[UK] Gregory McCain Overseer Assistant Application #2

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Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Since Dec 29, 2021

In what country are you located?:
- Belgium

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Gregory McCain

Civilian name:
Steven McCain
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
🇬🇧 - SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Overseer O5-4
- Site Director (3x)
- Site Advisor (2x)
- Overseer Assistant (2x)
- Director of DEA/Intelligence (1x)
- IA Ambassador (2x)
- Executive Researcher (2x)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
Clean record

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:

I stand out from other candidates because of my previous experience and the work that I have put in towards bettering the RP experience around the site. During my previous tenure around the server, I have managed to climb the ranks towards the overseer council, this enabled me to incorporate more roleplay into the server where people get a fresh experience, something new instead of just performing the same actions over and over from a day to day bias. I am certain that the position of overseer assistant would enable me to bring a lot of content and roleplay back into the site. I have already talked with the current overseers about some roleplay storylines that I want to start, and I plan on starting them as soon as I have obtained the Overseer Assistant whitelist.
This also translates seamlessly into what my goals are for this tenure within the server, I simply want to create RP. I want people to be engaged, have some new events and storylines to be apart of and enjoy and to refresh the activities within the site by utilising the Overseer Assistant job as a methods to an end. The storylines that I wish to start would involve a couple of dupes and GM permissions, so this will be the next step to further enable me to bring fresh and quality roleplay back to Site-65.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:

Executing the directives of the Overseer Council:
The main and most important job of an Overseer Council Assistant is to assist and help execute the standing objectives of the overseer council. These objective and missions can change at any given point and it is up to the assistant to follow up on both the standing orders and the current relations and objectives of the overseer council members. To enable the completion of these missions and objectives, an overseer assistant may utilise members of Mobile Task Force Alpha-1.

Utilising their position within the Chain of Command:
Overseer Assistants find themselves above some of the junior clearance level 4 roles and below the actual senior clearance level 4 roles. This spot enables them to authorise Advanced Armoury and to supervise some of the daily tasks that these junior clearance level 4 members of staff have to execute. It also enables them to organise roleplay scenarios and events, although this is currently forgotten and underutilized.

Utilisation of Mobile Task Force Alpha-1:
Although not directly under their command, when no overseer is present, the members of Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 can be requested to aid an overseer assistant in obtaining their goals. Utilising the mobile task force should be seen as a perk, not a right. The members of the task force will always hold the right to break away from objectives given to them by an assistant and to continue with their other orders or their objectives. I do wish to provide the Alpha-1 regiment with content, as they are directly incorporated into my upcoming storyline(s). I do hope that these events will trigger their curiosity and will make them engaged with the storylines that I have in mind.

Watching over the Conduct violations/information breaches:
The Foundation Legal Codex has conduct violations assigned to it, and the assistants may help Site Administration and the Department of Internal Affairs uphold these regulations. If a department or person is seen violating these regulations, an overseer assistant can ensure that the site procedures are reminded to individuals. If an overseer assistant deems it necessary to take away the freedom from an individual breaking this codex, they may bring them to interrogations and have an internal affairs agent take care of them there.

Providing roleplay to the site:
The most important and mostly overlooked responsibility in my eyes. An overseer assistant has the permissions and the tools to start entire storylines and have people engaged with fresh and fun events. This has plagued the server for a while in my opinion, and it is in my eyes one of their main duties. You can create a lot of fun and engaging smaller events, like a simple bunk inspection, file cabinet raid, investigation, or even a standard patrol around the site. The creation of bigger roleplay scenarios could be considered hard. Because of that, I do not blame the current OSAs for not starting any noteworthy big RP storylines, but I do have the goal to start two big storylines, although these would require gamemaster assistance. I am also prepared to apply for the gamemaster position to provide these fun RP scenarios from the perspective of the Overseer Assistant character.

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

The following documentation is subject to CLEARANCE LEVEL 5 only:

> Gregory McCain personal file

The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .

Hello @Gregory McCain

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.
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