[UK] "Banana" - Site Advisor Application

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Steam ID:


Discord name:


For how long have you played on CG SCP:

I have started playing on this server in January this year, since then I have ammased a bit over two months of playtime.


I am 14 years old.

In what country are you located?:

I am located in the country of Poland. ??

Time zone:

My time zone would be GMT +1 / Central European Time (CET)

Character name(s):

Chaos Insurgency - "Banana" [TEU-1SGT]
Foundation - 'Banana'
UNGOC - "Banana"

Civilian name:

Civilian - Michael Banana

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

I am applying for the position on the UK server.

Do you have a mic?:

Yes, I do.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:


Chief of Security
CI-Gamma [TEU-1SGT]
UNGOC Specialist


Overseer Assistant
E-11 Sergeant
Alpha-1 Corporal [FW-2]
Nu-7 Lance Corporal

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

I am glad to say that I have a clean record.

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?

The paramount reason for me making an application for this position would be my aspiration to help others. I would like to quickly state that it has been a little bit over seven months since I have joined the General Security Department, throughout that time I believe I have been able to greatly help other people within the department and sometimes even outside of it. As one can imagine - being in one Department for almost a year can get rather monotonous after some time, so I would like to transfer to Site Administration to try something new and expand my abilities. I believe that I can help other people greatly if I were to become a member of the Site Administration team. During my stay as the Chief of Security I have faced a lot of challanges and learnt a lot of things about leadership and managment. I have done everything to help this Department but after such a long time I just feel like it is the time to move on. Alas, I strongly believe that all of the skills I have previously mentioned would greatly assist me in the task of helping others.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:

Activity - I strongly believe that one of my greatest strenghts is my daily activity. I am online every single day which would allow me to truly involve myself within the daily site operations and activities.

Diligence - Another good trait that I possess, would be the simple fact that I am rather hard-working person. I dont slack when I have duties to fulfill. I always aspire to improve the things around me and myself.

Attitude - I like to consider myself as a very talkative and outgoing person. I generally have no issues with making new acquaintances and talking to people. As a Dpt. Chief I was interacting with new people on a daily basis which I believe contributed greatly to this trait.

• Leadership - I believe this trait to be most important one on this list. I find it paramount for a person to be able to lead people during times of trouble and during everyday situations. During my stay as CoS I believe I have almost perfected this ability.

• Documentation - As an OSA and Chief of Security I have made quite a few documents, so I like to consider myself quite skilled in the production of them.

• Experience - I possess extensive experience in the Clearance 4 branch of this site. I have been a Captain/Chief in GSD for about seven months now and during that time I have learned all that there is about management and leadership.

• Professionalism - If the situation calls for It I can act very professional and mature. I can assure that I would behave "by the book" , at all times. Due to my stay as a Chief I also have a lot of endurance for high stress situations and I can calmly deescalte any situation of conflict.

Roleplay - I possess a lot of knowledge about the S.C.P. Foundation lore. I heavily value the roleplay aspect of the server and I believe I can be quite good in making RP scenarios and organising RP situations. If I became a member of Site Administration, I could focus more on the roleplay part of the server and I could move a bit away from the Combatative experience of the General Security Department.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:

Performing the monthly departmental reviews.

• Response to various situations in the site. It can range from authorising Advanced Armoury in cases of mass breaches, to Authorising D-block sweeps when there arent any Captains present.

• Encouraging Roleplay within the Site and creating roleplay situations.

• In some cases, building and handling of relations with other GOI's within the Pinewood area.

• Creation of various documentation, for example - Site Policies, Treaties, Agreements, etc.

• Approving the entrence and commerce of Marshall, Carter & Dark merchants in the site.

• Supervision of various departments within the site and assistance in keeping them in good shape.

• In severe cases, taking lead of Departments that are in trouble.

• Setting an example for others to follow.

• Most importantly - helping others.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Foundation Internal Dossier



Loading file - | Foundation / Personnel / Security_Department / Michael_Banasiewicz |

Michael Banasiewicz


General Security Captain


Date of birth:

Place of birth:
Lublin, Poland

Recruitment into the Foundation:
Michael was by profession a G.R.O.M. Team leader. He was unexpectedly recruited by the Foundation after a raid on the house of ████ ██████ in █████. During the mission his team was attacked by five instances of SCP-████ , that the Foundation had no prior knowledge of, until the incident. Foundation field agents were alerted after the G.R.O.M. team failed to respond and nearby civilians have reportedly heard gunshots and "banshee like" screaming. All instances of SCP-████ were terminated but at the cost of all of Michael's colleagues that were present during the raid. Michael was found in the house with many non life-threatning injuries, he was rushed to the hospital and treated for his wounds. After much deliberation by Foundation personnel, he was offered with a choice to either be amnesticized and return to his normal life or join the foundation as a Security Officer. He took the Foundations offer and joined the GenSec Department. After almost a year he had been promoted to the rank of Sergeant due to his merit and dedication to the Foundation.

Promotion to the role of Captain:
After a little over a year of being a member of GSD, Sergeant Michael Banasiewicz has been determined to be suitable for the role of Captain by the current GenSec Chief. During his interview he described his experience within the foundation. When asked why his fellow GSD members call him "Banana" , he confessed that when he was just a newbie in GSD, he was mockingly called "Banana" due to the fact that no one was able to pronounce his surname correctly.
After the interview he was presented with a choice to become a GenSec Captain after over a year of work. It is reported that without much thought he simply agreed to his new reassignement offer.

Incident Report: █/██/███
On the ██th of ███, Captain Banasiewicz has been brought into Medical Bay with severe gunshot wounds and on the verge of death after a supposed shootout with the members of the Chaos Insurgency. While in recorvery, it was determined that a Chaos Insurgency raid occured during Captain Michael's cross-training with Nu-7.
After fully getting back to health, the Captain revealed the entire story of what happend. The Captain described how the Insurgents stormed into Floor 2 lobby while the two departments were preparing for a training, he also described how the CI were defeated but at the cost of many training participants.

Promotion to the role of Chief:
On the 16/09/█ , Captain 'Banana' was promoted to the role of Chief in the General Security Department due to his extensive experience with leading the department. Since then, his performance has been closely monitored.

Security Incident Report -
On the 02/12/█ , an incident had occured in the D-Class Personell Block. All of the present Security forces were killed by a Anomalous Entity that was previously classified D-Class Member - █. Fortunately the Chief that was present at the time of the incident was found to be alive amongst the bodies, he was found laying unconcious in the D-Block Maintnance Room with no noticable injuries anywhere besides his head. After a medical evaluation it was determined that the Chief suffered severe head trauma. After a considerable amount of time the Chief became responsive. During the Incidents Evaluation, the Chief was found to be suffering from amnesia. He was unable to recall what happend that day and was acting bizzarelly, he insisted that he was not a Chief within the General Security Department. When asked he stated that he is not sure about his role within the site.

It has been deemed that Mr.Banasiewicz is unable to perform his duties as the Chief of Security after the incident, and shall be reassigned to a diffrent role.

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The following message is composed via consensus of Site Administration .

Hello, @Cross / Michael "Banana" . Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation.

After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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