[UK] Coolioo's Exec. Researcher Application

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top bloke
Dec 24, 2020
bossman lane
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:213695336
Discord name: Coolioo#7466
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I first joined 2 years ago, server dev/launch. I've been actively playing this time for around 2 months.
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: BST
Character name(s): Coolioo Langley [recently changed] -> Connor 'Coolioo' Langley
Civilian name: Coolioo Lang
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: N/A
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: N/A
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?I've reached the desire to want to join the Executive Researcher team for multiple reasons.

  • I believe that I have sufficient experience and expertise to excel from my position as a Senior Researcher to aid the Executive team. To expand, I have conducted countless tests ranging across all the SCPs in the foundation. Consequently, through this I've written many papers, with a large portion of them being graded excellent. This has spurred me on to apply for the role.
  • I have concrete relationships with some of the current Exec. Researchers, and some of the past Directors of Research. Their wealth of knowledge has allowed for me to know how to optimally operate within the department, something I believe I can do to a higher degree with this role.
  • I feel as if with the extra permissions that would be given to me I could utilise them to a great level. For example: grading documents that the members of the ScD submit, and aiding Jr. Researchers via lectures/allowing for them to conduct research that they wish to with supervision.
  • I want to help guide the lower-level researchers that are finding their bearings. I enjoy interacting with them and with additional permissions could take this to a further level than I can currently.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:As previously mentioned, I thoroughly enjoy the role of Senior Researcher & therefore have a wealth of time in the aforementioned role. This has equipped me with the level of, what I believe to be, required of what an Executive Researcher needs.

I'll compose a list of why I believe I am suitable for this role:

  • I have a plethora of excellent graded documents meaning that I'm fully aware of what is needed in order to compose papers of such a level.
  • I've shadowed Executive Researchers during research, lectures, etc... This means I've seen first-hand the surface-level content of the role.
  • I enjoy submerging myself in unique scenarios as a researcher, which I believe can be valuable for the department. For example, there was a situation in which a large number of Junior Researchers were not following procedure and seemed unhappy. So, rather than immediately shouting at them, which would do nothing, I decided to create an environment where they could stay within the department and not give it a bad image. Namely. I asked them to get in a large single column and marched them around the site in a sort of tour. This was until we reached the classroom, and they all gathered to discuss things like their "pay", and such. A DoR, ECM, and Exec. Researchers were also present. Staying grounded and realising that activity in the foundation doesn't need to be rigid is, I believe, a valuable skill.
  • Through my time as a Senior Researcher, I've created a standardised procedure for conducting research to maximise results. I believe that this creates an extra layer of RP that can be helpful for the researchers, GENSEC, D-Class, and SCPs involved in a study.
  • My time investment into the department. In the past, the main foundation role I operate with is the ScD, with some playing time in IA. As an executive, I would invest my time into helping the site operate smoothly by being available for other researchers that may require me for whatever reason. I have already started doing so yet, of course, my current role is a limitation.
  • Relationship within the department. As I've been a Senior Researcher in this time I've interacted with, helped, and been helped by many fellow researchers. I believe I can use this to my advantage as an Executive Researcher.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?As I am writing this I have 7 excellent documents.

  1. SCP-049 ROUTINE INTERVIEW - in this study I conducted a "routine interview" with SCP-049 to maintain a sufficient level of knowledge on SCP-049 for the foundation. Asking questions regarding current beliefs, opinions, etc... I created another document containing the standardised interview and sent a D-Class in to ask the questions whilst also noting *how* he answered specific questions, if noteworthy.
  2. SCP-178 INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES - the aim of this study was to establish a correlation between individual characteristics and the effects of SCP-178 upon exposure. The procedure is standardised in order for replicability. I noted that any changes to the procedure MUST be noted as external variables may skew the findings, and hinder the conclusion.
  3. SCP-035 ROUTINE INTERVIEW - similar to the SCP-049 routine interview but utilising another standardised interview that is more tailored to SCP-035 and the knowledge that is required to be extracted.
  4. SCP-012 INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES - to attempt to establish a correlation between individual characteristics and the effect SCP-012 has on the individual. I created a profile of the two D-Class, both opposites, then noted down both results using a standardised observation format.
  5. SCP-099 TIME/DISTANCE STUDY - In this study I had Researcher Ronald Landfield accompany me in my studies so we could both observe, and discuss the correlation between time, distance, and human exposure to SCP-099. Intra-researcher reliability increased the reliability of the findings.
  6. SCP-178 BEHAVIOUR ANALYSIS - in this Research Study all necessary, and essential, stages/procedures were conducted in order to minimise the risk of injury, and, or permanent cognitive damage to all human subjects, and to also optimise the accuracy and reliability of the findings in order to benefit the SCP foundation in understanding that of which seems to be out of our understanding regarding SCP-178 and its behavior.
  7. SCP-500 CROSS-TESTING - To observe any differences between the effect of SCP-500 when treating a physical disease (SCP-1025), and a mental disorder (SCP-099). Using ONE (1) pill.
In the future, I am planning to construct documents, to a standard of excellence, on many more SCPs. Including, but not limited to: SCP-457, SCP-409, SCP-106, and SCP-173.

I also plan to, in the future, conduct a study on SCP-008.

There are many components that go into an excellent document. All documents are different and offer different things. But, objectively, it must consist:

At a minimum -

  • A highly descriptive aim, method, and conclusion.
  • A minimal number of spelling/grammar mistakes.
  • A MINIMUM of four pages
  • Evidence of RP
  • A suggestion of how the findings can be applicable to the foundation
But, I also believe that other factors build an excellent document -

  • It must have a creative element, i.e not just an SCP-1025 test going "he read the book and became blind", etc...
  • The content must be concise yet descriptive, unnecessary content that pads up the document to 10+ pages doesn't make a document excellent. Quality, and quantity.
  • Solid conclusion. The conclusion of a document typically contains the most room for creativity to show that a document is excellent. This is because it's the researchers' chance to apply their findings to a wider spectrum.
  • High-quality language with little to no grammar mistakes.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:The role of Executive Researcher has many responsibilities/jobs that it must attend to in RP. Overall, they must front a positive face for the department, but here is a list of what they are expected to do.

  • To watch over tests of other researchers to ensure that they are conducted to a sufficient standard and that they are supported if they need any help.
  • To grade documents, using the provided grading policy, and offer support to researchers on their paper so they can optimally note their findings and construct a study.
  • Host lectures for Jr. Researchers to highlight why they should continue to work within ScD and how they can wisely progress forward. To also answer any questions that they may have.
  • The approval/denial of cross-tests regarding SCPs that are SAFE/SAFE, SAFE/EUCLID. Based on whether the test is deemed to be productive for the foundation's time and resources.
  • Conducting research on SCPs that are CL4, that otherwise, as CL3 personnel, required the overseeing of an Exec.
  • To overall help the members of the department, and to co-operate with other departments to ensure that the work done within the site is done optimally to maximise findings and minimise any potential risks that are found within the work.
  • Organising the lower members of the ScD department during the potential event of a Code-5 or Code Black. Where they would be escorted to the PW shelter, or to the garage, respectively, and depending on the situation.
  • Rewarding researchers for any good work that they conduct in the research department, i.e creating an excellent document, showing outstanding ability, etc..
  • Responding to potential enquires that members of the foundation have. If that's a Jr. Researcher asking questions about research, documents etc... Or if that's IA asking about activities conducted by the department, etc...
  • Using the CL4 clearance to open/close blast doors when necessary. Including opening/closing the shelter doors in PW, and operating tesla gates if required of me.
  • Creating documents to aid fellow researchers with their studies by setting an example of how it should be carried out, etc... This includes writing documents on CL4 SCP's for senior members of the foundation.
  • Authorising anomalous chemical testing
  • Authorising injecting an SCP with non-anomalous chemicals

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Classified File: Executive Researcher Connor 'Coolioo' Langley


Exec. Researcher Connor "Coolioo" Langley

Security Clearance: Level 4

Assignment: Site 65

Description: Executive Researcher Coolioo is a former teacher at ████████ ████████, England. Known by his colleagues for the love that he holds towards education and research. Currently, Coolioo is assigned to Site-65, █████ - since 23/ ██/ ███.

Coolioo is known to be a hardworking member of the Foundation and has shown to follow the rules to the best of his capacity. His excellence in constructing research documents for the foundation has led to his access to secure Foundation databases and systems, including those related to Site 65.

Coolioo was employed by the Foundation as an executive researcher at Site 65, after passing a rigorous background check and demonstrating his loyalty and commitment to the Foundation. After his prolonged employment at Site 65 as a Sr. Researcher, He has since contributed significantly to Foundation research and has helped develop several successful containment procedures for various SCP objects.

Incident Report: On ██/██/20██, "Coolioo" was accused of unauthorized access to sensitive, classified Foundation materials, and was briskly placed under investigation by Internal Affairs. The investigation, however, revealed that the accusations were actually unfounded, and that "Coolioo" had been the victim of a misinformation campaign by a Group of Interest (GoI) member. This threat has now been dealt with accordingly.
Interview Log:

Interviewed: Executive Researcher Coolioo Interviewer: Director. ████████ Foreword: The following interview was conducted to clear Coolioo of all accusations of unauthorized access to sensitive Foundation materials.
<Begin Log>​

Director. ████████: Coolioo, can you explain the events leading up to the accusations made against you?

Coolioo: Of course. I was conducting an experiment, as per the duty of my employment at the site, and a member of, what I thought was Site 65 approached me. Then he offered me a document that would aid my research.

Director. ████████: What was the source of the information that you were given?

Coolioo: As you are now aware, this document was above my clearance level, and handed to me by a member external of the foundation in a misled campaign to damage us.

Director. ████████: You do understand the severity of handling and utilising documents, like the aforementioned document you mentioned, and the punishments that may lead from such?

Coolioo: Yes sir, and I am accepting of however the foundation proceeds to handle the situation from here.

Director. ████████: And you expect us to believe that you were unaware that this document was above your clearance?

Coolioo: Not at all sir, I'm completely responsible for my actions and I am more than compliant, as I said before, with the foundation and its staff.

Director. ████████: It may be true that you were unaware, but the fact remains that you did access sensitive information without proper authorization. As a foundation employee, you are well aware of the protocols and procedures that must be followed when handling classified information.

Coolioo: Yes sir, I'm very aware of the foundation's procedure for handling and accessing documents. The subsequent actions taken against me for this I accept completely.

Director. ████████: We appreciate your dedication to the Foundation, Coolioo, but we cannot ignore the fact that you accessed sensitive information without proper authorization. We will have to take appropriate action to ensure that this doesn't happen again in the future.

<End Log>​

Closing Statement: Executive Researcher Coolioo has been cleared of all accusations of unauthorized access to sensitive Foundation materials, and his security clearance has been reinstated. Yet, he has been prepped on how to approach the handling of classified information to ensure that there is no repetition of this event. An official warning has been noted.

Thanks for reading.

P.S I've recently changed my name from Coolioo Langley -> Connor 'Coolioo' Langley, for RP.
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Reactions: Remmy and Landfield
Hello @Coolioo today I will be giving you a +Support for following reasons:
+ Active on research
+ Seen some very good documents
+ You seem like mature and trusted member of the community
+ No research warns/job bans
+ Good playtime
+ Well-written app
+ You seem to know the role well

- I would like to see more engagement from your persona (a bit more creative tests)
Regardless of the verdict on this application, I wish you good luck!
~Executive Researcher Jack "Cader" Raider
Mar 30, 2023
+Thorough, clean, pretty application.
+Playtime and experience.
+Extensive knowledge on exec.
+Active on research.

+/- Lore looks good visually, but could be more interesting.
+/- As stated before, tests could be more interesting and elaborate too.


Well-known Member
Dec 17, 2022


The following message is composed via consensus of research department Leadership.

Hello, @Coolioo

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Director of research

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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