[UK] Daanvy's Ethics Member Application

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CG Super VIP
Feb 20, 2021
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Since (just before) UK server launch. (11/27/2021)


In what country are you located?:
The Netherlands.

Time zone:

Character name(s):
• Foundation.
- MTF O-1 CPL 'Frost' Smith
• Chaos Insurgency.
- CI-C BCOM Daanvy
• Civilian.
- Bounty Hunter #2 (changed due to an event.)

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
• Foundation
- Ex E-11 CPT
- Ex O-1 Commander.
- Current O-1 CPL

• Chaos Insurgency
- Current CI-C DELCOM

• Miscellaneous
- 096 Whitelist

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
I have decided to apply for the role of 'Ethics Committee Member' for a good handful of reasons. During my time on the server I have always been interested in being part of the ethics committee, in the 5 months that I have been actively playing I have seen them around numerous amounts of times, being in █████-1 is obviously a good part of the reason I have seen them so many times and actually seeing what they do has made me finally make an application. I've wanted to apply since around mid-February however I've decided to not apply during that time because of a unfortunate situation that happened within █████-1. Now that I've been waiting for 2 more month and improved my roleplay, I have spoken with Ethics Committee Assistant Winkie and after a good conversation, I decided to write this application.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
I believe that I would make for the best Ethics Committee candidate for a couple of reasons. The main point that I'm going to bring up is my experience within █████-1, since I have previously been the third commander of █████-1 I have been in very close contact with all kinds of things regarding the Ethics Committee. The main thing I still do to this day is play and RP as █████-1. I have worked with Ethics many times in the past and have gotten an significant amount of experience as █████-1 and working with the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct.

Another point I would like to bring up is the fact that I have been involved in many RP scenarios that involved the CoE and CoC along with both people from the Ethics Committee and the ███████ █████. The things I'm talking about are various things ranging all the way from tribunals to event which rely around the Ethics Committee and the ███████ █████.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
The Ethics Committee is responsible for the █████-1 MTF Regiment, along with the Ethics Committee Assistants, The Ethics Committee are in charge of updating and enforcing the code of ethics, with the second part having a lot of █████-1 and Internal Affairs action being taken. The Ethics Committee is also in charge of approving things such as cross-tests.

The Ethics Committee is, as the only group, in charge of doing department reviews, this involves The Ethics Committee (Sometimes along with █████-1) to review a certain department, such as: Research; Security; Medical;. Along with doing department reviews The Ethics Committee, along with a small handful of other individuals, have to power to authorize Mass Amnestications, Full CDC Shakedowns, and the activation of the detonation sequence for the A████ w██████.

The Ethics Committee is also in charge of a handful of things within RP, another thing to mention is the fact that the ethics committee has the power to host and plan tribunals in rare situations where one is needed.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
The Ethics Committee is in charge of handling certain forum application such as the Department directors. The Ethics Committee is, along with handling forum applications, also in charge of making changed and keeping track of Ethical related documents such as the Code of Ethics, The Ethics Committee is as said in charge of updating said document to make sure all the information within stays up to date and is able to be referred to without any mistakes being present within the document.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:
On ██/██/████, ██████ Smith was born during a cold, winter day, and grew up like any other regular human being, once ██████ Smith had reached the age of 17 he applied to join the local police force to assist his local area with common issues such as high crime rate, and various other things of concern. 2 Weeks after he applied for the police force, he was invited to partake in a tryout where a group of applicants would participate in various challenges and activities which would in fact determine if he was going to be accepted into the local police force.

During the tryout process ██████ Smith performed absurdly well and got a near perfect mark on each of the categories. After the last participant was finished with their part, all participants had to line up and it would have been announced who was allowed to pass through to the main training process. with ██████ Smith being on the far end of the line, he waiting, as one by one, participants were getting told they had either passed or failed. When it came to the point that it was his turn, time felt like it moved slowly, every second felt like minutes going by, eventually the following was said "██████ Smith, I congratulate you on passing the tryout."

Now that ██████ Smith had passed the tryout section of joining the local police force, the training had begun. Right from the start of the training session it was almost instantly noted down that ██████ Smith had excellent combative skills along with good leadership after just the first 5 training sessions. This basically meant the training went like a breeze, ██████ Smith had now successfully passed the training.

Now officially within the local police force, ██████ Smith started noticing strange things that he hasn't noticed or seen before, however he didn't think much of the strange things that started happening. Not to long after during a simple traffic stop that ██████ Smith something unforgettable happened. His car literally started floating and just flew away, ██████ Smith had absolutely no clue what has just happened and instantly starting searching the internet for answers, when he came across a webpage that specialized in these sort of scenarios. These occurrences were labeled as 'anomalies'. Not long after visiting the webpage, ██████ Smith had received an email from an unknown name and a blurred out email address. The email read as following:

Subject: Anomalous activity.
To: ██████ Smith.
From: ███ ██████████


Dear. ██████ Smith,

As of recently, we noticed that you've experienced a rather strange anomalous effect near you, the situation involving the flying car. We would like to know more, We will be in contact.

- ███ ██████████

██████ Smith initially didn't think much of this email, as it looked rather suspicions and creepy. So as expected he just kind of ignored the email and went on with his days, Most of the strange things that he has previously seen were not happening anymore, was this to do with the email or just a strange coincidence. This had him thinking, what if the email was actually serious and they were actually trying to get into contact.


Today is as any other normal day, ██████ Smith got dressed, ate breakfast, brushed his teeth, and went to work. Once he arrived at work 2 strange men were standing in front of the building he was supposed to be at, They were dressed like special agents with nice clothes, weapons, and sun-glasses on, ██████ Smith thought... (Sun-glasses? During the winter? really?). and tried to move closer to the door to enter the building, when closer by, he was attacked by the 2 men in front of the building and was injected with something strange in his right shoulder.


██████ Smith finally woke up and opened his eyes, located in a strange room, estimated to be around 2m x 2m with a chair in the middle where he was attached to. Once a small group of people in suits noticed he had woken up he was brought to an interview room where he was first of interviewed about the car that started floating while ██████ Smith was on duty. After said interview took place he sat waiting in the same interview room for someone outside that needed to enter. Once they entered the room and sat down a conversation took place regarding employment at this strange location. ██████ Smith did not even know where he was since the group of people never introduced themselves neither have they said what the companies name is that they all worked for. So he asked them about the things this strange company or group does and about the open position. They replied with "We are members of the SCP Foundation, we specialize in securing, containing and protecting anomalous objects, entities, and much more. Let me explain a bit more, We are in charge of dealing with the strange anomalies and entities that appear al throughout this world.", ██████ Smith cut him off right there and asked: "Wait, can you explain why you just said 'This world', I would really like to know what is going on here." They continued by explaining to ██████ Smith that the world he was in was simply one of many that had anomalous entities and objects that needed to be dealt with.

"The open spot you just mentioned, what is that about?" ██████ Smith asked, to which the person standing in the corner responded: "We would like you to work for us and provide security in this facility that we are currently located in." After a slight pause, ██████ Smith simply responded with: "Sure, but what will I need to be protection?", to which was once again replied to by the man in the corner: "People we call Class-D Personnel. they are basically death row inmates that have been sent to this facility to contribute to research and to uncover things about recently contained SCP's as we call them.".


A few days went passed and ██████ Smith was now officially working for the SCP Foundation as a security cadet. Not to long after being placed in the CDC, he noticed a group walking by regularly and asked one of his higher-ups who that group was and what they did, "Oh, That is the MTF regiment Epsilon-11, the basically deal with containing SCP's once they have breached and will try to get out-of-control situations back in-control". ██████ Smith was very interested in trying to become part of said regiment, so along with another cadet named Sharkvy, they approached what was said to be the commander of which we didn't yet know the name of. "Hello, Could we please join Epsilon-11". After a short silence he replied with, "Literally AFK, give me a moment.", Both ██████ Smith and Cadet Sharkvy were confused as to what was just said, however they didn't think much of it. A couple of hours they were both picked up from the CDC by the commander of epsilon-11, and were then brought to the bunk area of the regiment where they were both asked a handful of questions and were instructed on the use of a special piece of equipment they called the: "Anomaly Containment Beam". After this useful instructional guide on how it was used they were both placed in the epsilon-11 regiment and simply took part in regular patrols and the containing of breached SCP's


Today is yet another regular day with a simply breach, and not much more happening when all of a sudden, ██████ Smith was sent a message via his personnel tablet from the commander, The message read as following:



Now a couple of days later, he was promoted to the first even LT of the MTF Epsilon-11 Regiment. Which was fantastic, at first ██████ Smith didn't really do much besides host a couple of tryouts, and assist / lead when SCP's breached their containment. This cycle continued for a pretty large amount of time when at one point, he received another message, however this time the message was from someone that went by the name of "Ethics Director Marco", the message read as following:

Ethics Director Marco: █████-1 Commander.
Ethics Director Marco: Yes or no.
██████ Smith: Uhh, sure.

And so, ██████ Smith became the █████-1 Commander everything seems to be going well, people are getting promoted and demoted, many operations happen and everyone seems to be happy with the state that █████-1 is in, however Ethics Director Marco already had plans to do a regimental wipe and practically rework the entire regiment. A day or 2 later from when that was said, around 10 members were kicked from the regiment simply for the fact that Ethics Director Marco wanted to wipe most people before the rework.


Once again things seem to be going well, all the patrols were going nicely and the weather was also pretty good, at some point however throughout the day, ██████ Smith stumbled across a group of Epsilon-11 standing in front of a door screaming that a breached SCP's was located inside, ██████ Smith stupidly walked straight into the room were not 1, but 2 breached SCP's were located, the thing that was most confusing is the part the neither of the 2 breached SCP's were attacking anyone. He tried to gather the group of MTF to start shooting the SCP's and proceed with the containment of those 2. However ██████ Smith was caught on CCTV in 4k resolution after someone uploaded said CCTV footage to the foundation network system.


"Everyone found and identified in that CCTV footage will lose their MTF Positions."


██████ Smith has just gotten removed from his position as the commander of █████-1, without anything left to do he fled the foundation and died in the cold weather on the surface close to the entrance, a note was later found in his pocket stating the following: "██████ █████████ ██ ██████ ██████████ ██ ████ ████████ █████████"

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Deleted member 1285

+ + + Huge Support
+ Ex O1 Commander - High dedication towards the committee.
+ Mature, well fit for ethics member.
+ Funny person - great interactions in game with.
+ + Great potential towards the ethics committee.

+ + + + Good luck Daanvy bless up ?
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Well-known Member
Mar 24, 2022
Major + Support

+ Active on IG and TS
+ Works closely with Ethics / Member of O-1 (Ex-Com)
+ Outstanding RP interactions
+ Enormous knowledge of the CoE and CoC
+ Mature and professional at all times
+ Great leader
+ Outstanding Application

There isn't much for me to say, actions speak louder than words and Daanvy has demonstrated this several times during his service and time on site. Daanvy will make a fine addition to the Ethics team as well as the SCP Command. Good luck and I hope you get it!
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Deleted member 55

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The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Daanvy's application for a position as Ethics Committee Assistant.

Thank you for showing your interest in the position of Ethics Committee Assistant, the committee is in agreeance that you currently aren't suited to be a committee member. We are willing to offer you an assistant position, if you wish to take this role please contact me.

You will be put on a trial period for two weeks for the assistant position if you are to agree.

Once again, The Ethics Committee appreciates the time and effort you put into your application.

Signed and Approved

Director of the Ethics Committee.​
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