What does this suggestion change:
Give dea operative a reason to be actually played i know that it gives early access to dea but i feel like me and a few others would also want it to have a gun that is unique to Lower down players in dea for example A m4a1 sopmopd block 2 or the AS-VAL either put in the utilty or the attack section whichever one fits the role better the asval because nu-7 use to get it (ive been handed a m4a1 sopmod block 2 by nu-7 on multiple occasions or the asval due to it being already implemented with dea department) This could be balanced by either giving ci a buff on a gun that isnt already overused eg their base gun ak47 or a gun within one of their Whitelisted departments.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Yes the loadout change that was implemented about 1 months ago for multiple dea jobs but this is just for 1 specfic role compared to multiple.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
it would make people that main dea but never get the credits you need to rank up have a reason to play or atleast pay to play.
Alongside that people would actually sorta enjoy getting on dea more.
Might actually give us a solid fight against ci jugg as it takes like 3 qbz mags to fully kill him.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Would make this job more popular then other dea jobs that get worse guns
Would maybe overpopularize dea(low chance) (this would be too hard on the higher up team)
Would just ruin deas "balanced" loadouts.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Based on the postivies and negatives this suggestion should be accepted because dea is a very much dead department and it might bring some people back to our department alongside actually giving us more quality (we are more combative then nu-7 atm)
Give dea operative a reason to be actually played i know that it gives early access to dea but i feel like me and a few others would also want it to have a gun that is unique to Lower down players in dea for example A m4a1 sopmopd block 2 or the AS-VAL either put in the utilty or the attack section whichever one fits the role better the asval because nu-7 use to get it (ive been handed a m4a1 sopmod block 2 by nu-7 on multiple occasions or the asval due to it being already implemented with dea department) This could be balanced by either giving ci a buff on a gun that isnt already overused eg their base gun ak47 or a gun within one of their Whitelisted departments.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Yes the loadout change that was implemented about 1 months ago for multiple dea jobs but this is just for 1 specfic role compared to multiple.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
it would make people that main dea but never get the credits you need to rank up have a reason to play or atleast pay to play.
Alongside that people would actually sorta enjoy getting on dea more.
Might actually give us a solid fight against ci jugg as it takes like 3 qbz mags to fully kill him.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Would make this job more popular then other dea jobs that get worse guns
Would maybe overpopularize dea(low chance) (this would be too hard on the higher up team)
Would just ruin deas "balanced" loadouts.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Based on the postivies and negatives this suggestion should be accepted because dea is a very much dead department and it might bring some people back to our department alongside actually giving us more quality (we are more combative then nu-7 atm)
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