[UK] Chief of Medicine Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:557606087
Discord name: Fin#5124
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Six months, and more then 8 days of ingame playtime.
Age: 13
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom, England
Time zone: BST (British Standard Time)
Character name(s): Sirgae (Foundation)
'The Malevolent' (Chaos Insurgency)
Civilian name: Sirgae Jr
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

CI Delta - Holding
SCP-096 - Holding
Nu-7 PVT - Held

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Yes, and now this is a big red flag on my application. I have well.. a lot of warnings. To be precise it's 20, and I understand my application will most likely be denied because of this, but I believe I still deserve a chance. When I started this server, I received about 15 warnings, and I was a total minge. I didn't care one bit for anyone or anything on this server, but I started to realise this server is great, and I love to play it. I've played so much and even spent more than 8 full days in-game. I've put more than 100 hours in and I actually want to start trying. I want to achieve somewhere in this server, and actually, help out, rather than annoy staff even more. I want to help, not to be like my past on this server, and I hope you understand that. I hope you also understand that half of these warnings were from more than a month ago, and I've got a few false ones recently.

Why are you applying for Chief of Medicine?

I am applying for Chief of Medicine because I've taken an interest in the role of a Doctor. For the past week, I've been playing it, making Pac3's to enhance my roleplay, and doing extra things to make the server fun. I've really enjoyed doing that, and I'd love to take it a step up. I want to help out as much as I can, and I just want to have fun. I believe holding a role like Chief of Medicine will give me a sense of fulfilment, and I believe it's a way that I can actually build a better reputation on this server rather than being known as a complete minge. I really love the Medical Department and what it does, and I've tried to do all the duties possible, and learn lots of things. I've been constantly doing Mental Health Checkups, Medical Checkups and I'm currently learning Dentistry because I enjoy these things. I believe if I get Chief of Medicine, I'd enjoy teaching these things, because learning from a document isn't the best, and I love to help others.
I'm also applying for Chief of Medicine because I would love to start giving people Medical Licenses and training them to become Doctors. Not only does this sound fun, but I'm also helping people progress on this server, and giving people opportunities, for example becoming a Chief of Medicine or a Combat Medic one day.

What makes you suitable for Chief of Medicine?:

I believe I am suitable for the role as a Chief of Medicine because I am someone who would enjoy my duties as a Chief of Medicine and would actively do them. For example, I would always be looking for people who need Medical Training, or help to learn how to conduct Medical Checkups, log them and the same for Mental Health Checkups. I'd love to help people learn these things because I learnt from documents, and it isn't fun and effective. I believe with someone to teach you, you get a better outcome, and I really want to be that teacher.
I believe that I possess qualities that make up a Good Leader; Critical Thinking, Strong Communication, Accountability, Confidence, and Decisiveness. I must possess these traits so that my leadership is successful and leads the team of medics to triumph. In all times I’ve held a position as a leader, I’ve stuck to a Democratic system. This is to help in vital decision-making for the team, which can better the outcome of the task. As someone who believes in all of these, I believe this puts me a better candidate for the position of the Chief of Medicine, as it is a role that will need to lead medics.
Finally, I believe that I am suitable for Chief of Medicine because I know a lot of the current medical staff, and I am familiar with a few of the Deputy Chiefs of Medicines, and ingame I do talk to them regularly. This may not seem like a lot but it's really important, because getting one with your colleagues is critical, or when you work together on projects, the work standard may fall.

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:

My preferred medical procedure ingame, which I have used the most, is Electroshock Therapy, which is used to treat Cognitohazards, taking off a disguise from someone and for the time being broken bones. Electroshock Therapy is mainly used after researchers come back from either testing the painting SCP, or the bell, and in the rare case of viewing SCP-096. Electroshock Therapy has multiple steps, and missing a single one may lead to the failure of the procedure. Starting this procedure, you must ask, 'Have you received Electroshock Therapy before?' This is so that the defibrillator stage will go correctly. Next, you ask for their consent, if they do not give consent then you can not deliver Electroshock Therapy unless told to do so by a Level 4 Personnel. The third step of this procedure is that you read them the Terms & Conditions, by telling them in the Local Out of Character chat to not respawn, and in the in-character chat, 'Do not go to the Light.' Now for the complicated part of the procedure, you have to ask the patient to turn away from you and make sure they're in a place facing a wall, and at least 1.5 metres away from it, to prevent their body from going through the floor. When everything is set up, you throw your medical-grade harpoon into their chest, if it hits their head the procedure fails. You must use a Medical Grade Harpoon to ensure their BPM is reduced to zero. When the harpoon hits their chest, they will fall to the floor, then you must take out your defibrillator paddles, shout 'CLEAR!' and then shock the patient's chest. It may take multiple shocks, sometimes one, but it should work as long as they do not go the light. Throughout all shocks, you need to assure the patient and keep on saying, 'Do not go to the light'. After they stand back up, you must now take out your first aid kit and repair your patient. Fix all the damages they have taken to their body, and make them feel comfortable before leaving Medbay. That is how Electroshock Therapy is performed.

What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Medicine in RP?:

The Chief of Medicine is tasked with overseeing the Medical branch in the absence of the Director of Medicine. The Chief of Medicine reports to the Director of Medicine and helps to lead to organise the Medical Branch. They are in charge of all Medical Personnel and are tasked with also training Medical Trainees so that they can progress to the role of a Doctor. The Chief of Medicine also provides assistance to Doctors on things like Electroshock Therapy, Mental Health Checkups, Medical Checkups and Dentistry. The Chief of Medicine is able to give training on specific Medical Procedures and assigns duties to each doctor so that the Medical Department is organised. The Chief of Medicine enforces the rules of the Medical Department and gives out punishments to those who break it or break the Code of Ethics. On rare occasions, the Ethics Committee or the Overseer Council may ask the Chief of Medicine to administer Amnestics to certain personnel or administer them to everyone during a Mass Amnestication.

Please give some lore about your Chief of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Sirgae was born in England and got his full education in England. Sirgae has a PhD in Biology and has studied in Medical School for 3 years. He became a General Practitioner in England for 3 years but then wanted to change his life. He flew over to America, wishing to serve in a Medical Branch in a rural city. After some research, he stumbled across 'Pinewood'. From his first sight, he fell in love with Pinewood and the cold, cosy village. He bought a house and moved in, and spent a month unemployed, getting to know the other citizens of Pinewood. He was offered a job as a Pinewood Medic, and he accepted it. He spent 2 years as a Medic, even building up to Head of Department. He lead the Medical Team until he got a phone call from his office. The phone call was brief, but it was a job offering from something called 'The Foundation'. He decided to look it up on the internet, but he could find nothing. Sirgae decided to call back and met up with the person offering him a job. He wore a black suit and proposed he became a Medic in the facility, but he stated, 'If you say yes, there is no turning back, you devote your life to this facility and can not tell a soul about the visions you will see in here, understood?'. Sirgae replied with a yes, and like that he was taken into the foundation, leaving every belonging behind. He was trained in new Medical methods and introduced to the anomalies, and then earned his new title, Doctor Sirgae. Doctor Sirgae worked hard in the Facility, eventually passing combative examinations, and becoming 'Combat Medic Sirgae'. After 5 years as a Combat Medic, he received enough recognition and was offered the role of Chief of Medicine, and he happily accepted it.

As a Chief of Medicine, Sirgae had to do a lot of work. He dealt with many anomalies and had to isolate contamination hazards and perform difficult surgeries that required more than 4 doctors present. He lead dental practises, and educated untrained doctors on how to work themselves up in the foundation, and what procedures they must learn. Now, Sirgae is the one calling people, giving them the job offering to join the Facility.
Last edited:
May 3, 2022
Hello sirgae, after talking to people and observing you in-game i have come to the decision to decline your aplication, thank you for taking the time to fill out the form but i believe that you are currently unqualified for the role.
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