[UK] 'Hangman' Security Captain Application

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Steam ID:
- STEAM_0:1:125114254

Discord name:
- FreddieC#8532

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
- 41 Days vTime | Joined 6 months ago

- 17

In what country are you located?:
- UK

Time zone:

Character name(s):
- Foundation: 'Hangman'
- CI: Freddie Heidrick [Not Used]

Civilian name:
- Frederick Helinski [Not Used]

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
- UK
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

[Holding] Site Advisor
[Holding] Ethics Committee Assistant [Hold the whitelist but no activity requirement]
[Holding] Executive Researcher [Same as above for ECA]
[Holding] 096 Whitelist
[Held] MTF E-11 Command Sergeant [CSG]
[Held] MTF E-11 Specialist [SPC]
[Held] Omega-1 Lance Corporal [LCPL]
[Held] CI-Delta

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

1 FailRP - May 19th
1 RDM - June 2nd

Why are you applying for Security Captain?

- I am choosing to apply for security captain after a long time with the Gensec department, I as many people do started as a cadet and have held the requirements needed for Sergeant and had a lot of experience as a Riot Sergeant I have played a lot of Gensec and have recently found a lot more passion to help out and get involved with gensec mainly through the new CoS and I personally believe there is a lot more competency throughout the senior team of gensec and the members who run the department which prior to this had swayed me away from applying and being part of the team.

- I feel I would like to take upon the role of Security Captain in order to assist with the new ideas and implementations that in particular Chief Eidolon wishes to introduce in a bid to improve the department as a whole and make gensec great again as you could put it, This can be done through many different methods some of which I am aware of through general work on the Site Administration team.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:

- I believe I am suitable for the role of captain due to my lengthy experience not only in CL4 roles but also the experience within gensec after having been part of the community and actively playing gensec every so often for the past 6 months or so, This provides me with a relatively good knowledge of gensec and the way in which they operate especially under new management with CoS changes and general policy/ruling change, I also would like to engage further with how gensec operate and train cadets/officers on the way in which they should conduct themselves and how to earn a license for Heavy weapons or riot response.

- Recently I have also had large amounts of interaction with gensec and their seniors due to me conducting a review for the department as a member of Site Administration, this has given me a good insight into the new changes that as previously stated in particular CoS Eidolon wishes to implement in order to largely improve gensec whether this be in forms of new trainings or new policies and handbooks for the lower members to read and understand easier than what has been previously available to them.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:

- Ensure cadets, officers and sergeants are performing to the expected level of gensec and putting across a good image for the rest of the site to see.
- Hand out punishments where necessary for members when they fall below expectations and ensure any issues are ironed out.
- Ensuring regular lectures and trainings as such are held for policy updates and ensuring all personnel know what they are doing and what to do in certain situations in specific Code Black procedures.
- Performing and leading sweeps in cooperation with MTF Forces and using gensec assets and materials to there full potential and uses.
- Provide regular trainings for Heavy weapons and Riot Response licenses to allow for gensec members to progress the ranks and not be held back.
- Always ensure personnel are credited for good work and always recognised.
- Train personnel on the CoC & CoE in an effort to remove the stigma around gensec about them being extremely unethical at times.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:

'Hangman' Has recently taken up a new position in the Site Administration team and immediately began by taking up the role of conducting a bi-weekly review on the General security department, throughout the past week or so 'Hangman' has taken a big liking to the department and sees the potential of the department with proper management which has recently been introduced with new methods and trainings being brought in and utilised in order to ensure the gensec department is running smoothly and working as efficiently as possible improving their own reputation.

During 'Hangman's Long stay at the site so far he has had many interactions with the general security department within multiple departments such as through MTF Experiences and cooperation with breaches or providing support to gensec in a sweep, Or even with internal affairs to assist with CoE questions and on the occasion breaches of the CoE or CoC. He has also had a lot of experience within the department himself from past experience such as all the way from cadet and being unlicensed to Riot sergeant and having received every license he can gain from the general security department and MTF's as a whole leaving him with little stone unturned through the site which is the way 'Hangman' typically likes things to be done.

He has also held multiple positions holding the clearance level of 4. Whether this be Executive Researcher or Ethics Committee Assistant this gave him a lot of experience before taking up his new role within the Site Administration team to gain the knowledge and expertise that he needs, on top of this he also has an extreme amount of combative experience through two separate recruitments with MTF Epsilon-11 as well Omega-1, Fighting breaches and protecting personnel whilst being a part of many trainings to improve his combative experience even further, Whilst these roles are all roles he has held and no longer does other than the exception of ECA And Executive researcher of which he holds the rights to practice as but is not regularly working as. 'Hangman' is looking for a new position to balance out his life between Site Administration and Gensec giving him a 'break' as such between one or the other but whilst also remaining active and professional for both of the departments and ensuring he is actively performing to the best of his abilities to both roles whilst also gaining even further experience as CL4 within a whole new department with new policies and rules!

Thank you for reading and as always leave any and all feedback positive or negative!
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