[UK] Dave's second Consultant app.

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Jun 22, 2022


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:94165728
Discord name: daszker
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Around 1.2-1.5k hours.
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: Poland
Time zone: GMT+2
Character name(s): Dave Frontownic
Civilian name: "Mr. Friendly"
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes.

Held Positions

Dpt. Director of Medicine - Held
Consultant of Medicine - Held
UNGOC Major - Held

Bans, Kicks or Warns

As I stated in my previous application, I had been banned once before on accident because the moderator wasn't aware how to punish me, so I was banned for 7 days off the server. Apart from that, no active warnings.

Reasoning for why I want to become a Consultant.

The reason for applying has not changed one bit ever since I had last posted my application. I still want to spread my knowledge of my past experiences with medical and want to provide for the medical department. I see that the department is doing great, but I still want to put some things into the department that could maybe change how things are done in this department.

Reasons why I am suitable to be Consultant.

I still have 3 reasons why I am suitable for Medical Consultant:
  1. I am honest and transparent with my work. I always talk with other people about my projects and want to have people engage with them and give their own opinions.
  2. I am always punctual with the things I do. When I set a goal for myself to do something, I always do it before the deadline.
  3. I have past and extensive experience as Medical Leads. Picked up a lot of important skills while being those and found what is good and what is definitely bad for it. I have good understanding of what might be a problem in a certain situation and I am always looking hard to fiding a solution to that problem.

In-game procedure

For this application, I will explain a simple procedure of fixing a broken bone. First of all, we will be notified of someone with a broken limb. Then we will transport that person into medbay and scanned for the broken limb. After the broken limb has been found, we can start preparing calcium for the correct limb with !medic and purchasing a beaker, flask and calcium for the specific limb. Last but not least, we mix the ingredients and give him the calcium. If we did everything correctly, he can use the limb.

Responsibilites of a Consultant

Consultant's job is simple on surface, but its quite complicated with what he is able to do. For instance, his main job is to oversee the department when DoM is not around. He is eyes and ears for the medical's head. Second job is to create ways for lower clearence level personnel to interract with CL4 personnel and above through surgeries and other medical RP scenarios. Consultants have a important role to fill in as its a CL4 job.

Storyline of my character

- Alright, is this on..? - A figure is looking hastily into the camera and down on the monitor, realising it is on.
The man is visibly seen visibly in distress. He is wearing an old black suit, with a shirt that is wrinkled and has droplets of blood on it. He has a beaten up face and is seen looking around the room a lot.

- Oh..! Great, it is. *Ekhem* Hello! I am Department Director of Medicine Dave Frontownic from Site 40. I have been working here for.. um.. too long to count and remember hah.. - He pauses for a longer time to check his surroundings.
- Ah.. yes almost forgot why I was recording this. I am here to record this to keep my memories on this flash drive. I have been witness to so many horrible things that the world and the Foundation shouldn't have been witness. The importance of thi.. - He stops when he sees a man walking by in medbay, visibly shocked by this he hides with the laptop beneath the table. All we can hear is heavy breathing and footsteps. The footsteps get quieter and after sometime they stop. Dave gets up from beneath the desk.
- They almost found me, the bastards. Where was I..? Ah yes, the importance of this video is enormous. To me, at least. Site 40 is hiding something, I knew it all along. There have been cases of people coming back from death under different names with each time they start to become more.. wrong. They start to talk slower and feel more metallic. They don't sound like humans or look like ones either. I am probably the only person that is sane enough to say it. - He looks around to see if the next words he says won't get interrupted.
- I need to get out of here and report this to someone, these people are infected and mentally unstable. Nothing here makes sense, I need to get out! - After he shouts the last words, he visibly changes from anger to nothing and then.. to fear from what he just said.
The video feed then shows 1 hour of Dave Frontownic sitting in his chair sobbing, laughing and screaming at the same time. Someone comes into the room, where they see the Director sitting in a embryonic position.

- Hey.. Dave? You haven't been around for the past 7 days..? Are you alright? - The mysterious person in Consultant attire talks after walking closer to the director.
- STAY BACK YOU FILTHY MACHINE! - Dave screams with all his energy in lungs after pulling out a .45 ACP pistol he had stashed in his drawer and shoots the Consultant dead.
Realising the gravity of his situation, he runs out of the room. Leaving the video feed at the blank room with only screams and laughter coming from the halls while others are panicking and desperately trying to escape the evil maniac with a gun.
Afterwards, Dave has been killed in a shoot out with General Security forces, but his remains were tested on for potential way of cloning. He was the first successful test subject to get cloned, but his memories from that incident were nonexistant and jumbled. The only thing left was for the Foundation staff responsible for this cloning to decide his fate.

- ARE YOU INSANE? He just murdered 3 people from the last site he was in, why send him to a different site to the same department?! - General Manager of the site is talking to a man standing infront of him. He has a cheeky smile and is smoking taking out a flask with a liquid in it, afterwards he takes a swig and clears his throat.
- Well, are you forgetting that he has done for the Foundation? We need his expertise and skill set in that Site. Besides, he has forgotten everything involving that incident.
- Alright.. but what if he has another mental breakdown?
- Ah, this is why I have you. Study this and do anything that could keep him under control. - As he said it, he pulls out a flash drive.
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-Has a Brain, something the majority of the server lacks.
-Is competent.
-Isin't a prick.
-Not Deranged (in public)

As for concerns his brain can shit itself, but only temporarily.

These are the qualities of an excellent Consultant. I think Comadreja aka Dave has them.

Lore was detailed and nicely written, but it didin't engage me or keep me thrilled. (I didin't check the attached stuff to it just the forums stuff.)

The following message is composed via consensus of the medical leadership team.

Hello, @Daszker . Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation.

After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this role reassignment request. This request is to be denied. No further action is required.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.
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