[UK] Erl Carlson Executive Researcher Application

  • Thread starter Deleted member 2482
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Deleted member 2482

Steam ID: 76561199108989467
Discord name: IanisDo#7091
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 330 hours
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: Romania
Time zone: UTC+2
Character name(s): Erl Carlson
Civilian name: Bill Jackson
What server are you applying for? UK
Do you have a mic?: yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: SCP-096 / CI-B / MTF Nu7 LCPL
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
1 Warning for Pac 3 abuse ( I changed my player model to that of an admin and joked that I should take peaples sits, it lasted for 1 minute and I turned it off by my own accord )
1 Warning for Pac 3 abuse ( Wearing cat ears )
1 Warning for RDM ( I missclicked more here: https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/rdm-warn-appeal.5141/#post-34260)
1 Warning for FailRP (I changed my job to an SCP when jailed)

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
I'm applying for executive researcher for multiple reasons, one of them is conducting CL. 4 Research, while I have already done some CL. 4 Research with the appropriate approval from executives/ethics department, I want to do more research and having to wait for an executive to come around is not that fun, also I'm sure it's not fun for them to have to deal with me anytime they're online. Another reason is that I love reading Research papers whether in-game or on the SCP-Wiki, for example just today I have read all the files in game and also on the wiki and made a presentation about SCP-035. Another reason is that I like helping people do good, for example over the past week I must have had at least 10+ Jr researchers whom I helped with the test, most of the time just explaining what mixing is but also sometimes doing a discord call to explain them the rules needed for the tests.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
I think that an executives researchers main goals are to grade papers and instruct researchers on SCP's and how to deal with them / how to make research papers. And I think I have proved to have a grasp of what makes a good document having all 5 of my documents graded excellent, and I have also shown at least interest in instructing researchers by as I stated helping Jr's with the test but also hosting a lecture about SCP-035, I do plan on hosting more lectures on more lectures about specific SCP's since the last one proved a success with 10 people attending it without anyone being forced to

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent:
I currently have 5 6 7 9 excellent documents:

SCP-294/682 Crosstest ( I successfully kill 682 using a cup of 294 set on death)
Electroshock on 049-2 (I revive a dead 049-2 and find out that you can revive zombies and they turn into humans)
Rating Software using SCP-079 (an interview with 079 where he tells me about how much he hates modern technology)
SCP-999/SCP-096 Crosstest (I successfully calm down SCP-096 using 999)
SCP-049-2/SCP-294 Crosstest (Anticipation test for SCP-294/682 Crosstest where I prove that you can kill SCP's with 294)
[19/7/2022] Organic SCP-914 study (I test whether SCP-914 set on 1:1 changes the conciseness of subjects)
[20/7/2022] Research Study on SCP-966 ( A 15 page paper too detailed to describe here )
[21/7/2020] SCP-008 Sample test ( A test about getting samples from SCP-008 and analyzing them its pretty detailed)
[21/7/2020] SCP-914 Organic Research part 2 ( I find out that coarse gives brain damage fine improves brain nothing and 1:1 changes personality)

An excellent document must have good formatting , in my opinion the most important factor other then the content itself is good formatting. That entails a title card (optional), introduction (optional), aim, theory (optional), method, experiment, conclusion. Another thing that makes a document excellent ( at least in my opinion) is making a document unique. For example this could either be a cross test or testing some unique property ( electroshock on 049-2 would be an example ) , now I don't believe having a mundane document would be disqualify it from being an excellent one, but I would argue that a document that is unique is way more appealing. A third factor would be good grammar, the document must have good spelling and must lack grammatical errors. Another important criteria is volume an excellent document must have at least 4 pages and it must contain as much detail as possible

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
From what I've seen the department is a mix of 3 roles. Research/Lead/Teach. The first one Research is obvious they conduct research on CL. 4 anomalies. The Lead role is about approving the right kind of documents and correcting mistakes and generally helping with publishing papers also punishing researchers that have been doing unethical stuff or otherwise deserved a ban from the the research department. The third role Teach is about teaching Jr Researchers and researchers in general how to conduct research/follow safety protocol and so on.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Erl Carlson was born in Romania after high school he went on to study in Germany Biology where he exelt at. After a 4 year Batchlor degree and a 2 years masters he found a job at a german company OrbiCo, one of the fronts for the foundations research foundations in europe. There he began working on simple CL.1 anomalous objects after 3 years he was promoted to a CL.2 Researcher and was offered a job at Site 65 where he began working on more complex anomolies such as SCP-035 in which he specialized for a while, after another 5 years he was promoted to a CL.3 researcher. Where he successfully killed SCP-682. Personality wise Erl Carlson is an outgoing sometimes maybe to loud personal but generaly someone who wishes everyone the best
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+ Big Support!
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+ Good research
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+ Active researcher
+ Seems to have good knowledge on research
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