[UK] GSD Captain app

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:201515929
Discord name: .Mr.HomeWrecker.
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 year
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: BST
Character name(s): Donny 'Drogon' Bons
Civilian name: Randy Squarton
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
I hold 096 whitelist, current E-11 PVT, former NU-7 CPT, CI-A, IA agent and O-1 SGT
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- all expired 2 warns for RDM and 1 ban for xp farm

Why are you applying for Security Captain?:
When i first joined the server and unlocked cadet i enjoyed every minute of the GSD RP i climbed the levels and gained SGT and even went out of my way to gain the RRT licence a big majority of my time on the server was spent on GSD sitting in airlock, assisting researchers to partaking in sweeps i enjoyed it all being a captain would be a major spark of nostalgia and utilizing my skills today would make me an amazing captain.

Also assisting new cadets whether its showing them the ropes, helping them understand their duties and just be a rolemodel figure.
I also have an interest in progressing through the ranks of GSD and hopefully make it to CoS.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
Why i think i am suitable to be a GSD Captain would be the fact that i previously held a high authoritative position in
NU-7 in which i showed leadership skills such as leading operations, giving out orders, punishing those who did wrong and crediting those who did right i understand what it takes to be a leader and am more than capable in leadership scenarios. Another reason is i know the server rules specifically within D-Block and i also know the Foundation codex so i can assist IA when need be. When it comes to doing sweeps i believe i also would thrive as once again going back to NU-7 i led my units into battle against CI so my prep work is second to none.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
The responsibilities of a Captain are the following
- Maintain order of D-Block
- Teach new recruits and help them understand their duties
- Ordering GSD to positions such as airlock, watchtower or assisting researchers
- Doing heavy weapon licences (tryout)/RRT tryouts
- Mobilize RRT/order RRT to assist with codes such as code 2,5 or 1 also send RRT on patrols
- Call code 2's if in dire need (d-class are heavily armed)
- organize sweeps of D-Block this would be calling on GSD comms telling all GSD to line up on the wall, allowing other MTF to assist if need be, breifing the GSD on the plan of the sweep assigning GSD with sweep missions such as picking a few as shower team or cell team, ordering riot to utilize their shields to protect us.
- crediting the GSD if they do a good job in any task given

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in: (please dont go to hard on me lore isnt my strong spot)
"I was a warden or atleast i think" *sighs*
"all i remember from my past is that well before they took me in"

I am Donny Bons and this is my story!

During my younger years i was a well respected prison warden overlooking the worlds most dangerous criminals, from murders, seriel killers, high profile gang members and terrorists i overlooked them all.
One day a massive riot broke loose the worst any prison has ever seen me and my team and i were the first responders it was a bloodbath bodies of guards piled up bodies of prisoners slashed and cut we didnt have enough time to even think before we was surrounded by psychos me and my men tightened our formation and prepared for a fight the prisoners charged us and all our training was thrown out the window we desired to survive armed with measly rubber rounds we shot we hit we fell we fought has hard as we could i watched my men slowly fall so i took initiative and threw a flashbang down *bang* it was a wild choice considering danger close but it worked we slowly started to subdue the prisoners and it was over for my men atleast.

A day after the event i arrived to work and went to the locker room *slam* the door closed behind me and before i could even turn around everything went black.

I woke up in a dimly lit room and standing in front of me was a man or atleast a silhouette of a man.

"Hello, Donny glad to see you are awake"

"W-where am i" *i look around frantically*

"Where?" The man said with a humorous tone "where you are does not matter what matters is the job offer i have for you"

"Job?" i say with confusion

I can only assume the man grins as he says "We have been watching you we have seen your skills we have seen you achievements and we want you"

I cant help but be intrigued "What job?"

The man says "We want you to work in our private prison for death row inmates we have deemed you skillful enough to work for us"

For some reason hearing this man speak a unknown flame sparks inside you "Im guessing this is a offer i cant refuse" i say with a smirk

"No" the man chuckles

That is the story of my past i have been working for the foundation for several years now working as a security officer i climbed to the ranks of SGT and i worked hard for it i recently heard that the position for captain is available and i put in my application hoping to hear the good news.
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Active member
Jun 21, 2023
+Fun guy to be around
+Rarely messed around and gets the job done
+Good experience with leadership
+Understands the responsibilities of a captain

Good luck Donny hope you get it mate
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Application Accepted

Hello Mr. Donny

Thank you for applying for the Captain position. The General Security Department would like to express an interest in progressing your career to the station of GSD Captain however an interview will be required. Please note that the interview is a failable process.

You are to contact a Department Chief of Security in external comms to arrange a date for your interview.

Kindest Regards,
Dpt. Chief Maksim.
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