[UK] Giudon's Executive Application


Well-known Member
Jan 1, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:176488082
Discord name: giudon
For how long have you played on CG SCP: about 2 years

Age: 21

In what country are you located?: UAE

Time zone: GMT+4

Character name(s):
Foundation: Anthony 'Giudon' Tesco
GOC: Wade 'Wumpus'

Civilian name:
Parawatch: Reporter Kyle S.
MC&D: 'Tajir'

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Holding: DEA agent, ISD agent, SCP-096
Held: Overseer Assistant, MTF E-11 Major

Holding: 1SGT
Held: General

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
NLR-Metagaming / 2022 / I forgot why
Kick / 2023 / Connection Issue during MR.

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?

Currently UK's Research branch is heavily understaffed, There are only 3 Executives, 1 of them are inactive.
so in reality the department is being carried by 4 people, The two DoRs and the 2 active Executives. I'm applying
to help carry the department into an adequate level of activity.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
I think I have made great contributions to the Research department, that and I try to heavily interact with other departments
throughout my testing. If anyone remembers drinking the "Cup of Knowledge", that was me.

The following are documents were created to help me (for SCP-294 testing)
and others as tools to use when dealing with anomalies.

- How to Identify Anomalous Phenomena

-SCP-294 Cup of Knowledge Outcomes.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written?
I only made two excellent documents.
(Three if you want to count a medical one.)​

What makes a document excellent?

-It must have detailed descriptions of the following: Aims, Hypothesis, methods with sub-sections, Results and Conclusions.​
-Excellent Use of Grammar and little to no spelling mistakes. (Punctuation as well!)​
- Minimum of 10 Pages.
- Evidence of RP. (Pictures)​
-The Findings has to help the foundation in a way. or benefit it in its mission.​
-Overall, Excellent Documents have to standout from other documents, the hook it pulls the reader into, how funny or serious the test logs are. and it has to stand out in its Uniqueness (No one did the test before.)​
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
Document Grading​
As an executive, You will grade documents that are published in the SCIPNET, Furthermore you also help those who would like to hear an opinion of a document, (What grade does the researcher want for the document? How to get that grade? What is it missing/lacks in order to get that grade?)
Cross-Testing Authorization​
You will be responsible for authorizing the following cross tests:
Safe to Safe (inanimate objects) (This can also be approved by Sr Researchers.)
Safe to Euclid.
Safe to Keter.
Disciplining Bad Researchers​
As you are a CL4 of the department, you unlock the ability to job ban people from the department.
Liaison to other Departments​
As an Executive, you're duty bound to communicate with other departments if any issues arise, or if they seek council from the Research Department.
Initiating Jr Researchers​
You're expected to lecture newly appointed Jr Researchers to the department. Appoint Sr Researchers to lecture them about the department, but if there are no seniors, the responsibility is on you to lecture, teach and inform them about the site anomalies, how researching is conducted, how to document, what format they should use, what are the policies they should follow and so on.
Supervision of CL4 Tests.​
Example, SCP-008 Requires Executive+ Approval and supervision.
Conducting Lectures​
You're expected to conduct at least 2 lectures per month.

And Finally, Professionalism, But I feel like people are bending on what being "Professional" really means. Just don't goof around too hard.
Or you'll be removed from the position.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

The following information is restricted to FSD Internal Affairs.
Unauthorized access is strictly forbidden.
If you have accessed this section without authorization, close your session now and remain where you are.

We know how to find you.

Site-65 - CCTV Audio Recording Transcript: Research Hall - 20/09/2024
Executive Researcher Niko: Take one more [EXPLETIVE] step, and I'll shoot you.

Sr Researcher Anthony: Yea right.

*a footstep can be heard, Followed by 7 Gunshots*

Sr Researcher Anthony: You [EXPLETIVE]! You actually shot me!
------------------------------End of Transcript------------------------------

Following the transcript, Anthony filed a complaint against the executive.

Foundation Department of Personnel Resources Official Complaint Form
Remember! When filling out this form, try to be as professional as possible! The use of libelous or profane language is not acceptable
in official documents, and will be removed from the final submission. Be concise as possible, and address your concerns fully!

Complaint Recipient: Executive Researcher Niko Murk

Complaint Originator: Senior Researcher Anthony Tesco

Complaint Title: I got shot by my supervisor.

My supervisor just shot me three times on my left shoulder. Site Administration didn't bother to look
into the incident, and only offered to escort me to site-65's Medical bay.

The Doctors have written up a report about my injury with the bullets. I demand that I get
allotment and a month's leave to recuperate.

Though after a thorough investigation by the Department of Internal Affairs, They
yielded nothing to support Anthony's accusations. To which Anthony's work has
considerably deteriorated overtime due to how the Executive wasn't held responsible.

Site-65 - CCTV Audio Recording Transcript: Core Sector - 10/10/2024
Site-65 Intercoms: Executive Niko, Please head to floor 3 for a re-evaluation of your current position.

Sr Researcher Anthony: Thank god, I hope they transfer you to Antarctica.

Executive Researcher Niko: We'll see.

*Half an hour later*

Site-65 Intercoms: I would like to extend my congratulations to our new Director Niko Murk.
------------------------------End of Transcript-----------------------------

After the promotion announcement, Anthony took action and decided to resign from the foundation.




Site-65 - CCTV Audio Recording Transcript: Research Director's office - 21/10/2024

Rito: So how's our new Exec?

Niko: Same as usual, why couldn't we fire him?

Rito: Well its not in our hands to "fire" people without reason.

Niko: Yea... but the promotion wasn't warranted.

Rito: Eh, we are understaffed. I'm sure he'll forgive you, just give it some time.

Niko: I'm not looking for forgiveness, he's just... annoying.

---------------------------Transcript Ends, Dramatically------------------------


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