[UK] Eden's Chief of Security Application

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Eden "Ratchet" Snyder

Well-known Member
Jul 12, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:442933357
Discord name: Eden#0324
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since late March. Total playtime is 506.9 hours.
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: GMT/BST

Character name(s): Eden "Ratchet" Snyder, 'Spearhead'

Civilian name: Charlie Watson

What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Nope.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

E-11 PVT (holding)
GSD Captain (holding) [R-3 COM]
CI-Delta (holding)
SCP-096 (holding)
IA & Intelligence Agent (holding)

E-11 SGT (held)
E-11 LT (held)
[FR-1] [DSG-1] [1st IC of Squadrons]

Why are you applying for the Chief of Security?

The primary reason is because I am very interested in the role, having had experience of what it entails. When I joined the Departmental Seniors as a CPT, I saw massive potential within the GSD. Since then, I have worked extensively with the Chiefs to improve the structure and organisation of the DPT.

An example of this is when I noticed that there was no significant guidance for CPTs on how to effectively punish people who misbehave repeatedly as Gensec. To combat this, we created the "GSD Punishment Codex and Ban Logs", accompanied by guidance for when and (just as importantly) when not to give jail time, logged warnings, or job bans. This was difficult to do, as many CDTs and OFCs are new to the server so they are likely unfamiliar with the rules. We accounted for this by putting heavy emphasis on the duty of the CPTs to mentor new members, and advised them to prioritise verbal warnings for most small-scale offences, if the offender understood their mistakes once it was explained and were apologetic. The end result, I feel, will go a long way to improve the department.

Another issue was that existing documentation was difficult to find. In addition, new documentation that was being created was getting lost quickly due to there being no place to log it. As a solution, I put together two "Documentation Hubs"; one for CJO+ (featuring logs for document development), and one for the public so that all the links a new player might need are in an easy-to-find place.This should hopefully reduce confusion for CPTs and allow for increased cooperation by DPT Seniors.

I also worked on a new roster and a proposal to introduce more structure into the upper positions of the GSD. The roster provides much-needed organisation and acts as a way to manage CJO administration.

Another reason I am applying is so that I can introduce new policies to get non-CPTs more engaged in the GSD and boost the roleplay potential of the Department. A few of my ideas include:

  • Frequent trainings: these would vary from small-scale leaderhip training with CPTs and SGTs to large combat & protocol trainings involving RRT or the wider department. These would all be conducted within RP and should be both enjoyable attend and to lead.

  • Mentoring for SGTs: CPTs would be tasked with expanding the skillset of SGTs who are interested in advancing to higher positions. It also gives a direct point of contact if the SGT has any questions or needs help.

  • Lectures: I would encourage CPTs to plan and host lectures for the GSD focusing on protocols, regulations, and useful advice, so that new players are able to interact with Departmental Seniors and learn any important information they haven't picked up from documents.

  • Interdepartmental cooperation: long-term, once RRT is in a good state, I would be interested to set up joint trainings with E-11, Nu-7, and the Medical Department to improve teamwork and communication.

What makes you suitable for Chief of Security?:

1. Experience- I've been playing very frequently as a CPT for the past month now and as an RRT SGT semi-frequently for the 3 months before that. During this time, I have gained valuable knowledge and developed effective ways to manage D-Block during most situations. I put together a "GSD Management Strategies" instruction manual to provide a clear and simple rundown of these, so that SGTs and other CPTs can utilise the techniques as well.

As an RRT SGT, I worked on what became the "GSD Starter's Guide"; a comprehensive introduction to Gensec for new players, aiming to reduce their reliance on the outdated/complicated manuals that are on SCiPNet. My previous experiences helped me greatly during its creation, and I was able to gain valuable insight though the CPTs.

2. Diligence- I always put in large amounts of effort into every task I undertake, which I think is important for a position such as this. I have experience in writing documents and creating spreadsheets. I've put together a list of the past projects I've worked on:
E-11 Training Manual
E-11 Basic Training Procedure
E-11 Tryout Procedures
E-11 Tryout Information
E-11 HCZ Protocol Guide
E-11 Frontrunners Squadron Document
E-11 Jackals Squadron Document
E-11 Drill Sergeants Squadron Document (co-authored)
E-11 Roster (redesigned)

CI Roster (the new one)
GSD Starter Guide
GSD Management Strategies
GSD Document Hubs
GSD Codex & Ban Logs
GSD Protocol Handbook (WIP)
GSD Roster
GSD Management Trello

3. Activity and Maturity- I have a high playtime and I’m active, so I think I’d be a familiar face and easily approachable. I have a good knowledge of both IC and OOC rules and have no warns on my record. When on-site, I try to conduct myself in a professional manner, whilst being open, friendly, and available to give help and advice to those who need it.

4. Management and Leadership- I have held a couple of minor leadership positions in the past, so my skills in that area are well-developed. As a CPT, I particularly enjoy teaching new CDTs the basics of their job, introducing them to their equipment and the radio, and giving them simple rundowns of the protocols in place for different jobs in D-Block. After becoming a CPT, I found effective ways to delegate tasks and organise my subordinates, allowing me to step into a management position, but take control as a leader if needed. I believe I have sufficient ability in this area to move to the next step up the ladder.

What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Security in RP?:

They have a wide range of duties, but I've tried my best to organise them into four primary categories.
  • Management of the Department
    • Full-department organisation
    • Administrative work (roster management, LoAs, discharges)
    • Giving orders to GSD whilst on-site
    • Organising regular meetings to keep CPTs informed with the latest development and act on suggestions
    • Providing training and mentorship
  • Recruitment
    • Approving/denying CPT applications on the forums
    • Conducting interviews for applicants that pass the first stage
    • Giving welcome tours and inductions to new CPTs
    • Monitoring SGTs who have good potential
  • Working with CPTs
    • Assigning them "Areas of Responsibility"
    • Issuing them with orders
    • Mentoring new CPTs and providing help if needed
    • Ensuring all CPTs are active and contributing to the DPT
    • Reprimanding misbehaving CPTs (+ ensuring CoC & CoE are being adhered to)
    • Reviewing and approving submitted GSD documents
  • Departmental Development
    • Working on ways to improve the DPT and be open to suggestions from CPTs
    • Writing documentation (e.g. instruction manuals, guides, handbooks)
    • Creating new policies, should they be needed
    • Working closely with Site Administration & Site Command to ensure standards are being upheld
    • Acting on any orders given by SA/SC
    • Looking for issues within the DPT and seek to resolve them
    • Seeking ways to boost interdepartmental cooperation

Please give some lore about your Chief of Security character and what storylines they would be involved in:

(read from first to last if you want it in chronological order)

EDIT: Fixed font size.
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Well-known Member
Jan 21, 2022
Prague, Czech Republic


One of the most competent and mature captains we've ever had. Made or helped make a major part of the current documentation that's being used by the department. He is approachable, friendly and i enjoy working with him. Definitely suitable for Chief of Security.

Spearhead has proven himself capable for all of his current duties and has clearly demonstrated fitness to accept more.

He works dilligently alongside the senior GSD team to develop our external documents and can evidence an excellent standard of literacy.

During debate with other senior GSD members I have personally witnessed him demonstrate an astute grasp of logic and problem solving - being quick to lend his voice in support of positive changes and constructive critique to negative changes.

He would be an asset to the GSD senior team and Site-65 at large.
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CI Lawliet Marauder

Active member
Sep 9, 2022


One of the most competent and mature captains we've ever had. Made or helped make a major part of the current documentation that's being used by the department. He is approachable, friendly and i enjoy working with him. Definitely suitable for Chief of Security.
+ Support
All of what Jerma has said I completely agree with he is the best GENSEC has to offer and would make an excellent chief.
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