[UK] Horizont (Ragamuffins) Executive Researcher Application

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For how long have you played on CG SCP
Well, I started playing in December 2021, I believe.
[HERE is my !time. You can tell when i am on researcher writing docs by the yellow lines.]


In what country are you located?
Czech Republic

Time zone
GMT +1

Character name(s)
harlow "horizont" seven

Civilian name
Vladimir Russo

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA)

Do you have a mic?
Yes, I do.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held
Sr. Researcher

A1 2x CPL+Lcpl
GSD Captain
IA Ambassador
O1 2x SGT+Cpl
Nu7 2x CSG
Director of Medicine
Overseer Assistant
Senior Agent [External Affairs]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?
Currently i got only one FearRP warning active. Here is the CLIP of what happened.
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?
Personally, I believe I am suitable for the executive role for a few reasons. Firstly, I am active, as you could see in a previous question where I provided a link to a screenshot of my !time month menu. You can see my activity on R&D by looking at the yellow lines.

I would say (and executives too) I make excellent documents, always trying to improve them. I put a lot of effort into creating these documents. Also, I consider myself a quick learner, always trying to learn something new. Additionally, once I set a goal, I am filled with determination to achieve it.

I would also say I am friendly and enjoy assisting others. I believe I have a good temper and am capable of providing constructive criticism to researchers on their documents. Additionally, I have previous CL4 experience.

Having been part of this community for about two years, I believe people can tell that I am trustworthy. All of this, makes me suitable for the executive role.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
In the past, I've created a lot of documents that are probably forgotten by now. Right now, I have one finished document and two almost completed ones that most likely will be excellent. I've recently become the lead in an operation, which has made it harder for me to focus on tests. Currently, I'm working on a document for the operation, and so far I think it's going well.

I believe my documents are really good because I put a lot of time and effort into them. I'm always trying to make them better and more interesting. I am also trying to make it with roleplay. And lastly, I check my documents like 5 TIMES before i upload/give them to an executive to ensure there is nothing missing/there are no grammatical mistakes. That is why I think i make good documents.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?
-Help new researchers-
Help new researchers with documentation, introduce them to the department, assist them with tests, and more. Generally, teach them how the R&D works and what we do!

-Read and grade uploaded documents by R&D-
Another duty is to read and grade uploaded documents. As part of this duty, you are to review a document uploaded by a researcher, ask them to meet up to discuss what they can and should improve, and then grade it. Depending on the grade, the researcher should be paid.

-Approve certain tests-
You might also get asked to approve certain things, such as a Cross-Test, weapon authorization in a test, or even an SCP-008 test. Certain tests cannot be authorized by you, so you will need to send them to higher-ups (DoR, EC, O5).

-Conduct informative lectures for research personnel-
Also, you will be conducting lectures. Although I believe this is not necessary, I would say it is recommended. For example, a lecture on how to create documents will teach Jr. to Sr. researchers how to make documents. There can be more lectures, let's say about policies, which would prevent researchers from breaking policies so often. So, in my opinion, you should be doing lectures. Not to mention, it teaches multiple people at once.

-Conduct tests and make documentation-
You should also continue with tests and making documents. After all, as a researcher, your main duty is to conduct tests and create documents. This not only creates roleplay, but also shows that you are active as an Executive.

-Create or involve yourself in operations-
Another duty is to create or participate in an operation. This helps to create roleplay and demonstrates that you are active. Additionally, creating operations makes roleplay for others too.

-Handle CL4 responsibilities-
As a CL4, your main objectives are to oversee your department, report any information leaks to ISD, closing PW BD in an emergency (C5, etc.), and ensure you do not get kidnapped.

-Seek ways to improve the research department-
You should also suggest ways to improve the department, such as proposing policy changes or changing access to certain SCPs.

-Do sampling tests and make chemicals-
You should conduct sampling tests and create chemicals. These chemicals are essential for various tests and operations within the Foundation. Additionally, other departments may require chemicals like amnestics, crucial for maintaining Foundation secrecy.

-Maintain capital-
Lastly, you should try to secure financial resources. This is necessary to pay researchers for their work and to produce chemicals.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in.





Director of Research: Please give me file of Sr. Research Teegun "Ragamuffin" Apollo.

Understood! Loading File.





Teegun Apollos File
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Application Review​
Good Evening Seven,

Thank you for showing an interesting in joining the Site-65 Executives team, I regret to inform you that this application will not be elevated to interview and has been denied. The reasons for this denial can be elaborated on if you should choose to request them.

Kind regards,
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