[UK] Jacobi Masters OSA Application

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:70105258

Discord name: Father Wulfric

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since the day it opened

Age: 21

In what country are you located?: England

Time zone: GMT(BST)

Character name(s):
ISD Commissioner Jacobi Masters
l Omega-1 CPL 'Patrix' l Tech Expert Betty Tyrcer l CI-Gamma Samuel 'Hackerman'

Civilian name: Don't have one I only use civilian for events.

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Site Advisor
l ISD Commissioner l ISD Inspector l Ethics Committee Assistant l CI-Delta l CI-Gamma l E-11 SGT l Nu7 PVT
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Nope

My Current Vtime:


What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:

I believe I am a great candidate for OSA for a a variety of reasons the first being my experience. As stated above I have been playing on the server since the day it opened I have seen the server change and evolve over the years for better of for worse, as such I have a great understanding of the servers inner workings and understand why a lot of changes have been made despite not appearing to be so well on paper, additionally I have played a variety of roles and whilst hosting events, and when I was staff dealing with sits, I have come to gain a lot of knowledge of almost all the jobs on the server and know them inside in out, the people who play them, their policies and protocols, etc..

Another reason I believe I would be an ideal candidate for OSA is my ability to create RP, with my previous and current experience I have been creating a variety of RP both as a gamemaster but also on my characters. The first roleplay I would generate was back in the start of the server performing tests as a researcher setting up unique and roleplay driven tests with progressive testing that built on previous tests such as a series on SCP 096 into how light is affected when in contact with 096's face, or SCP 1162 to discover what is inside of the hole or SCP 939 going down alternative methods of combating the SCP via sonic weaponry. This was just at the start in the present I actively attempt to create as much roleplay as possible on commissioner by creating unique operations or by working with other departments to create roleplay scenarios such as working with medical for a mandatory drug test on ISD or by puling some "dodgy" stuff on ISD for the greater good of the foundation, I will not elaborate on this anymore as that RP is still ongoing.

Furthermore I believe I am a worthy candidate for OSA because of my documentation skills. Throughout my time on the server I have created multiple documents starting off at research where I created a large amount of documents starting off rocky but eventually getting perfect grade documents whilst still as a Junior Researcher, afterwards I created many documents for the Ethics Committee during my time as ECA writing out many documents with a pre-set templates for things such as the original personnel dossiers but also creating many of my own documents with my own formatting such as questionnaires and reports from incidents or for ongoing operations. Finally in the present day why I don't make as many documents as I use to I still create a fair amount of documents as ISD and have even made the current 2 documents used for training brand new ISD members, on top of this I have also handed out templates for people to use for things such as arrest reports or warrants.

Finally I believe I am the best candidate for OSA thank to my activity and ability to resolve any situation with any person on site, no matter the rank.
As shown above I am a very active player who is on almost everyday for multiple hours, a quick calculation of my Vtime shows I'm on the server for 5.7 hours per day on average not including days I'm not on at all, in addition to this as stated prior my great experience has allowed me to be in many situations a number of times and I have become proficient at dealing with a variety of situations. I have also taken the initiative in many occasions to actively improve how I conduct myself on the server to improve my RP and interactions with players along with dealing with completely original and new situations calmly and rationally.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:

An OSA has a variety of responsibilities with the basis to server the O5 council above all else, the main responsibility of an OSA is to carry out the orders/operations assigned to them by the O5 council. This is an OSAs primary duty and the rest of their job stems from this as they live to serve the O5 council, to perform their operations an OSA may need to create documents to bring to the council or work with Alpha-1 to assist them in more physically demanding tasks such as gathering information through interrogation or carrying out an investigation.

The second main responsibility for an OSA is to act as a liaison between O5 and all other site personnel being the primary point of contact between them, in addition to this they will also review documentation and information to be sent off to the council to ensure everything is proper and that the councils time is not wasted on tom foolery. Another part of acting as liaison for O5 is that OSAs will stand in for an O5 in their place and do a lot of talking to most personnel in order to keep the O5s identity hidden for their safety and will essentially act as the mouth piece of an O5 whilst communicating with them in externals, although this varies depending on the you're dealing with.
Why do you wish to become an Overseer Assistant?:

The reason I wish to become an OSA is as seen above I have held a variety of jobs and positions and performed much RP however the F3 side of things is currently my most lacking spot in which I have had the least involvement with, including in events, as such I wish to become an OSA in order to become more involved in the F3 side of the facility and discover a new part of RP which I have left unexplored until now.

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Radcliff Delgado was a young man who has been working at the foundation for 3 years in Site-44 as part of the Cryptozoology Division, his job was that of a liaison between the Division and the on Site Mobile Task Forces in order to co-ordinate efforts in researching and containing many anomalous fauna discovered in Britain. During his time at Site-44 Radcliff had gained great success and even married a woman named Cecilia Chan, his life couldn't have been better and such is the way of the foundation his life would not get better and everything would crumble for Radcliff. One day when going through his emails Radcliff had noticed a new email from a unknown sender registered to the office of site command, Radcliff opened the email and in it was an invitation to work at the infamously awful Site-65 an offer Radcliff was quick to decline.

Another year would go by and Radcliff's wife would eventually give birth to their daughter Emily Delgado and Radcliff couldn't be happier until Radcliff got his pay check that month, upon checking Radcliff was bewildered to realise he had been paid not even a fraction of his full salary and immediately took a complaint to head of accounts at Site-44 however it seems the pay was cut by someone higher than the manager of accounts and they could do nothing to remedy the issue. Radcliff was furious but more than that he was worried, despite having saved up money, with the pay Radcliff was now receiving it would only be a matter of months until eventually they wouldn't be able to afford rent or food, scared for the safety and security of his family Radcliff desperately sought a way out of this mess and then he received another email on his phone, it was the same invitation he had received a year prior to sign up for Site-65 and work under this unknown individual. Radcliff was stunned and infuriated by this, did someone really cut his salary purely to force him into working at Site-65, he couldn't believe it however there was one small change to the new email compared to the one a year prior, it showed just how much Radcliff would be paid. Radcliff double checked but no the number he read was right, the offer he had been made was double, no triple the amount of money he had been making at Site-44. Radcliff bit his lip and thought careful, tempted by his want for more money and shoved by the needs of his family Radcliff reluctantly agreed to the offer and within the week him and his family moved to North Canada.


Well-known Member
Jan 22, 2025

Almost every single interaction I’ve had with you has been quite negative, same with what others have said to me. I don’t really see you trying to create roleplay that is enjoyable for everyone, instead it usually seems to be created to be enjoyed by yourself.

A question I could ask you that could change my mind is what would you do to improve yourself while being OSA?