[UK] "Cloud"s Site Advisor Application

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Well-known Member
Oct 22, 2023
This Application mainly serves the purpose to receive feedback from the community and SD about my interest to join the ranks of Site Administration, i mean the worst they can say is no, right?.. right guys?
I hope you have some fun in reading this.
(Dont take the CL5 document in my lore too seriously, its more to just sound cool :cool: )

F:\Foundation\SiteAdmin\SiteDirector██████> Open Application  Directory

Application  2512 "Cloud"
Application 2513 "████"
Application 2514 "█████"

F:\Foundation\SiteAdmin\SiteDirector██████> Open 2512

Steam ID:
Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
A good year already, 1 month+ vtime

In what country are you located?:

Time zone:
gmt +2

Character name(s):

Civilian name:
Mac Donald

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
DEA AgentHolding
SCP 096Holding
E-11 CPLHeld
Nu-7 LCPLHeld

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Screenshot 2024-05-11 221709.png

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
I am applying for the position of Site Advisor to advance further within the foundation, im aiming for a Sr. CL4 position. Over my time as a Jr. CL4 in the position of an OSA, I have gained a major amount of experience in the 2 months as OSA and skills regarding CL4 matters aswell as never having received a strike and being the first to complete all my 3 core competencies. I am particularly drawn to the Site Advisor role because I enjoy the administrative aspects aswell as its the first SA role to start off in and the unique opportunities it offers for RPing. Ultimately, my application for Site Advisor is to explore some more opportunities in RP and be a leading RP member.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
I believe i have gained enough experience in the role of an OSA to be able to step up into a such major RP leading position, as OSA i have made experiences in:
Observing and Administrating facility operations
Observing facility operations in the form of ORDERS or individual interests, as in arresting people who break the FLC or report activities of departments or personnel to higher ups or deal with them myself, as example i have dealt with the following departmental or GOI related diplomatic issues
- O-1 hostility towards a GOC member was brought up to me and is currently in the progress of being resolved
- O-1 arresting E-11 for unjust reasons, brought up to CO of the MTF by me and resolved
- IA being unprofessional and arresting upon subjective views, resolved
- Communication across the research and site command concerning projects, one project approved by me
-Submitted 2 Research policy changes that both got approved
- I am currently dealing with a goc test attempt on behalf of Site Administration
Creating Projects to create RP
Creating projects is a major part of being an OSA and leads to a huge amount of RP, projects are the best way to create a major RP situation in any way the OSA desires, this brings alot of RP creating experience with it and improves the ability to RP with others in a departmental scale, projects as example:
- Project "Prey", an attempt with the research department to create an improvement upon the decontamination foam, Exec. Jesse Soul and Richard patternson were involved, the document of the project got rated Exemplary thanks to Jesse Soul. This created RP upon the CL4 area of the project aswell as all CL3 members to participated aswell.
- Project "Lezerus" currently in the stages of approval, this project will also focus to work with the RsD department, but on a more lore sided aspect of the server: Humes, and how to use them.

- Project "pupeteer" was a project from i believe jesse soul concerning a 008 and 049 cross test, i had short contact with this project and informed the council about the happenings aswell as approving the project from the side of the O5.
CL4 Duties
The majority of CL4 have certain duties and responsibilities such as AA autherizations or other things, that are listed below.
I have experienced, on multiple occasions across the 2 months i've been OSA doing such things as:
- Authorizing AA
- Calling a Code Black
- Mass terminations
-managing the site in absence of Sr. Cl4 and SA+
-Opening BDs and CL4 doors

Things i have planned to do as SA [New]
Re-Defining and suggesting Policies and restrictions for the GenSec Department
Currently the GenSec Department suffers the problem of not having enough stationed units at the D-Block section of the facility, changes made a couple of months ago have shifted GenSec to be extremely wide spread across the facility, in cases where it is rather unneeded, I plan to at the very least suggest following changes:
-A Priority system across gensec, as how it is used in other departments currently.
-Ability for all gensec personnel to be used for testing escorts and D-Block stationing dependent on the Coded Emergency.

Medical Departments Duties and responsibilities
Currently Medical is fine how it is, but i would like to do a couple of improvements across the department:
- Concrete policies about stationing Medical units in POIs, especially in coded emergencies.
-More propagande for the department (we need more medics)
-A couple of changes in the CL4 section of the department, stricter control of personnel and recruitment processes.
Internal Affairs Arresting procedures
IA operatives and agents have a huge authority by being able to carry out arrests as a CL3 personnel of Staff, which even got revoked from Assistants a while back, (but i believe re-added) this is an insane amount of responsibility these agents need to carry out and i would like to at the very least suggest some changes to the departmental leaders:
-Stricter recruitment
-Some kind of Mentoring or observation programm, (Trial phases?)
-Arrests above 15 mins needing permission from ambassadors (if this is not the case already)
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
Supervising Departments
Supervising Departments is an important role of the Site Advisors, as every month multiple SAs are selected to be responsible and held as a person to reach out to across departments, supervising departments acts as a way for site administration and departments to hold contact and be constantly kept in check to ensure operations are not disrupted, aswell as giving SA a clear view of what the current goals and operations of the department are headed to, SA may also, while a main duty of the SD select new departmental leadership if the department is not under current supervision of SC (ISD etc..) , SA may still give their input in new departmental leadership promotions.
Administrating the facility
Administrating the facility in the ways of: letting departments and department leaders reach out to you to solve their problems, leading diplomatic decisions across and inside departments, interacting with departments to ensure funding and operations are not in harms way. SA also oversee the Site in general overseeing general operations, this includes something like giving input into site policies or creating/proposing new departmental policies.
Interaction with GOI
A important job for Site Administration is to handle affairs with the GOIs encompassing pinewood, this would be policies, agreements, treaties or other such things like sampling agreements or things of similar nature, SA may also interact with GOIs as a person to reach out to concerning miss behavior of other GOIs or SOP.
Administration Work
Site Advisors are responsible for creating and sustaining CL4 documents and other important documents such as treaties or departmental reviews, interviews from assistants or other members of the facility as SC. Site Advisors may also give special access to personnel that require it in case to case basis, administrating the site also means creating RP and having this RP documented aswell, keeping administration files archived to site administration and writing reports on departments.
CL4 duties
Cl4 duties, like almost all CL4 include the SA aswell, as example:
- Authorizing the use of AA
- Authorizing mass terminations
- Authorizing Code Blacks in extreme emergencies
- Manning AA and BDs as well as opening CL4 doors and the breach shelter
-Engaging Site wide lockdowns and Teslas if deemed to be necessary

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
<<Access Attempt 1>>

<<Clearance 4 biometrics required>>

<<Biometrics Detected>>

<<Opening Files for Site Advisor "Cloud">>

<<1 Of the Files is restricted to clearance 5, continue?>>

<<[INFO] Some of the files may contain redacted information [INFO]>>

<<Access has been granted, Unrestricted access to all CL4 files, Restricted access to CL5 Files, Site director ██████>>

<< Site Advisor "Cloud" Files >>

(Only looks good in light mode)

CL5 File 0002# CL5
On the ███ of October ████ a ██████████ had breached containment from a secure containment underground structure in the Saskatchewan area in possession from the U.N.G.O.C , the anomaly was destructed in Destruction site-43 from a U.N.G.O.C "Strike Team" approximately 15.5 km from the location of ̶J̶o̶h̶n̶ ̶S̶t̶r̶i̶v̶e̶ "Cloud" , following abnormal events were recovered from a log in the terminal of SCP- ████ and other anomalous records, Death of all non-anomalous human beings in a radius of ██ KM and transferal of approximately 343 human beings to ████████, shift of hume readings across the observable ███████ for approximately 3.5 seconds, permanent hume decrease of "Cloud" , an appearance of a "Red Spot" on the gas giant Jupiter.

CL4 File 0003# CL4
Upon the involvement of Site Command with "Cloud" a re-evaluation procedure was enacted after extraordinary perfomance on his position to transfer "Cloud" to Site Adminstration, procedure was enacted 58 days after affiliation with the Council had started, procedure was completed in a time of 1 week to complete re-evaluation procedures aswell as █████ procedures to integrate "Cloud" into the role of Site Advisor.
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Well-known Member
Oct 22, 2023
Could I see a picture of your /time?
Note that i was on LOA from the 10th to the 14th and we wrote multiple exams in the week from the 16th to the 22th and i could not be active, i am currently not busy IRL and can be way more active now and in the future. Screenshot 2024-06-30 144146.jpg


The following message is composed via consensus of the site administration team of site-65.

Hello, @BigMaxMer

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be denied. The reasons for this denial may be elaborated on should you decide to get in contact with us. No further action is required.

You may re-apply in two weeks' time.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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