but really it's a lot more than that.
Site Administration is the most powerful department on site, not counting Site Command, they overlook almost all departments and posses the power to completely reshape any department following a vote in their team.
I'd like to make this count, making myself a point of contact in departments I am assigned to, ensuring that I am recognized as the first point of contact before anyone else outside the internal Chain of Command of a department.
I am applying for this position to make a change and utilise the power given to Site Administration in order to start new RP Projects involving multiple different departments while ensuring the combative efficiency of our combative departments such as our Mobile Task Forces and GENSEC.
My experience in both the positions of E11 LTCOM and Ethics Assistant has greatly helped me better understand the responsibilities that these role of power imply thus leading me to the conclusion of applying for SA.
Site Advisors thrive on Passive RP, which is something I truly enjoy, by Passive RP I mean small RP interactions between me and departmental personnel examples such as: Meetings with Researchers regarding some SCPs, Getting a check-up by the Medical Department, analysing GENSEC's work in D-Block, monitoring External Relations alongside DEA and inspecting Mobile Task Force bunks.
The possibilities are truly endless and this is why I am so excited to write this application, I'd like to really dedicate me to Site Administration in order to benefit the Site as I've listed above.
Recently, after my past denial for the Site Advisor position, I've been able to involve myself in more RP and truly focus on my Ethics Assistant position.
During this time, I got to know a part of the community while looking at problems requiring fixing inside of our different departments, interviewing MTF Personnel, speaking with department directors etc...
My hope is to finally, after all my past experience, to obtain the Site Advisor position and join, to make a change, Site Administration.

-What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:

I am an experienced player and role-player, I re-joined the server exactly 1 year ago when I dedicated myself to Epsilon-11 for 11 months [September 2023 - June 2024], reaching the rank of Lieutenant Commander.
Site Administration is a real leap from positions I've had before, but I believe my skills in these types of positions will allow me to make myself a model Site Advisor.
I am mature, responsible and dedicated, which I believe are the most important skills an individual could have when applying for this position and I'll explain in detail why.
Maturity is vital as it allows myself to act serious when a situation requires it and have a laugh when I deem it fit, you see being serious all the time can also ruin a part of the gameplay aspect which is not what I am aiming to be, as a Site Advisor I aim to improve regiments and departments alike utilising my powers and acting like a superior but also a friendly face.
Responsibility will allow me to complete orders given from Managers and the Director in a timely manner, alongside overlooking my month's liaison, an important skill for this kind of position.
Last but not least, dedication: This might be the most important skill of all, I am going to be a dedicated Site Advisor always pushing myself to the best of my abilities to enhance RP while also proposing new ideas to departments and regiments.
I am suitable for Site Administration as I have seen in the past the failures of some Site Administration teams, and I believe that this is going to allow me to learn from their mistakes, if I were to obtain this position I'd make sure that I do not let the team down.
Alongside all these abilities and skills, I've enhanced my RP capabilities as an Assistant through different methods, the most relevant being the following Projects:

-Project Foramen
-Project Giatros
-Project Ektimo
(From when I was LTCOM)
-What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:

Site Administration has many different responsibilities in RP, due to their importance in Site-65, these responsibilities include:

Supervision of the Site's Departments

Site-65 has many different departments in it, these ranging from Mobile Task Forces to Research and Medical, all of these Departments function together in a way that maintains the Site working on a daily basis, without one department another one fails. If our Security department fails in its duties, Research will fail in theirs and subsequently our job as Site Administration will be deemed a failure.
Site Administration ensures to step in only when necessary in a department's business but also ensuring to maintain themselves as a point of contact for any concerns outside of their department, this is vital to ensure a good harmony between all departments.

Reviewing Of Policies and Creating New Ones

Site Administration create Policies that are to be followed all across the Site, these ranging from agreements between the Foundation and GOIs to internal policies for departments. Site Administration ensures to set some ground rules for departments to follow, creating new ones when needed and renewing old policies.
For example, the Zone Jurisdiction Policy is an important policy created by Site Administration and reviewed from time to time.

Ensuring Interdepartmental Cooperation

Site Administration needs to ensure all departments cooperate together in order for the Site to thrive, conflict between department cannot be allowed as it harms the flow of operations in the site, Site Administration should act as a middle man to ensure these arguments are immediately dealt with.
Other than ensuring conflicts do not happen, Site Administration also creates opportunities for departments to work together with Projects and Assignments.

Creation of Projects and Assignments

Site Administration needs to create new RP Projects that encourage the flow of RP in the Site, preferably between departments to also encourage them working together thus bettering relations between them. Projects should be given out from time to time to ensure Site Administration is always recognised as an active entity helping these departments. Site Administration should also ensure that the leadership of these departments comply with Assignments that have been ordered by themselves.

Overseeing Code Emergencies & Authorizing Advanced Armory

Site Administration needs to ensure that Code Emergencies are swiftly dealt with, they should coordinate with Security details and Task Forces to understand the current situation ongoing inside the Facility. Their priority should be to, alongside coordinating responses to these emergencies, authorizing the usage of advanced equipment such as the Advanced Armory during Keter Class Code 5s.

Overseeing External Relations

Site Administration needs to oversee External Relations, ensuring the Department of External Affairs is competent in their handling of this task. Site Administration, other than overseeing, may also directly communicate with these Groups of Interest if they deem fit. It's vital that any Site Administration member is able to communicate well with the different Groups of Interest in order to ensure the Foundation's survival.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

-Interrogation Room, Site ???-

A strange man walks into the room where Site Advisor Aurelius has been sitting for hours after being rescued by Nu-7 Operatives from Site-65, where rogue MTF Operatives attacked the Site.

???: Welcome, Site Advisor, this interview is being recorded for archive purposes.
Please state your name and position for the record.
Site Advisor Aurelius: Aurelius “Fusilli”, Site Advisor.
???: This interview is being conducted as part of an on-going investigation following the treasonous actions of the MTF Epsilon-11 detachment at your Site, Site 65.
Site Advisor Aurelius: You think I was involved in the plotting behind this? I barely made it out alive of the Site thanks to AMTF Nu-7’s actions…
???: Not at all, we are simply trying to understand the motive behind the actions of the unit and to try and determine whether or not there were more parties collaborating with the rogue operatives.
We know you have also been a Lieutenant Commander in the past, certainly you could provide some insight.
Site Advisor Aurelius: Alright… For the record, on the date of [DATA EXPUNGED], Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 Commander [REDACTED] was found guilty of multiple accounts of mistreatment of anomalies thus leading to the termination of his contract with the Foundation.
The Task Force was sympathetic with the Commander’s cause, you know, those SCPs kill their men on a daily basis. They believed the Tribunal was corrupt from the beginning, the Lieutenant Commander decided to take matters into his own hands, he started to harass Omega-1 Operatives entering any Containment Zone.
This of course did not please the Committee nor Site Administration, we decided to immediately send an order for the LTCOM to cease the mistreatment of Omega-1 operatives. The order was signed by me personally, after the meeting with the Committee.
The Lieutenant Commander did not take this lightly, he immediately came to my office to confront this order, trying to find excuses for his actions, I told him that these actions were completely inexcusable.
He left, before I could continue talking, slamming the door behind him: He was not satisfied with the outcome of our meeting.
2 days later, it seemed as if the LTCOM finally had agreed to the order, but instead the worse happened.
On the [DATA EXPUNGED], multiple Keter and Euclid breaches were detected inside our Facility, I immediately grabbed the radio and asked what was going on when I realised the radios had stopped working: We were completely cut off.
I immediately walked out of my office to reach the nearest evacuation shelter, escorted by 2 Nu-7, when I was greeted by Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 with their self-appointed Commander in front.
I immediately asked him what was he doing, but before I could even say another word, with a simple hand gesture he engaged my guards and detained me.
I was blindfolded, had no idea what was going on whatsoever, he called me a traitor to his regiment knowing my past employment and decided to remove my blindfold in front of the Site’s Ethics Liaison Office where he showed me 2 dead Omega-1 Operatives in front of the door.
Shortly after, the radios came back on and Epsilon-11 was declared KOS.
Emergency Response Teams were scrambled to deal with the breach while Armed Mobile Task Force Nu-7 was sent to immediately neutralise the rogue operatives.
The Ethics Offices alongside Site Administration Offices became a ground for a skirmish, after what felt like hours of being locked in a room, a Nu-7 Sergeant was able to find me and take me to safety where I received proper Medical care.
Mobile Task Force Omega-1 was able to hold their own, being able to hold long enough until backup arrived, the Ethics Members survived.
Site 65 was devastated after this attack, the breach was contained but it surely did cost a lot of personnel due to Epsilon-11’s actions.
The Lieutenant Commander decided to shoot himself to avoid capture, truly a tragic ending to his career.
???: Interesting, thank you for your input Site Advisor, I will be back shortly.

The unknown man decided to walk out the room, immediately using his tablet to learn more about this Site Advisor. He wanted to ensure he was telling the truth.

>Hello User, please input verification code<

>Insert Code: 02u790k<

>Welcome, Director. What would you like to view today?<

>Open Personnel File: Site Advisor Aurelius “Fusilli”<

>Opening File…<

First Name: Aurelius

Family Name: Banatti

Code Name: “Fusilli”

Age: 37

Height: 181cm

Physical Description: Slim, Caucasian White Male, Brown Hair, Brown Eyes.

Particulars: Almost always wears glasses.

Background Information:

Aurelius was born in Turin, Italy. A young boy growing up in an Italian city, born from a wealthy family, he was able to afford a good education growing interested in his city of origin, finding it truly beautiful, rich in culture & history. His passion was history and languages, he dreamt of becoming an Ambassador with his knowledge of languages and his love of Italy.
He decided to go to a prestigious High School in Turin where he was able to learn French, Spanish and Portuguese. During his time at this High School, you could say he was a little too focused on his studies, thus leading to him hanging out rarely if ever with classmates.
Following High School, he decided to go to College in order to study Politics and thus apply for the job of Diplomat in an Italian Embassy. Following his 4 years of studies, he was able to graduate with a 99/100, truly an exceptional student. At the age of 23, he applied for his first job as a diplomat within the Italian Embassy in Argentina where his knowledge of Spanish served him as a tool to utilise. At first, he found the job very hard, with daily responsibilities and meetings with Argentine politicians alongside approvals of dual citizenships, Italian citizenship applications from Argentines etc…
Finding the job easier with each passing day, his Spanish skills and enjoyment of the job increased. He became one of the Ambassador’s most trusted diplomats, receiving personal tasks from him every day.
At age 25, he was transferred to the Italian embassy in Canada, he believed this was a waste of his abilities due to his knowledge of multiple other languages but he decided to comply with it.
Arriving in the harsh environment of cold Canada, he wanted to go back to that tropical climate of Argentina, he truly hated the cold.
Those grey days were really starting to get to him, the enjoyment he once found in his job had grinded to a halt, decreasing with each passing day.
He wished for something new, for another type of job, what he didn’t know at the time was that somebody had been observing him for a long time; those Damn Feds…
The Italian Ambassador was a rude old man, he truly disliked Aurelius and you could tell the feeling was exchanged, due to this Aurelius was sent to Montreal by him to meet with some Canadian politicians for an important interview.
While passing through the Saskatchewan region, he was stopped by a police patrol.
Officer ???: Good day sir, Licence and Registration.
Aurelius: Good day Officer, here’s my diplomat badge, I work for the Italian embassy.
Officer ???: Interesting, would you mind stepping out of your vehicle, I need you to open your trunk.
Aurelius hesitated at first, wanting to question the Officer’s motive, but he just wanted to continue his trip.
Aurelius: Alright, here you go Officer.

The Officer, as soon as Aurelius gets out of the car, knocks him unconscious. The Officer seemed to have orders from somewhere else.

Aurelius woke up in an interrogation room, with a man standing right in front of him.

???: Welcome, Aurelius is it?
Aurelius: W-what? W-who are you?
???: I am Agent Bart, of Iota-10 “Damn Feds”.
Aurelius: I have no idea what that means, Agent Bart.
Agent Bart: I know you don’t, that’s why I am here.
Aurelius: What do you want from me Agent Bart?
Agent Bart: I don’t want anything from you, I am interested in getting to know you, you see I have noticed that you had not been very happy after your transfer to the Embassy in Canada am I correct?
Aurelius: What? How do you know?
Agent Bart: How? How is irrelevant... The point I am trying to make is, your life doesn't seem like a paradise nor a heaven on a heart, rather just a miserable life of a miserable man aspiring to be something great but being able to achieve nothing.

Aurelius did not say a word, thinking about his boring life as a diplomat for some old incompetent Ambassador.

Agent Bart: Aren't you tired of this? Don't you want an escape from this world of non-sense? This is what I am offering you, another world, a world where non-sense is the new sense, where chaos is harmony and where the supernatural can be explained. We are the S.C.P. Foundation.
Aurelius: What happens if I don't want this? What will happen to me?
Agent Bart: You will be brought to Montreal where you will tell the Ambassador you were a little late, that's all. You will have no memory of this interview.

Aurelius was interested in the proposal, and it's safe to say he walked out of that room as a new man, he was now employed to a secret organization studying the supernatural and the paranormal.

To Aurelius, he was offered a position in Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 where he was tasked with the Research on behalf of the Task Force of new Containment Procedures with Sentient SCPs due to his capabilities as a diplomat. He quickly climbed the rank and after roughly 7 years in the Task Force he was able to become the Lieutenant Commander of the detachment located in Site 65.

Site Director: Greetings, Lieutenant Commander.
Lieutenant Commander Aurelius: Greetings, Site Director.
Site Director: Your work is truly impressive Lieutenant Commander, this new Project you have made, Project Ektimo correct?
Lieutenant Commander Aurelius: Yes sir, Project Ektimo is the name.
Site Director: Project Ektimo is a success, it saw a good deal of cooperation between your regiment and our Medical department, while also updating our database of anomalies. You have a plan of continuing with these Projects?
Lieutenant Commander Aurelius: Well sir, I have not yet thought about it, but I believe it could benefit the Site. Of course, as along as I have your permission.
Site Director: I've got a proposal, Lieutenant Commander, as you know your Commander has recently vacated his position and you are next in line for the promotion.
You have got 2 options now, the first one would be for you to become the Commander of our Epsilon-11 detachment but I've also got another proposal that might interest you.
Lieutenant Commander Aurelius: And that would be, sir?
Site Director: Come work for me, as a Site Advisor, as you know Site Administration is the most important department here at Site-65. You would be placed as liaison for our Mobile Task Forces thus still being able to oversee your regiment from above. What do you say?

Aurelius thought about it, and after a while of his thoughts going through his mind, he chose the second option.
It's safe to say Aurelius had to go from a purely combative position to a purely non-combative one which was quite the leap, but he made due with it and soon started a very good career inside Site Administration.
His work did not go unnoticed, but the latest incident involving his own regiment at Site-65 must have scarred him.

>File Closing<

The man went back into the room where the Site Advisor had sat for another 30 minutes.

Site Advisor Aurelius: So, can I finally get out of this room?
???: Sure you can, once you tell me what is this message you sent the Lieutenant Commander 30 minutes before the breach at Site-65 detailing how to cut off radio communications and which SCPs should he breach.



The following message is composed via consensus of the site administration team of site-65.

Hello, @Aurelius "Fusilli"

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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