[UK] Hans 'Table' Dierder's Director of External Affairs Application

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DarkRP Staff
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Aug 2, 2023
London, England
Hans Dierder's Director of External Affairs Application

Out of Character Section

Steam ID:

Discord Name:

For how long have you played on CN SCP:
I've been actively playing SCP-RP since June 2023. During this time I have in total just shy of 460 hours.

19 Years Old

In what country are you located?:
England, United Kingdom

Time Zone:

Character name(s):
Hans Dierder

Civilian name:

What server are you applying for?:

Do you have a mic?:
I do indeed.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Currently Holding:

> DEA Agency Manager
> Ethics Committee Assistant
> SCP-096 Whitelist
> SCP-22415 Whitelist

Previously Held:
> MTF Nu-7 CSG [HH-O]
> MTF E-11 SPC
> CI-A

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? if so, why?:
Fear RP - 13th August 2023​


Why are you applying for Director of External Affairs?
The main reason I am putting in my application for the position of Director of External Affairs, is the simple fact that I am so incredibly passionate about the department. It is truly my favourite thing to do on-site as it has so many opportunities for roleplay as well as a good mix of combative and non-combative roleplay. I have been in the DEA for months now and have enjoyed every second of my time here. If my application were to be accepted, I would truly feel honored to be able to run the Department with the help of my Team. It truly does feel like a little family we are starting to build and I want to continue the work that led us to where we now are.

Another reason is wanting to lead this Department into the future. I wish to work with everyone to ensure the betterment of the department and to allow everyone no matter who you are, where you're from or what you mainly do on Site-65 to enjoy their time and feel like they contributed to something that will last forever in server Lore. I feel like if I were accepted I would make an incredible leader for reasons I will state in the next question. I really want to ensure the Department will be the best it can be at all times. I wish to continually work on bringing the roleplay standards of the Department up whilst maintaining a fun environment for people to enjoy.

Lastly, a reason why I'm applying for the Director position is that I wish to build a team of people inside the DEA who are able to create and lead roleplay scenes that Agents and Senior Agents are able to hop on and join without really needing any information to enjoy a scene. For this to be possible I require the spot of Director, this way I'll be able to pick out new and existing talent and be able to put them into the positions where they are able to create these roleplay scenarios.

What makes you suitable for Director of External Affairs?:
The main thing that makes me suitable for the Directorship position is my ability to be proactive. During my tenure as an Agency Manager, I have been able to create and introduce ideas that have greatly increased the activity of the DoEA as well as the professionalism, initiative and roleplay standards. Since introducing my first big rework - The Senior Agent Promotion Path System (Points) - I have had a huge increase in Agents showing a desire to progress, as they know that it's fair and that they can do it. I have also seen many more documents being produced by Agents which makes me, personally, over the moon to see. Documents are usually seen as boring tedious work, but I am now having documents uploaded to SCiPNET, handed to my desk or pinned on our board for EVERY interaction, which is how it should be in my opinion. That change alone has made people want to progress in the DoEA and I have noticed a large number of people interested in committing to the Department full-time and wanting CL4 positions.

I have also worked on a number of other things including doing a bunch of Roster work which has made everything a lot more understandable - allowing agents to better understand how the ranking structure works. I've also created RP with the UNGOC in specific and created a dedicated CL4 DEA open comms line, allowing us to communicate as a last resort backup if the politics up top get rocky, there is a dire need for this comms system for the DEA and UNGOC due to threats such as information leaks, breached SCPs and other relations in order to keep everyone secure. I've also taken the initiative to rework a lot of our external communications (discord channel cleanup and additions) which allows the command team to better communicate. All of the ideas I have implemented have been a massive success and I truly believe this is only just the start for what I have planned if I were to be accepted.

I'd like to say that one of my best qualities is the ability to remain calm and patient in tense or stressful situations. I believe this is necessary to take up a Director position, due to the Department taking on a lot of the new people who arrive at Site-65 who may not know everything straight away. This helps as well as the rising tensions between the GOIs can often lead to people getting emotional and forgetting our mission, which is to ensure relations stay in the green - or at least yellow - so that we can stick to our mission of "Secure. Contain. Protect".

Lastly, what makes me a suitable candidate is that at the end of the day, I truly want the department to be the best of the best and lead it into a new future of DoEA where we are a Serious presence on the server, whilst remaining fun and enjoyable to any returning, new or active member of the Department.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of External Affairs in RP?:
Creating roleplay is the biggest responsibility for the Director of External Affairs, as an RP leader you are expected to actively create and develop new ideas for the Department to enjoy and work on. Examples of this could be working with RP Leaders of other GOIs to allow for natural scenes to develop as well as working with Site Command and Site Administration to allow people to have fun.

Encouraging progression is another huge responsibility, guiding Agents and Senior Agents to take up more responsibility and showing them that it is not a scary role that takes a robot to do, everyone is human at the end of the day and it may be a lot of their first chances at CL4 roleplay and people need that little support to take the jump into leading roleplay.

Ensuring that there is a high number of active DoEA members who actively play on the server is a big job for the Director, if people aren't enjoying themselves they wont play, making your position useless to everyone. Therefore it is the job of the Director to be a friendly face to everyone and to keep things fresh so the gameplay loop does not get stale.

Working with Site Command and GOIs to create and manage operations is vital to the health of DoEA, whilst lower ranks may just enjoy hopping on, patrolling the surface and taking down a few SCPs, for dedicated members that can get boring really fast If that's the only thing they have to do - So managing operations to ensure that there is fresh roleplay is critical.

Lastly, creating ideas and constant innovation are big parts of being the Director, if I am to be accepted at no point do I intend to sit down and say "That's good enough." I wish to constantly take on feedback from Agents on what could be done better and if there are any issues they will be sorted as soon as possible.

Please give some lore about your Director of External Affairs character and what storylines they would be involved in:
I have attached My Characters Lore, this timeline will be an offshoot of Chapter 3 and I will be adding a subsection of this character shortly. The addition to Chapter 3 will involve Operations I have been a part of since being promoted to Agency Manager and if accepted, eventually include my time as a Director as a permanent addition to my lore.
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Blacklisted Player
Jun 21, 2023

Ever since Hans became agency manager, he has taken the initiative to improve DEA. A look at the DEA seniors chat can prove how much work he is doing for the department and that he would be a good fit for director.
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The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .

Hello, @harryflynndev Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation.

After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. Your request has been moved onto the next stage. Get in contact with a representative to arrange an interview.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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