[UK] Character Lore Request | Callum

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Jul 14, 2023
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[New Disk Discovered; Opening files]
[Files corrupter / unreadable]
... [Delete files?]
> N.
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File_size: <Large>
Content: <35+ Pages>

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[View Summary]

Hippocampus - Part of the brain responsible for storing short-term memories.
Cortex - Part of the brain responsible for storing long-term memories.

I will start of with saying that if you are the person approving this, and there is something you see that could be an issue. CONTACT ME PLEASE. I would like to fix the issue to get this approved and not waste your time by uploading again. Appreciated. (flare__s on discord, STEAM_0:1:507102783 in game).

The entirety of the lore is stored on that website. Additionally It will be updated as I progress within the server to add more files. I am also using it as a personal storage device / clipboard to write in for missions, operations, research proposals etc... However these are hidden and can't be accessed without knowledge of their location / website link. This request is more for the idea behind the character being approved rather than the document itself. I most likely will not be changing anything major as the general layout / idea is there. Anything that I do change will be adding future characters, storylines, missions, protocols, etc... I am also happy to create a seperate site for changes, keeping one site for the currently approved lore and another for a work in progress that will need to be re-approved if this is an issue.

Given the nature of the entity that is described within this document, there are obvious concerns regarding NLR being broken by the species controlling my character 'remembering' what happened before he transferred to a new body. I am working on having this fixed by working with a TGM through a storyline involving having a low dosage of a concentrated amnesiac solution being repeatedly supplied to the hippocampus through a process you can contact me about if interested. To put it in simple terms, imagine a computer. Two USB Sticks are plugged into the computer. The first computer stick is really fast in terms of transfer speeds, but isn't able to keep the files for long as they get corrupted easily. The second computer stick is really slow in terms of transfer speed, but once a file is on there it has really good storage and likely won't get corrupted. Once you are told something, a file (the memory) is uploaded to both USB sticks at the same time. You will see the file and be able to read the file on the first stick really well, but only for about 60 minutes or so until it dissapears. You aren't able to see the file on the second stick for a really long time because it hasn't fully uploaded yet, however once it uploads it will be there for a really long time, and works as a normal file. Now the first USB stick sends constant updates to the second USB stick asking how it's doing and reminding it to speed up and finish the upload. If you unplug the first USB stick this uploading stops, as there are no more reminders, and as such you lose the memory. If you unplug the second USB stick, you lose the memory in 60 minutes, and you don't remember it at all. Now imagine the first USB stick is always unplugged. If you start the upload again, the second USB stick realizes that it's already got this file partially uploaded to itself, and will re-start the upload from where it was last left off on. This is essentially how this character's brain works.

Until then, this issue is being temporarily patched through three methods:
- The species controlling my character is smarter than to just leak information or tell people about stuff that my character simply would not have any feasable way of knowing about, as to protect his identity. He simply does not want to die, and talking about stuff he shouldn't know about will raise suspicions to him. He wants to ensure his survival for as long as possible.
- The species controlling my character has a semi-serious temporary head injury resulting in the hippocampus being damaged. This will mean that any short-term memories / recent memories will not be able to be stored properly. Due to the fact that memories form simulataneously in the hippocampus and Cortex (As per studies I found online), however only being 'mature' or 'memorable' in the cortex after about two-weeks or so, requiring to be developed during this time will mean that my character will need to come in contact with an object multiple times to be able to develop this memory into long-term storage. This solves the issue of remembering stuff that he just died about, because it wouldn't be reinforced in long-term storage.
- The species controlling my character used to be a druggie for amnestics, consuming far higher than the reccomended dosage of amnestics. This obviously led him to have some issues with his memory storing capabilities, only being able to keep important memories.

What will he remember?:

For the moment I have decided to only allow this character to properly remember / memorise their:
=> Original name (which was redacted in the doc due to the nature of the entity),
=> Their origin, abilities, friends and family they grew up with,
=> Information regarding SCPs stored on site,
=> The layout of the site,
=> GOI,
=> What GOI have done to him in the past,
=> Important missions / documents they took part in the past (Obviously not speaking about them however),

This character will not remember:
=> What caused his death in the past life (In normal day-to-day roleplay), although he may choose to write down notable instances (PKs),
=> Incidents and/or people he only has met once in the past, unless reminded of what they talked about,
=> Stuff that he has been amnesticated about,
=> Anything staff tell me to forget!,
=> Anything else that the people approving this want to have added.

Last Updated: 09/01/2025, 18:07.
Fixed the site from being blocked by google, hopefully.
Added a simple way of explaining how the character's brain will work.
Added typing wrong password redirects to cognitohazard in some situations...
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Aug 25, 2023
Request Partially Accepted

Thanks for taking the time to make a PAC/Lore request.
I have decided to only partially accept this:

Your Lore has been approved, However, there were certain parts of it that the Server Team have decided to deny, which is the following :

- What GOI have done to you in the past,
- Important missions / documents you took part in the past

your request will now be locked and marked as accpeted.
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