[UK] Cassius's | O5-6 'The Accountant'

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Feb 15, 2022

Steam ID:​


Discord name:​


For how long have you played on CG SCP:​

Since February 2022.



In what country are you located?:​


Time zone:​

CET, Central European Time

Character name(s):​

Steve Cassius
Tarquin Cassius

Civilian name:​

Bob Boberson

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):​


Do you have a mic?:​


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:​

Ethics Committee Member (Held)
Omega-1 Major (Held)
Ethics Assistant (Holding)
SCP-096 (Holding)
CI-A (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:​


What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):​

I am applying for O5-6 with the intent to assist and manage all departments that fall under the Overseer Council. My interest is to help those around me, ensuring that the foundation remains stable with the required positions filled. The position of O5 is a very unique one; which I am well suited for.

The Overseer Council handles tough situations and only the best suited should be selected for the council. I believe that I fit that image of being best suited for the Overseer Council. I strive for perfection and overcome any challenge that faces me, regardless of the cost.

Each O5 member is vital to the Foundation and its organization and management. I find organization and management to be well suited for me along with being a fun task. I find it important that all Site Command positions are filled with qualified personnel who are willing to go above and beyond on a daily basis.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:​

I am an excellent candidate for the Overseer Council due to my prior experiences within the Site. I have previously served on the Ethics Committee where I carried out my duties as Site Command to the best of my ability.

While being an Ethics Committee Member I did several notable things such as organizing site-wide meetings and discussing improvements for department relations and the common goal for the site. I also held standard meetings for the departments I oversaw ensuring that it was running smoothly without any major issues. If any issues ever arise I ensured that Site Command acted swiftly to resolve them.

The organization of site-wide situations is something I deem worthwhile and enjoyable, for example, Code Black drills, or lockdown practices. Where you give the chance for each department to practice their respective responsibility in cohesion with each other. This allows members of other departments to learn how to work together with individuals outside of their regular department.

There have been many situations where clearance level 4 staff has misbehaved to the point where Site Command had to step in. In these situations, I have often taken the forefront in ensuring that reasonable punishments are being handed out after hearings were held. In some situations these have escalated joint Site Command decisions to remove users due to gross misconduct; I have often led communication between different departments and groups, working closely with department leads to expand their department. An example of this would be R-3 which nearly became an obscured secretive task force, instead, I aimed for this to be a training program. Unfortunately, the project was dropped due to a lack of individuals interested in this kind of training program. This would be something I’d attempt again.

Previous to becoming an Ethics Member I held the position of Omega-1 Major, due to LOAs by the LTCOM; I efficiently ran Omega-1 as the Second In Command for a large period of time. This information is vital to being an Overseer due to the importance of Alpha-1. Alpha-1 is important as it serves as the personal bodyguard and task force for the Overseer Council; the management of this organ is vital to the ability of the Overseer Council. Without the red right hand to handle O5s business it is significantly harder to enforce protocol and standards.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:​

In Character the Overseer Council is responsible for creating roleplay situations for all players, they are also to manage the facility from a bird's view, only stepping in when Site Administration isn’t enough to quell the issue; It’s important to not take the responsibilities of Site Administration.

Each Overseer member is assigned a specific department they oversee and manage, this is critical to ensure that each department is noticed by Site Command and receives the necessary support. The overseer should ensure weekly or bi-weekly meetings depending on the needs of the department. While reviewing the department the Overseer should also ensure that the correct individuals are filling out the correct positions and if need be remove individuals from positions.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):​

The Overseer Council handles the following applications
  • Overseer Council (Which O5-1 may take into account when accepting new O5s)
  • Overseer Assistant
  • Site Director
  • Site Advisor
  • Chief Of Security
  • Director Of Intelligence
  • Director Of Internal Affairs (joint with ethics)
  • Director Of Research

The Overseer Council also handles the following Senior Positions.
  • Alpha-1 Commander
  • Nu-7 Commander
  • E-11 Commander

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:​

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Shino Aeschylion

Well-known Member
Jun 2, 2022
South England

+Massive Support

In my opinion a lot of people find Cassius controversial. Though I think it goes without saying the experience and work ethic this man has makes him qualified for this position. Though if I am to be honest due to the controversy if he is to be accepted by the council I highly suggest someone to keep an eye on him especially since he may butt heads with the EC members.

Another thing if it adds to his merit is the fact that he is one of the longest Head Mods and a Developer which to me shows his dedication to the community and how willing he is to contributing as well as improving it as a whole.

I am posting this with full knowledge that some people will hate me for it but I honestly think if he is properly monitored and trained he will prove to be much better than regular applicants.

Signed by:
Chief of Security Shino Aeschylion
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Feb 15, 2022
In the past has threatened to leave EC and developer just cause getting demoted. Means it could happen again with your O5-6 position, having a O5-6 threatening to leave because of the cause of getting demoted OOC wouldn't be so fit.

Edit: Also Regarding the first point I can show a clip if need.

Big bobbington

Well-known Member
May 5, 2022
In the past has threatened to leave EC and developer just cause getting demoted. Means it could happen again with your O5-6 position, having a O5-6 threatening to leave because of the cause of getting demoted OOC wouldn't be so fit.

Edit: Also Regarding the first point I can show a clip if need.
Neutral leading to +Support

Talked about what happened. Was very kind about it and forgiving.
Active af!
Used to be a ECM.
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Feb 15, 2022
@Rob Boss
@Big bob

I'm very willing to sit down with you and let you ask any questions you might have along with clearing this up. This scenario took place several months ago and was cleared by Server Leadership a long time ago as a valid thing to do.

Regarding the claim that I'm power hungry; I don't know where you're getting this from, I have never punished anyone on the first offense for in-character actions. That would be completely unfair and unjust.

I'm sorry that you have this view of me; I strive toward helping others not myself. As I said; I would be more than happy to sit down and speak with you both. (This goes for everyone else as well)


Well-known Member
May 8, 2022

I'll explain here my reason for a minus support. As you were ECM, O-1 had many issues with you and when you abused your power you instead of holding back and talking to the regiment or any Ethic members you would throw a tantrum and threaten those beneath you who you should want to follow you. Taking the time to use your position to undermine the knowledge of others in the same department. While i hope you do well as O5 if you get it. I also hope you've improved your behavior from ECM towards your fellow foundation members.

Edit: While I have spoken with you. I can see you have hope for a position. However I cannot change the -Support due to the consistency and reasons I have stated. Again. I wish you well in your attempt at O5 but cannot support it myself personally.
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Daisy Hill

Well-known Member
Jul 4, 2022

I'll explain here my reason for a minus support. As you were ECM, O-1 had many issues with you and when you abused your power you instead of holding back and talking to the regiment or any Ethic members you would throw a tantrum and threaten those beneath you who you should want to follow you. Taking the time to use your position to undermine the knowledge of others in the same department. While i hope you do well as O5 if you get it. I also hope you've improved your behavior from ECM towards your fellow foundation members.

Edit: While I have spoken with you. I can see you have hope for a position. However I cannot change the -Support due to the consistency and reasons I have stated. Again. I wish you well in your attempt at O5 but cannot support it myself personally.


Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 13, 2022

Mature frr
Has C4 Experience
Good luck on getting O5.
PS Fuck you all who said -Support.

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Jul 30, 2022
-Prior experience as Ethics member
-Active and dedicated to server
-Well written application

Although other people may be having mixed opinions about you Cassius I think you are more than fit for an O5 position, good luck!
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Well-known Member
Jun 23, 2022
| Good & Well Written Application |

| Suitable for the Role |

| Knows the Role Well |

| Good Qualities |
Although I don't know Cassius, he seems like the best guy to hold the -6 role.

Judging solely on his application, I would feel comfortable having Cassius as -6 as he seems both dedicated towards the role and he is professional.

I hope you are active and don't sleep on Floor 3.
| Dr. Alec Bennett | [COG-3 Lead] | Nu-7 LCPL |
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Apr 25, 2022
Massive minus support

-Power hungry as ECM
-Somehow managed to have a problem with every O1 member
-Threatened to demote people if they didn't do what you wanted without question
-Doesn't respect people unless he gains something from doing it
-Reports of threatening to leave if something doesn't go your way in past positions

+ Detailed Application
+ C4 & C5 Experience
+ Long Term Member

+/- Questionable ECM Past Experience - although this is simply coming from other people's merit
- In DMs & personal interactions, you've not been approachable nor friendly

No hard feelings and I am willing to edit and change this response if I experience better interactions with you.

GL ?
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