[UK] Jackie's Special Agent Application

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Mar 8, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:49480037

Discord name: veterann

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 6 months of play time but since join date is 2 years.

Age: 19

In what country are you located?: UK

Time zone: GMT +1

Character name(s): Jackie "Parts" Bogs

Civilian name: Jackie Taylor

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes

What are your total levels?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- 1x MTF O-1 Lieutenant (Held)
- 1x CI-Beta (Held)
- 2x CI-Alpha (Held)
- 1x Special Agent (Held)
- 1x MTF Nu-7 Lance Corporal (Held)
- 1x MTF Nu-7 Private (Holding but planning to discharge)
- 1x ISD Agent (Holding)
- 1x DEA Senior Agent (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 2x Mic spam (2022)
- 1x RDM (2023)

How long have you been a Senior Agent for?
- 2-3 Weeks.

Why are you applying for Special Agent?
- I am applying for Special Agent to further my career in the DEA, I do enjoy playing as the DEA and have a huge interest in the department. It has many tasks and roles that fit my playstyle and I would actually like to be in more of a leadership role in the department.

What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:
-There are many reasons why I am suitable. I have learned multiple things during my time in the DEA and have gained skills in negotiation and leadership. I've put a lot of time into DEA and I want to help contribute to its leadership and what makes the DEA a good department. I have also tried to listen and be more open to advice and listen to criticisms to improve myself in the DEA.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
- Though I have not written many documents, I do know that a good document needs to be in depth and clear, able to put its message across to the reader and be written with no grammar mistakes and mistakes in punctuation, it needs to be professional and concise and offer key information on what the topic is about. Pictures also help understand the subject material and give it a more professional look.

What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:
- There are multiple responsibilities of a Special Agent in RP Situations and Scenarios, to name a few like the induction of new DEA agents, holding and answering GOI comms with hostage negotiation and general conversation, help out in surface operations as a field agent and hold a leadership role, approving GOIs like MC&D and GOC into the facility and many more.

Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- Jackie Bogs, a relatively quiet upbringing in a remote forest in Yukon, Canada which shaped his moral compass and compassion for hunting and marksmanship but also brought up his reliance on effectiveness to get something done. At the age of 21 he decided to join the Canadian Military after a quick stint as a Hunter, this is something that was new to him and taught him a lot and gave him a sense of ambition, this ambition made him climb the ranks and get into training for JTF2, a special operations force in the Canadian military.

Through the harsh training that he was put through, even more was taught to him through hard work and tough leadership, showing him the struggles an operative would have to go through and it made her respect him superiors. Once he passed, he focused on special reconnaissance missions overseas and in Canada. Many of them containing strange occurrences and things that he never understood but never looked into.

During a quick reconnaissance mission in the Alberta wilderness, it's when everything changed from reconnaissance to combat with an anomalous entity which changed his whole view on life, when he and his squad finally evacuated the area, a massive feeling hung over him like she was being watched over and over. When he got back to base and went into the barracks, that's when he was taken and brought to an underground facility in the middle of nowhere, instead of amnesticating him, like they did to his squad, they recognised his skill and usefulness to them and he was asked to be recruited into the SCP Foundation, with a new opportunity handed to him and a massive amount of curiosity, he took it and was placed in the Department of External Affairs.

Due to his reconnaissance skills and inherent ability to adapt to situations, he quickly became recognised by his superiors and climbed to the rank of Senior Agent in the department, his skills with negotiation and cooperation improved as he climbed. Looking at where he came from, the middle of nowhere in Yukon into an important asset to the SCP Foundation showed his dedication and the ambition he was given during the military to become something better.
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Jan 16, 2022


WELCOME : █████████

ORIGIN: DEArecruitment@██████.██

The following message has been composed via the consensus of DEA Leadership.
Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request.
This request is to be elevated to the next stage.
We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​
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