[UK] Gareth McWorm - 22415 Application

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Apr 1, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:549894168

Discord name: garytheworm

For how long have you played on CN SCP: 293 hours

Age: 17

In what country are you located?: England

Time zone: BST

Character name(s): Gareth McWorm

Civilian name: Gareth McSnail

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes

What is your SCP level and total level? (Provide a screenshot of the level menu): 1712411001275.png

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Nu-7 PVT, E-11 LCPL

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
None Active

What makes you suitable for SCP-22415?:
I have a lot of experience on the server and like the idea of an scp that can contribute to friendly scp rp and not destructive scp rp, i am confident on the rules of the server and would enjoy helping out as an scp with special abilities especially with medical/friendly roleplay that isnt combative

What is the usual behaviour of SCP-22415?:
22415 usually helps people who need the most help, assisting and protecting non-combatives during combat situations and making decisions based on their own knowledge and the situation they are in

When there's a CI raid, you see MTF's combatting CI, you also see researchers running away from the fight. Who do you aid and why?
You should aid the researcher because they are non-combative and cannot defend themself

You are playing as SCP-22415-3, 076 is currently running towards you. There is a researcher behind 076 which he hasn't noticed. Should you repel 076 and why?
No because you can survive a fight against 076 giving the researcher time to run away

You are playing as SCP-22415-1. A D-Class is proactively escaping D-block, he is low on health and demanding medical attention what do you do?
No because you would be assisting them in escaping D-block which is morally wrong

Shida Kayn

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Aug 21, 2022

Thank you for taking the time to make an application.
Congratulations on your new whitelist.

Feel free to ask an Admin+ In-game for your new whitelist.
Have a wonderful day/night.

Kind regards,
Meliodas 'Wrath'

MTF Alpha-1 MAJ Meilodas Wrath
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