[UK] 'Entertainer' s Special Agent Application.

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:579931514
Discord name: Archiethegoaty#1123
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Used to play like 1-2 years ago. Been playing again for about 2-3 weeks.
Age: 16.
In what country are you located?: UK.
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): ‘Entertainer’ ( Formally known as John “ Joe “
Civilian name: Joe Mason Andy
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
What are your total levels?: 81

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
DEA Senior Agent- Current
NU-7 LCPL- Held
E-11 LCPL- Held
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
1 for Mixing(Failrp), Admin unrightfully warned me and I dont know how to appeal it.
2 FearRP. I had a shield up and didn't know the rules on it.
Others are from 2022. ( pretty sure they are irrelevant. )
How long have you been a Senior Agent for?
1 week. ( Got permission from Director to time skip!)
Why are you applying for a Special Agent position?

I am applying for a Special Agent position because I believe I have what it takes to become one. My skills and qualities make me a suitable candidate for the position as I am well-disciplined, Knowledgeable and excel in high-stress situations.

I have had a great interest in becoming this position ever since I joined the server, and now hopefully I can fulfill that and become a full fledged Special Agent.

Another Reason on why I should become a Special Agent is how active I am. I am on for 5-6 Hours a day nonstop, getting myself involved in all types of RP that range from CI Raids or hostage negotiations, surface operations etc.
What makes you suitable for a Special Agent?:

I Believe I am a suitable candidate for Special Agent as I show great core strengths and skills. I am super active on the server. I respect everyone whether they are a Class-D or the 05 Council, it doesn't make a difference!

Another reason is my creativity. I am good at creating ideas and putting them into place, and this could massively help DEA. These could be Operations, Checkpoint locations or even new strategies to find Chaos Insurgency Deep Cover.

And last but not least I want all members of DEA to be included and have good RP interactions. It doesn't matter what rank they are everyone should get a turn at being apart of the RP.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:

Over my time in this server and other servers, I have made quite a few documents. They aren't the best I admit but they are alright. I used to play RSD back in the day and made quite a few documents and they were alright.

A document is made good by the formatting. You want a super nice and neat format that makes it clear to read for people looking at it and just makes it look way better. Another one is the information and how it is presented. Make it stick to the topic instead of going off topic. Give it loads of Information but not that much that the reader is overwhelmed.
What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:

The Responsibilities of Special Agents in RP are:

Granting/Getting Matadors for Enemy BTRs.
This is a key part for Surface RP and surface PVP as without this the SCP Foundation would not stand a chance against its foes.

Leading/assisting with Hostage Negotiations
This is the most important aspect of GOI RP. Special Agents help with high stress hostage negotiations whether onsite or on Surface, Special Agents have you covered.

Hosting Agent Inductions
Without this there wouldn't be any DEA Agent at all! Special agents host tryouts for Aspirants wanting to join the DEA Ranks.

Assisting Agents
Special Agents are seen as top notch DEA Agents, and know way more than newer agents. If an Agent has an enquiry/question then they should direct it to them.

Supervising Agents
Sometimes agents mess up, and this is why we have Special Agents. A Special Agent may PT/Strike an Agent if they deem necessary.
Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:

John ‘Entertainer’ Joe was born on the 21st of January in 1996. At a very young age ‘Entertainer’ had a great passion for guns and fighting. At the age of 7 he joined a Kung Fu class for children and took very great interest in it.

At 11 his dad took him hunting, and here he found his passions for guns. He had a great shooting ability whether it be long range or short range.

When he graduated school in the UK he went straight to the Army where he join a Special Operations task force that was made up of Rangers and Paratroopers. He excelled in his unit and soon got to platoon Sergeant.

After serving 3 years in the military a Special Organisation known as the SCP Foundation saw his abilities. Later that day he was kidnapped in a black van and brought to Site 65. Where he was then interviewed and put to the test by Director ‘Dennid’ and Manager ‘Knight’. Both individuals were impressed by him and offered him a position within DEA as an Agent.

From there on out he proved himself to be the best of the best, dealing with MC&D, Civilians and CI. After a year or so he got given the rank of Senior Agent.

On a normal sunny Monday, Director ‘Dennid’ got kidnapped by a CI Deep Cover mission. Senior Agent ‘Entertainer’ stormed the room and killed both Deep Covers. Later that day he got called into the DEA Director's office and there got promoted to the Rank of Special Agent. Still to this day he is seen performing his duties and dedicating his life to the Foundation.

Glory to the Foundation!
May 26, 2023


The following message is composed via consensus of External Affairs Leadership.

Hello @'Entertainer' ,

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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