[UK] Ganch's Site Advisor Application

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Nov 27, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:71315085
Discord name: Ganch
For how long have you played on CG SCP: On and off since November 2022. Right now have 4 days 20 hours past month playtime
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: Finland
Time zone: EET (GMT+2)
Character name(s): "Ganch"
Civilian name: Jack Sheen
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Ethics Assistant (Holding)
IA Agent (Holding)
E-11 CPL (Held)
Nu-7 CPL (Held)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: See screenshot1701637040657.png
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?:

Ever since becoming more interested in the server and its RP, I have always wanted to reach a higher position where i would be able to affect mine and other peoples RP in a positive way, and I believe after a month and a half of being an ECA I am ready for the next step forward. As for why specifially Site Advisor, I believe out of all the roles that I am able to choose, it is the next logical step. Considering the duties I have done within ECA are similar to Site Advisor, just that Site Advisor is in a bigger scale overall.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:

With my experience as an ECA and due to the responsibilities that come with it, I believe I am ready for whatever Site Advisor brings.
I find myself as a person that is easy to approach and talk to, which is important for the position of Site Advisor, and due to that I find it easy to create RP for myself and people around me, as an important part of RP is communication with other individuals.
I am also very eager to always learn and improve upon myself, and I believe during my time as an ECA I have been able to improve myself a great amount.
During my time as an ECA I have been tasked with leading the site, interviewing people, doing reviews on departments and answering a great amount of questions, which all are important duties of Site Administration.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:

Site Administration is tasked with many duties, some of these duties are:
1. Leading the site during and outside of emergency codes.
2. Keeping and improving relations with other GOIs.
3. Insuring communication between departments is up to standard and resolving disputes between them if their department leads are unable to.
4. Doing monthly reviews of the departments on site, conducting interviews with the personnel, making sure they do their duties correctly and efficiently, and acting as a point of contact if any issues arise that the department leads are unable to deal with.
5. Creating RP for everyone on the server, be it GOIs or departments within the site.
6. Approving specific testing, if the test is deemed necessary to be approved by a member of Site Administration.
7. Authorizing AA during emergencies, if it is deemed necessary.
8. Acting as a general rolemodel for everyone on site.
9. Voting on applications that the Site Director deals with and conducting the interviews for those positions, up to the discretion of the Site Director.
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
*Scene is set years back, while Ganch was still a Tech Expert. A normal day in the foundation, with Ganch in his bunks*
Tech Expert "Ganch" : Another awful day, another sip of this substance...
*Seen in the vial is a black liquid, assumed to be 106 samples, and Ganch drinks the entirety of it. However instead of the normal effects, he finds himself in an all white room.*
Ganch : What the... Where am I? Hello?
*His scream echoes throughout the room, but no answer is heard. Ganch wonders what the hell is happening, before a voice interrupts him*
??? : Hello Ganch, its not surprising that I find you here.
Ganch : Hello? You know me? Who are you?
??? : I'm you, just a different version, one that has been buried deep within your mind. Let me show you
*A mirror appears in front of Ganch, although instead of his reflection, he sees himself in the past*
??? : Look at you, young Jack, so unsure of himself, but knows that he wants to keep justice enforced. About to sign some papers that changes his entire future, but he doesn't know that yet.
*The mirror shifts into a different scenario, still of his own past*
??? : And look here, you quit from being a MTF operative and become an IA Agent. Finally some real progress!
*The mirror now shifts into the scene that just happened, with Ganch drinking the black liquid*
??? : But you had to go and fuck it up. Being addicted to 106 samples? Now you have appeared here from that. What has gotten into you?
Ganch : You of all people should know, after the incident, nothing has ever been the same.
??? : Of course it hasn't, but thats only because of you. You are stuck in the past, how about you let go and step into the future for once? Look again, in the mirror.
*The mirror now shows a reflection of himself, although showing himself in different positions that he could be in the future*
??? : See what you could do, if you just learned how to let go. But here you are, stuck as an addict.
Ganch : I couldn't ever come back after the incident.. What do you even want? Why are you telling me this?
??? : *Sighs* Because I'm you... Just from the past. Remember, you took control of the body once you got forced into being a Tech Expert? Let me take the controls again, and I'll promise, we will reach far.
Ganch : Right... And you think, even after that, you are able to succeed?
??? : Yes, i simply need to take control, and i promise we will reach far.
Ganch : Right... Wait, is this even real, Jack?
Jack : Of course it isn't you dumbass, we are in your head! That reminds me, somebody is trying to wake you up. Off you go!
*Ganch wakes up from his daydreaming, the scene is set in present day, with Ganch seemingly slumped over on his desk. A suited man is trying to talk to him*
ECM : Assistant, wake up.
Ganch : Oh hello sir, is there something you need? Sorry was thinking about something in the past..
ECM : Right daydreaming again... Could you go off and do something? You have been in your office all day..
Ganch : Right, of course sir...
*Scene is set in the Site Directors office, with the Director looking at envelopes of Site Advisor applications, before a specific envelope comes before him*
Legal Name: Jack Sheen
Code Name: Ganch
Occupation: Ethics Committee Assistant
Previous occupations: Nu-7 CPL, IA Agent, Tech Expert
Birthday: 03/08/19██
Introduction: Born to an immigrant family in the year 19██ in Helsinki, Finland. Jack Sheen went through a hard childhood. From xenophobia to growing up in a poor family, his living conditions were never the best. Although that never stopped young Jack from wanting to enforce justice. When Jack reached the age of 18 he got conscripted into the army, like everyone else. Although he chose to reside in the army after his mandatory 1 year service.
In the year 200█ an incident with SCP-████ caused him to become aware of anomalous beings, and the Foundation decided to recruit him after checking his files. Jack started off as a Nu-7, and got to the rank of CPL before deciding himself to become an IA agent instead.
Years passed by with Jack doing an excellent job, but due to an incident Jack was forced to change his occupation again. Jack, although devastated, chose to become a Tech Expert. Due to this incident, Jack doesn't want to be addressed by his previous name, and has chosen the codename "Ganch".
Later on Ganch became an Ethics Assistant, where he has done a great job. It seems after getting the position Ganch has gotten rid of his addiction for 106 samples, and from that changed personnalities, to one that wants to enforce justice any way he can. It seems from the psyche evals done on him that he is interested in higher positions than Ethics Assistant, the committee has encouraged him to chase his dreams instead of staying in that position.

*The Director picks up his phone, and makes a call*
*Scene is set back in the Assistants offices, with Ganch reading over a test approval document, with a researcher sitting on the opposite side of his desk*

Researcher : Please sir, understand me that i require this!
Ganch : No no, i understand. Simply put the problem with this is tha-
*Ganch is cut off by his phone ringing, with him taking it out of his pocket and reading who is calling him*
Ganch : Sorry i gotta take this one.
Ganch : Whats up director? Im in the middle of something.
Site Director : Right, i'll keep it short then. Get that something out of the way and get to my office.
Ganch : Right of course..
*Ganch hangs up and puts his phone back into his pocket*
Ganch : Sorry, I gotta go. The test isnt approved anyway. Come back after a revision.
*Ganch leaves in a hurry to the Directors office*
Ganch : You wanted me, sir?
Director : Sit down assistant. We have a lot to discuss.
*The door closes behind Ganch, and he sits down for an interview for the position of Site Advisor*


The following message is composed via consensus of Site Administration .

Hello, @Ganch . Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation.

After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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