[UK] Broda's Ethics Committee Member Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:24655601
Discord name: brokage
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 3 Years
Age: 30
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Broda Kagen
Civilian name: Broda
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-UK
Do you have a mic?:
  • Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
  • Executive Researcher (Held)
  • Director of Research (Held)
  • O5-6 ‘The Cortex’ (Held)
  • Site Advisor (Held)
  • Site Director (Held)
  • Ethics Committee Chairman (Held)
  • Medical Consultant (Held)
  • Site Manager (Held)
  • Site Director (Held)
  • O5-2 ‘The Sovereign’ (Held)
  • Special Agent (Held)
  • Agency Manager (Held)
  • O5-1 'The Sovereign' (Held)
  • IA Ambassador (Held)
  • Director of Internal Affairs (Held)
  • O5-4 'The Quartermaster' (Held)
  • Director of Internal Security (Held)
  • Site Advisor (Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
  • None
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
  • Ethics Committee Member
What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
  • There are multiple reasons as to why I’d be the best candidate over the others, I’ll begin with my vast and lengthy experience displayed above. During my time in all of those positions I have exceeded expectations and gone on to create immensely valuable roleplay that to this day is still referenced and used. To name a few examples, my O5-6 Character (The Cortex) was the core component of one of the biggest event chains in server history and I utilised that position to ensure everyone was having fun and engaged in the roleplay taking place. This demonstrates that I can play a character and not jump onto this dangerous “SCP VR Chat” trend that is occurring on SCP UK currently where players don’t roleplay a character but rather themselves. This is something I would aim to dampen as Ethics Committee Member as the purpose of playing a character is vitally important in how the server’s roleplay environment is cultivated.

    Alongside that Overseer position I was the first SCP UK player to successfully become O5-1 and Ethics Chairman and have been commended for both of my tenures. A lot within the Committee to this date is the way it is due to the work I've put into practice. Originally, the position was called Ethics Director which was what I was placed in during my last tenure. During this time I worked with Network Leadership and Community Leader to align this position to become more accurate and friendly, thus the change to Ethics Chairman. I also created the Ethics Assistant Tribunal powers to enable them to be trained in hosting tribunals in the absence of a Committee Member, this was done in a certification manner in which an Ethics Committee Member would run a mock tribunal and train the Assistant within it. To mirror this, My time as O5-1 ‘The Sovereign’ was exceptionally fun and engaging with the majority of the Site. One thing I’d like to highlight is the breaking down of walls between regimented/whitelisted players and your typical Clearance Level One/Two player. I caught a lot of flak for this but I stand my ground in the resolution that we roleplay with all, not just a few. The group in question were 10 Technical Staff who came to Floor 3 one day to just see what was going on, curiosity even. My immediate reaction was to send them packing, but this was not wise and I caught myself on this thought, instead I decided to go down as O5-1 and speak to all of them to find out what they wanted. Eventually, they all began to warm up to the roleplay they were being involved in and in turn became good role-players for a time. Now unfortunately, a couple of bad apples ruined it for eight others and this official set up ended in about a week of it being welcomed on Floor 3, but this showcases my open mindedness in how we need to drop ‘Keycard Ego’ and begin to understand that roleplay isn’t just for Clearance Level Four players but for everyone. Only when you roleplay actively and forcefully around those not interested in doing so, do you create the environment you complain you do not have. This is something I will be enforcing as Ethics Chairman if successful.

    I’ve begun doing this on a minor scale as a Site Advisor with employee reviews which summons all members of each department one by one to a meeting room to discuss their time within the Foundation, worldbuilding if you’d call it that, and they’ll regale me with their history and aspirations. I do not document this roleplay on purpose as documentation focused roleplay is dire and we need more free flow interactions with one another. These reviews will be going on for a while so if you’ve managed to read this far into my application then I look forward to seeing you in-character soon.

    Within my first opening month if successful, I will aim to mentor the Committee Members who are currently in their positions to ensure they are re-aligned to what the Ethics Committee actually is. I will also be doing this for the entirety of Omega-1 as there has been a drop in what their lore accurate purpose should be. I am seeking to be a guiding figure and not eviscerate those in their positions. I know I have a track record of being thorough and brutal but with this, that won't be necessary. Following that, the Committee in turn will be audited and I will find out what exactly is going on that is causing such issues within this side of Site Command in the first place. I will work with all to rectify this problem in a co-operative manner so we may resume excellent storytelling and exploring character story arcs for months to come. I believe deeply that the potential held within the Committee as it is, is exceptional and should be cultivated rather than booted.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
  • The Ethics Committee is responsible for the authorisation of testing involving human life and whether or not the test has purpose in order to expend such a resource. They use language that is honest to not cover up the seriousness of the matter. For example, a Clearance Level Two Researcher wishes to conduct an SCP-914 test on a D-Class infected by SCP-427 and becomes an instance of the SCP. The Researcher would have to prove this test is beneficial to the Foundation’s mission statement and is a purposeful study. The Committee would then decide if this is appropriate use of D-Class personnel and then authorise their killing.
  • Another responsibility in a roleplay setting is the infiltration and observation of other Departments around the Site. The Committee should be blending in with the common on goings on Site-65 along with the deployment of MTF Omega-1 Operatives to assist. Ethics Committee Assistants would be sent by Committee Members to interview Site staff and issue warning citations for ethical violations on behalf of a Committee Member.
  • During a Code Black Evacuation scenario, an Ethics Committee Member is expected to assist Site Administration with the issues plaguing the Site. This can range from the tactical deployment of MTF Omega-1, calling the Emergency Response Team if Site Administration are unable to reach the phone and if required, detonate the Alpha Warhead to reset the roleplay back to before the breach.
  • Wielding the immense scope and power of the Internal Security Department to keep site staff in check to avoid arrests piling up. Use of Internal Security is encouraged to investigate departments on a lower level whereas MTF Omega-1 would typically be used as a trump card in more mission critical scenarios.
  • The issuing, creation and hosting of the Tribunal System to ensure those who have been summoned are fairly heard and their case argued before a jury of their peers. A Committee Member would be expected to judge these scenarios fairly and without bias. However, this is roleplay and factors may interfere with such due process.
  • Be available to take appointments relating to Foundation Legal Codex additions/removals/edits. The Committee is primarily in charge of the Ethical Codex and shares some responsibilities with the Overseer Council on this document.
  • The Ethics Committee are expected to give regular operational duties to MTF Omega-1 and maintain their regiment’s image within the Site.
  • The Committee as a whole would usually shadow the Overseer Council and ensure everything is in alignment with the mission statement. There is a massive misconception with how the O5 and Ethics work, they assist one another primarily and only ever behind closed doors would the Committee discuss any issues regarding the Council’s actions.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
  • An Ethics Committee Member would be required to cast the deciding vote on new Ethics Members. This vote process takes place within the relevant forum channels and a lengthy discussion is expected from all Committee Members.
  • A Committee Member must vote on Director of Internal Security, MTF Omega-1 Commander and Ethics Committee Assistants. If successful, they must also partake and/or conduct the interview processes. If the Council offers such, the Committee may also give input on other applications controlled by their counterparts, but not usually a deciding vote.
  • The maintaining and updating of all relevant Ethics Committee documentation, policies and tribunal related paperwork.
  • Create meetings with MTF Omega-1 to review how the regiment is performing and update them on any major storylines/projects that may be occurring.
  • Liaise with the Overseer Council in an OOC manner to tackle the bigger issues regarding the Site.
  • Work with Site Administration to ensure they have the sufficient support they need with monitoring departments.
  • Keep Server Leadership up to date on how the server's roleplay environment is progressing or regressing.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Broda Kagen's File:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/...ouid=106495748467810079386&rtpof=true&sd=true (There is a link you can click to my Chairman Logs)

In-game Dossier available for viewing.

Please feel free to contact me directly or openly on this application if you want to gather further information. To those who actually read this application, Thank you!

PS: Also aware Remmy isn't departing till Sunday but after immense convincing sessions, he is set on his departure so I've decided to place the application in.
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This is absolutely crazy!
Broda is easily one of the most qualified people for this position in our community, if not the most qualified.

I’ve had a fair amount of conversations to chat to Broda, both when I was in Omega-1 and more recently. Not once have I ever seen him be rude. He’s always shown that he cares about everyone in the community

On top of that, Broda doesn’t need to be a Game Master to create extremely well made and enjoyable roleplay scenarios

I truly believe Broda can do a lot for Ethics and the site, and I’m sure he can also show guidance and help the rest of the CL5 team if they need it aswell as the other roleplay leaders!

Major +Support

Good Luck Broda!

While you've applied early, I mean c'mon Remmy's corpse aint even cold yet, I have to state my massive support towards yourself and this role. You were my mentor, then we toured as ECC (myself) and -1 (yourself). Round two, switch it up?

As it currently stands, I don't think there is anyone else capable in the server right now that could fulfil the role of Chairman other than yourself, and I hope we are once again Senior CL5 counterparts together to work through an immense workload that is helping try push this server to how it once was again.

I'll look forward to our "cheap divorce" dispute on floor-3 when you get this.

Best of luck bestie x
I will be leaving a +support for this guy he has done a lot and I can vouch for this during my tenure as a CoS he helped a lot alongside the rest of the liason; most whom weren’t at his outreach level and care for the department when I had requested it.

However, you need more experience before applying to Chairman. This doesn’t look quite satisfying and I’m sure a lot of people would agree, you should probably go for something like Site Advisor first maybe?

Doug 'TrippleD'

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Apr 19, 2024
Okay wow this is a big application for sure. Didn't really expect it yet lol.
Broda, I honestly dont think you should go for ECC yet. You would easily get the position, but I'm not sure if its a role you really want, I would say that it might be better / more fair to let others have a chance at ECC. You could be a great ECM too and I personally feel that position may suit you better at the moment.

Obviously, feel free to continue this application and I do think you have a great chance at ECC. Best of luck, Broda.

Doug 'TrippleD'

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Apr 19, 2024
I will be leaving a +support for this guy he has done a lot and I can vouch for this during my tenure as a CoS he helped a lot alongside the rest of the liason; most whom weren’t at his outreach level and care for the department when I had requested it.

However, you need more experience before applying to Chairman. This doesn’t look quite satisfying and I’m sure a lot of people would agree, you should probably go for something like Site Advisor first maybe?
He's already site advisor ;-;
Okay wow this is a big application for sure. Didn't really expect it yet lol.
Broda, I honestly dont think you should go for ECC yet. You would easily get the position, but I'm not sure if its a role you really want, I would say that it might be better / more fair to let others have a chance at ECC. You could be a great ECM too and I personally feel that position may suit you better at the moment.

Obviously, feel free to continue this application and I do think you have a great chance at ECC. Best of luck, Broda.
Hello Doug,

I'll have to disagree with all of your points here and I'll explain why:

- The current ECMs in my personal opinion are not ready to be the Chairman but I won't put them on blast here as that is unfair to them. They are of course entitled and encouraged to apply as the decision at the end of the day sits with SSL.
- I do want the position as it was one of my most enjoyable roles prior. I've come to learn that my enjoyment is presence and roleplaying with others frequently, rather than locked away somewhere like Floor 3 where you have to wait for people to come to you.

If you refer to a section in my application it goes over details on how I would aim to mentor the current committee to realign them to what should be happening on the server. This is through various means such as:

Tanhoney's Proposal: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/tanhony-s-proposal

This proposal is what the server is based off and I created my O5-1 'The Sovereign' character based off of this. (He used SCP's to live longer, The Committee allowed it to preserve knowledge and talent). I'd bring Ethics back in line with this again and create stories revolving around it.

There is of course the core component article that all ECMs should be using: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/ethics-committee-orientation

If you have any more questions, or anyone for that matter, I actively encourage you to ask them here or privately if you wish.

Thank you again for your comment Doug and appreciate it!


Active member
Jan 20, 2025


This man is awesome and i think he would have the potential to become the chairman.
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