[UK] Edward "Pointman"'s Special Agent application.

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Active member
Jun 23, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:153229445

Discord name: _dokke

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
4 to 5 weeks.

Age: 17

In what country are you located?: Netherlands

Time zone: GMT+2

Character name(s): Edward "Pointman"

Civilian name: Bob Bobinson

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes

What are your total levels?: Total 95. Combat 28. D class 27. Research 12. SCP 8. Support 20.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
I would like to say i am a GSD captain (Junior CL4)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Only warnings.

More than a month ago:
Metagaming | NLR
Mixing | FearRP | RDM
Spawn camping


How long have you been a Senior Agent for?
2 to 3 weeks

Why are you applying for Special Agent?
Due to DEA having a ton of members i go along well with. I also really enjoy the role and what it it implies. Leadership on DEA was very friendly to me when i joined and i was inspired because they really tried to fix up DEA when i started. DEA is also now active meaning there's actual reason to be on the job.

What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:
I'd like to think i am very experienced in combat. I am also a good scout for DEA considering GOIs or civillians like rangers getting out of hand.

How many documents have you written?
I have written a few documents about an event but sadly they never got accepted.

What makes a document good?:
Format, Clarity, Proper writing.

What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:
To command Senior and normal agents (+operatives).
To switch in for Agency managers.
To train new DEA and properly recruit them.
Lead negotiations.
Respond to GOIs.

Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Based in the U.S.A. "Pointman" was part S.W.A.T, he mainly dealt with terrorism attacks. He got his nickname by always being the first man to breach. His commanding officer called him his "Lucky charm" because he somehow managed to take point so many times without casualties. One day though after a terrorism attack his commanding officer asked him a question: "Do you wish to further your carreer?" He then gave him a meeting with a mysterious man. This man offered him a job with a very good paycheck. "Pointman" declined. The man then said: "It's not just a paycheck. We have terrorists of our own we need men to defend against. "Pointman" then got explained the actual way the job worked. Not specifics, ofcourse since he wasn't part of the external affairs department yet. But what he knew was there was a group out to destroy the world, and he didn't want that to happen.

He went on many missions attempting to gather info on SCPs, GOIs, and anything else the foundation needed him to.
He gained recognition through all of this, making his department director notice him and promote him to Senior Agent.

Now he spends his days helping agents when he has time, Defending the facility, And fighting back against these raiders.
Jul 21, 2022


-Recently broke server rules.
-Minge on other jobs.

-the Lore is lacking.
-the why you are suitable question, you should tell us about that experience, as saying "im experienced" is not enough.


Active member
Jun 23, 2023


-Recently broke server rules.
-Minge on other jobs.

-the Lore is lacking.
-the why you are suitable question, you should tell us about that experience, as saying "im experienced" is not enough.
For the suitable question:
Well i meant that i'd consider myself pretty decent in combat, and that im pretty good at scouting if any GOIs attempt a raid like CI or any other events happen. But i get that you might misunderstand that.

Also the recent breakage of server rules:
It was a miscommunication on my part due to me thinking something was allowed when it wasnt. I talked about it and understood.

The minging part i do feel insulted by but if you think so i won't complain. I don't exactly know what this means so i cant comment.

And for the lore part:
I do admit i have issues writing it sometimes.

I'm sad to see this but i hope you atleast change your mind by this reply. If not i hope there's no issues between us.

Department of External Affairs

Thank you for showing interest in becoming a Special Agent. We have decided to elevate your application to the next stage; please wait to be contacted.

Marco "Benvolio" Portson
Department of External Affairs, Deputy Director

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