[UK] Cade Valentine's DoIA Application.

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:128962199

Discord name: Serrt
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Approximately 790 hours, primarily across 2023 and again recently in 2024.

Age: 21
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom

Time zone: BST

Character name(s): Cade "Sunbeam" Valentine (F), Chester Wright (CI), Elphis "Zero" Lichter (GOC)

Civilian name: Cameron Stoker

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: (bold = currently holding) O5-3, Overseer Assistant, Site Manager, Site Advisor, Internal Affairs Ambassador, Nu-7 Lieutenant, CI Delta, CI Beta, GOC SPC.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I received one warning back in late 2022/early 2023 for combat jumping as a GENSEC Cadet. This should be my only warning and is long expired.

Why are you applying for Director of Internal Affairs?:

I'm applying for Director of Internal Affairs as I believe that my time in Ambassador and working with others around the Site has resulted in me enjoying Internal Affairs as one of my favorite departments and I wish to help grow it further with development and leadership to make it more enjoyable as part of the Site RP loop. I have come to take part in many storylines, investigations and events in my time in IA thus far and I want to help lead the charge for IA to produce more of this high quality work, giving confidence to those around me in the department to push the limits of what we can do in terms of working with other departments to foster roleplay and more comprehensive use of the FLC and other devices such as investigations and tribunals for players to feel accomplished playing in the Department.

I firmly believe that IA is on course to continue growing at an amazing rate and my work with Broda, Remmy and other Ambassadors has put us into a good spot thus far in terms of future developments; I wish to be part of that change from a leadership position and encourage others to be proactive in improving Internal Affairs. I am aware there is a lot of ongoing change with how the department is viewed and how it interacts with others in both an IC and OOC perspective, for example; how we deal with arrests and how we welcome or deal with newer players for their enjoyment. The more work that is done to ensure these changes are pushed and worked with around other departments, the more IA can appeal to players on both the experienced and beginner side of the server.

I have also discussed with Broda about his vision for Internal Affairs and the "end-goal" that could be strived for in terms of our lore, purpose and objectives. I believe some of these ideas are very valuable and would be rewarding to players as part of the IA gameplay loop and I wish to be in a position where I can help introduce those changes as well, to make IA more appealing.

What makes you suitable for Director of Internal Affairs?:

To start; leadership experience. I held an extensive chained tenure in SA and then SC which lasted approximately 6 months from May to November. I am aware that was some time ago, so I have made sure to work diligently in the Ambassador role in various responsibilities to show my leadership skills are still present. I have proposed possible operations and investigations, ranging from departments to members of Site Command, that have been actioned on very well thus far. I have also performed extensive documentation and writing for others within the department, such as SIB related reports or Tribunal related documentation on-demand. I have helped Agents learn how to perform well in Internal Affairs, answered to Remmy and Broda when needed and delegated tasking around the Site to make sure that I am able to get my work done while ensuring the Site is not going to be understaffed or deprived of IA personnel. I therefore think I have demonstrated I can still lead effectively.

Next, roleplay creation; As many active members of the Site will know right now, I have effectively created an ongoing storyline from scratch in relation to SIB investigations, working alongside Neptune and Cece to create a whole event line out of one encounter in the ECO late at night. I owe them credit for being so willing to be on board with the idea. This storyline has involved both branches of Site Command, A-1 and O-1, various facets of IA, Nu-7, Medical, Research and to a lesser degree thus far, DEA. This has been done solely through planning and RP creation on my end and working with other players and whilst there have been some hitches that have been discussed, it has otherwise been a huge success and I am aware of people enjoying it. I have also taken part in various IA and SIB investigations, have helped other Ambassadors lead a Tribunal and teach them effective strategy and also have another Tribunal pending to get started at present. I believe I have shown a dynamic range of proactive and welcoming roleplay creation that would be fitting of a DoIA candidate.

Finally, general personal skills. I have done my best to show my impartiality as part of my roleplay and work with others - a lot of my roleplay creation has had me bouncing back and forth between the two sides of Site Command in a rapid fashion, working as best as possible to not show bias and making sure both sides get fair involvement. I have dealt with OOC situations and complaints to the best of my ability and have actioned quickly on complaints against the Department when Agents have acted up, for example. I also believe I am quite approachable and have a good, friendly relationship with the players on the Site at the moment. I enjoy being able to welcome as many people as possible into the things I am working on and I believe that will be necessary for the DoIA position - the elevated responsibilities mean I will need to discuss with people in many departments OOC and IC matters in a productive fashion.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Internal Affairs in RP?:

There are a blend of OOC and IC responsibilities that the DoIA holds. I will list them as bullet points and expand on each one in turn.

  • Innovation and Upkeep of the FLC - Work on the FLC is important to perform in a trickle down approach. The DoIA has a responsibility, as an active member of Site Personnel who can report to the Committee easily, to monitor how the FLC is impacting roleplay and player experience around the Site and if necessary, propose changes based on their findings. They may also have their own ideas about how to work on the Codex to promote further roleplay and it is important they do not hesitate to bring these ideas up. Their changes could impact the entire Site in a positive direction and it is important that these innovations are performed so that activities surrounding the Codex do not get boring or stagnate.

  • Liaising with the Ethics Committee - Given the responsibility and oversight that the Committee has over IA, the DoIA would be expected to discuss the state of the department on a fairly consistent basis as needed if anything is emerging as a problem, or changes/suggestions that would require the approval of the Committee are brought up. The Committee may also delegate tasks for Internal Affairs and it is important that the Directors are ready to pass the information down the chain and ensure they are working on what is assigned to them, to help with further developments and cooperation with Site Command.

  • Departmental Management of IA - As a Department Director, it's the responsibility of the DoIA to keep up to date with the state of IA from top to bottom, ranging from the CL3 to CL4 jobs in full capacity. They will need to pass final judgement on Ambassadors who are looking to join the Department after getting feedback from other Ambassadors, as well as assisting in important or serious situations related to conduct of players in IA jobs to ensure standards are upkept. The Directors are also expected to keep a consistent upflow of roleplay creation by launching tribunals, investigations or miscellaneous activities for IA to engage in, to keep training members of the department and ensure there is a steady talent pipeline so that more new Ambassadors will join the team.

  • Departmental Innovation of IA - The FLC isn't the sole extent of Internal Affairs and its gameplay/roleplay loop. There are other things that could be innovated in it, such as special assignments that have additional clearance or authorisations afforded to certain members. SIB has been a resounding success in terms of how it has allowed roleplay creation at a high level. It's also important to keep trying to tackle the issue that exists with how newer players learn how to take part in IA, as well as how newer players on different jobs interact with IA. The experience should remain interactive and understandable so that more players have a chance to gain a fundamental understanding of why we use the FLC and how it can help maintain the standard of roleplay, which could in turn interest them in joining the department.
Please give some lore about your Director of Internal Affairs character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Most of my lore remains intrinsically linked and is broken into separate series. At the moment, Series 1 would be background reading if you're curious, Series 2 is relevant and Series 3 is ongoing and the newest entry.

Series 1:
Story 1
Story 2

Series 2:
Story 3
Story 4
Story 5

Series 3:
Story 6
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Reactions: Broda
Aug 27, 2023
-Godly at RP
-Very good app
-Based off previous expierences is 100% fit for the position

Best of luck to you Cade - Cain/Jamie
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